The game doesn't recognize my gamepad's right analog stick (ancient Thrustmaster Firestorm), so I'm trying to use Xpadder. The problem is that the game switches to gamepad mode automatically. Any way to block the game from detecting my gamepad?
The game doesn't recognize my gamepad's right analog stick (ancient Thrustmaster Firestorm), so I'm trying to use Xpadder. The problem is that the game switches to gamepad mode automatically. Any way to block the game from detecting my gamepad?
So, is there any kind of a coop crack that works? What I browsed from the thread, there's some kind of a hamachi spoof that works on 37% of people?
And if not, this Live key thing, is there a tutorial on it somewhere? I'd like to play this game with a friend of mine, do we both need our own key? What key to get? Etc. Sorry for being a total newbie.
I'd rather get this working on PC than buy 2 copies for our Xboxes.
Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition Famitsu Scans:
- The extra element was planned from the beginning of the game production
- The size is too big to be a DLC
- Co-op
- Jun Takeuchi's 1st gameplay was about 1 hr 40 minutes.
- New game mode is scheduled (unsure what it means)
- For 360 it will be prepared in a different form
And then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM guess_who_kthxbai YOU SEE! Mm!"
- Capcom came up with the name "Alternative Edition" because the term "Complete Edition" didn't seem appropriate when considering the adequacy of the original package.
- Capcom wanted to place the new content in the original release, but felt that the game was adequate already, and wanted to get it released soon.
- When the original game was released, players expressed their desire to play as Jill.
- Capcom originally proposed to make the new content downloadable, but there was too much content for that.
- The game begins at the entrance of the Spencer Mansion featured in the flashback of the original game, but fans of the original Biohazard will certainly love the new content.
- The Spencer mansions in Biohazard and Biohazard 5 are indeed separate.
- The game is intended for the PS3 Motion Controller. The series' combat system warranted the addition of the motion controls. The game uses the Dual Shock 3 to move the characters, while the Motion Controller is used for attacking and other functions.
- All the DLC content for the original release can be enjoyed on the Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition disc. Players can play with or against players of the original Biohazard 5.
- Owners of the original can transfer their game saves, trophies, etc. to Alternative Edition.
- Capcom is thinking about adding new costumes and game modes as well.
- The blood in the main hall of the mansion symbolizes that an incident has occurred, and gamers will understand as soon as they step in what that incident was.
- The original Biohazard was a game that did not have a cooperative aspect to it, though Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition will have it in spite of their similar environments.
- The behind-the-shoulder camera will be used, although if you noticed from the screenshots, there are no enemies present…
- When asked whether the enemies with be majinis or zombies, with regards to this chapter, Capcom is making preparations for the type of enemies to be included, especially since the setting is Spencer's mansion, with him actually living there.
- Capcom believes the game will have the types of rooms and locations fans are expecting.
- Takeuchi finished just Jill's episode in 1 hour and 40 minutes, but that is because he is an experienced player. New players should take around 2 hours the first time. Of course, this isn't the only new content being included…
- Capcom understands that there are varying tastes for the Biohazard series up to this point.
- Players who both played through Biohazard 5 and have yet to try it will enjoyed Alternative Edition. Capcom would like buyers of the new PS3 Slim to try the game out, as well.
- Capcom is preparing the Xbox 360 version in a different form, and asks gamers to wait for more information on that in the future.
It's interesting that the game now starts with the playable flashback, and the Africa missions begin 2 hours later. That's a major change.
And then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM guess_who_kthxbai YOU SEE! Mm!"
Sorry to bump this off but this game is just killer!! I played RE4 on the Wii back then and it was awesome and now I just came off 8 hours of RE5 LAN words to describe how FUN this game is. I found out using the keyboard/mouse in the game quite sucks so I used my two ps3 ds3 gamepads via bluetooth and it works flawlessly! took me some time to figure out config.ini to get the gamepad working as should but it was worth it. Anyone in need of help with that just say and I'll put up the config.ini with the correct setting for a six-axis / dual shock 3 gamepad! cheers....
Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition Famitsu Scans:
- The extra element was planned from the beginning of the game production
- The size is too big to be a DLC
- Co-op
- Jun Takeuchi's 1st gameplay was about 1 hr 40 minutes.
