[XBOX360] Microsoft new 720 rule makes games look worse (?!)
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Sep 2009 16:47    Post subject: [XBOX360] Microsoft new 720 rule makes games look worse (?!)

In a column published today on Develop, Black Rock Studio (Pure, Split/Second) technical director David Jeffrries revealed that Microsoft has removed an item from its TCRs (Technical Certification Requirements) that stated all Xbox 360 games must run at a minimum of 1280x720 (720p) resolution if the system is in HD mode. According to Jeffries, this was done earlier this year so that developers could be "free to make the trade-off between resolution and image quality as we see fit."

Joystiq has confirmed with a trusted source familiar with Microsoft's TCRs that Jeffries' claim is legit. Not only that, but, as of March 2009, Xbox 360 developers are no longer required to utilize full-screen anti-aliasing in their games. The elimination of both requirements is especially noteworthy since the console maker had touted that all 360 games would run at a minimum of 720p with at least 2x FSAA since before the hardware launched.

Full Story: joystiq.com
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Sep 2009 17:01    Post subject:
it's not like all developers will go and make crappy looking games now just because they can.

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Sep 2009 17:06    Post subject:
Surray wrote:
it's not like all developers will go and make crappy looking games now just because they can.
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Sep 2009 17:30    Post subject:
erm....there is no new rule about 60 FPS so we might wanna change the fictional topic title Wink

In short, MS took out 2 rules from their TCR. The resolution no longer has to be 1280x720 (which we knew as Halo 3 wasn't) and now you no longer have to do 2x AA (full screen).

It does potentially mean games could end up looking like Ghostbusters on the PS3 but you can flip it the other way and games could look better. Jefferies is quoted at saying...
By asserting that screen resolution is more important than anti-aliasing we’re leaving ourselves vulnerable when the customer’s LCD decides it’s going to rescale the image to a new resolution anyway. If we instead assume that the LCD is going to rescale then, for some games, it might be more sensible to present it with a better anti-aliased but lower resolution image in the first place.

"[developers are now] free to make the trade-off between resolution and image quality as we see fit.

The full source is here. Joystiq merely grabbed some of the complete article.
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Posts: 4051
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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 03:29    Post subject:
Whats the deal with the topic?? Article doesnt mention anything about mandatory frame rates. If it looks good thats all that matters, what ever way that goal is achieved.
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 11:39    Post subject:
Titled changed, although I couldn't fit in "Spider is stupid" so I just wrote (?!) instead

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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 13:08    Post subject:
Mediocrity, that's the name of the game, ask any bean counter.

We have mediocrity in our schools, government, in industry, so why not in our games too?

The reality is that the XBOX360 was too little too soon, the PS3 can just about call itself a seventh generation console, JUST about, while it would be a sick and dark joke to suggest the 360 is.
No, at the end of the day both the Xbox & the PS3 are callous bottom-line driven projects to snap up what MS & Sony saw as a potentially huge captured market.

Sega's DC was the last true innovator prior to bottom line economics coming into play.

Cutting edge? Vision?
Nah, just mediocrity............

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Posts: 520

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 13:14    Post subject:
Surray wrote:
it's not like all developers will go and make crappy looking games now just because they can.

why put in hard work to get 30FPS locked 720p when they can just knock the res down. no reason. we suffer. stupid shitty move from shitty company it is to be expected. i look forward to 576p tetris on natal next year FUN!!
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 13:16    Post subject:
Wow you guys, you do realize that before this requirement was lifted only half the games were using antialiasing. But if lower than 720p becomes normal for every new game then that sucks Sad

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 13:35    Post subject:
twobells wrote:

Sega's DC was the last true innovator prior to bottom line economics coming into play.

RIP Dreamcast, a truly spectacular console that died way before its time.
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 13:44    Post subject:
Glottis wrote:
Wow you guys, you do realize that before this requirement was lifted only half the games were using antialiasing. But if lower than 720p becomes normal for every new game then that sucks Sad

Hmm, when I read that AA requirement I was like wtf ! I've seen some pretty brutal aliasing on the 360 (on a high-quality TV)

P.S.: DreamCast died due to Saturn's earlier ultra-fail.
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 13:58    Post subject:
twobells wrote:
Mediocrity, that's the name of the game, ask any bean counter.

We have mediocrity in our schools, government, in industry, so why not in our games too?

The reality is that the XBOX360 was too little too soon, the PS3 can just about call itself a seventh generation console, JUST about, while it would be a sick and dark joke to suggest the 360 is.
No, at the end of the day both the Xbox & the PS3 are callous bottom-line driven projects to snap up what MS & Sony saw as a potentially huge captured market.

Sega's DC was the last true innovator prior to bottom line economics coming into play.

Cutting edge? Vision?
Nah, just mediocrity............


Wow, so much bullshit compressed into just several lines of text.
Do you realize that most games that run at 720p on X360 run at a lower res on PS3? That MS used expensive prototype technology for it's GPU? That the PS3, although it launched a year later then the X360, uses older GPU tech?

Neither of these consoles is mediocre (the PS3 just suffers from wrong money investment: too much for CPU and optical media and too little for GPU, which is the most important part of a gaming machine).

But I think that what you say wil be true for the next generation of consoles. The Wii was made as cheap as possible with a gimmicky controller that serves little use for actual gaming but turned out to be a best seller.
I think that the next consoles of MS and Sony will be similar: lots of gimmicks (motion control, 3D, camera interaction,...) but little gaming value.

Back to topic: although 720p was officially required, many X360 games (and even more PS3 games) released so far run at a lower res. MS is just making an official statement to a something that was unofficial practice for a long time anyway.
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 14:00    Post subject:
BigBasher wrote:
Surray wrote:
it's not like all developers will go and make crappy looking games now just because they can.

why put in hard work to get 30FPS locked 720p when they can just knock the res down.

because better graphics = better sales
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Posts: 520

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 15:18    Post subject:
halo 3 was low res. looked like shit and sold millions
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 15:27    Post subject:
BigBasher wrote:
halo 3 was low res. looked like shit and sold millions

So true. Especially in multiplayer that game looks simply horrible. I loaded up some multiplayer map and was horrified. It has jaggies everywhere, lighting from 2002, shadows from 2002, particles from 2002.

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 16:15    Post subject:
And just think about all the people still playing CS 1.6...
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 16:45    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
And just think about all the people still playing CS 1.6...

I'm not a GFX whore if that's where your comment was aimed at. CS is a 10 year old mod and it looks ok for a 10 year old mod. Halo 3 on the other hand is a 2 year old extremely high budget game.

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Xbox 360 Elite, PS2 Slim, Xbox
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Sep 2009 17:02    Post subject:
Glottis wrote:
deelix wrote:
And just think about all the people still playing CS 1.6...

I'm not a GFX whore if that's where your comment was aimed at. CS is a 10 year old mod and it looks ok for a 10 year old mod. Halo 3 on the other hand is a 2 year old extremely high budget game.

and you know that Halo3 is a AAA 640p
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