- New game mode is scheduled (unsure what it means)
- For 360 it will be prepared in a different form
Hope it will be as fun as the original. Finished RE5 with a friend about a week ago. Nice to see Capcom finally making an excelent PC port. We both and played it using keyboard & mouse controls.
Seemed a little unbalanced since aiming is more precise so we stockpilled a lot of ammo to the point that we even had to drop equipement to make room for new items. It would have been nicer if they kept the blackmarket dealer..but since this is Capcoms first good COOP atempt it's not such a bad thing.
Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition Famitsu Scans:
- The extra element was planned from the beginning of the game production
- The size is too big to be a DLC
- Co-op
- Jun Takeuchi's 1st gameplay was about 1 hr 40 minutes.
- New game mode is scheduled (unsure what it means)
- For 360 it will be prepared in a different form
Jill ValenTAIN? WTF??
I'm not sure that's a mistake. I think it has to do with how the Japanese when they want to use the English alphabet they write exactly as they hear the word.. or something.. Dunno.
And then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM guess_who_kthxbai YOU SEE! Mm!"
Sorry to bump this off but this game is just killer!! I played RE4 on the Wii back then and it was awesome and now I just came off 8 hours of RE5 LAN words to describe how FUN this game is. I found out using the keyboard/mouse in the game quite sucks so I used my two ps3 ds3 gamepads via bluetooth and it works flawlessly! took me some time to figure out config.ini to get the gamepad working as should but it was worth it. Anyone in need of help with that just say and I'll put up the config.ini with the correct setting for a six-axis / dual shock 3 gamepad! cheers....
i have one of those "dual shock" joypads from logitech, wouldnt mind having the ini
also i never used hamachi .... if someone could give me the settings etc needed just to get this game to work on coop
- Capcom came up with the name "Alternative Edition" because the term "Complete Edition" didn't seem appropriate when considering the adequacy of the original package.
- Capcom wanted to place the new content in the original release, but felt that the game was adequate already, and wanted to get it released soon.
- When the original game was released, players expressed their desire to play as Jill.
- The Spencer mansions in Biohazard and Biohazard 5 are indeed separate.
- The game is intended for the PS3 Motion Controller. The series' combat system warranted the addition of the motion controls. The game uses the Dual Shock 3 to move the characters, while the Motion Controller is used for attacking and other functions.
- Capcom is thinking about adding new costumes and game modes as well.
- When asked whether the enemies with be majinis or zombies, with regards to this chapter, Capcom is making preparations for the type of enemies to be included, especially since the setting is Spencer's mansion, with him actually living there.
- Takeuchi finished just Jill's episode in 1 hour and 40 minutes, but that is because he is an experienced player. New players should take around 2 hours the first time. Of course, this isn't the only new content being included…
This looks more to me as milking money PS3 slim edition. It is made for Dual Shock 3 controller. How am I going to play it on PC if they ever release this for PC? You can play as Jill in Mercenary mode and she is awesome. Her double knee melee is instant kill and her use of machine guns is second to none. I really enjoyed playing her. Why you can't play her in SP campaign is obvious. She is part of the story and it would be stupid to fight Wesker and Jill with Jill. Why not play Wesker as well? Wesker's S&W 500 is awesome although his melee doesn't kill instantly.
Capcom is right, game is adequate. No need for some silly Spencer mansion add-on. New costumes? We already got extra costumes in PC version. Warrior outfit for Chris and office outfit for Sheva. Jill has two costumes in Mercenary mode. Majinis in Spencer's mansion!? That's laughable! Why would there be any monsters in the first place? If there are any then it would be standard selection of monsters from original RE or it wouldn't make any sense. Two hours at first play!? It took me more than 12 to finish RE5 completely but I'm lowering that time to under 5 hours to get infinite rocket launcher. On replay you are going to finish this silly add-on in less than 30 minutes. That's not worthy even $10 not $60 for new game.
Maybe they can add some sex content extra like Excella being raped by Uroborous tentacles. That might warrant paying more money for extra content.
PS: Too bad that Sheva's bow doesn't have laser sightings on so you can't target enemies on consoles. You have crosshairs on PC for mouse/keyboard setting.
I do find the whole Spencer Estate thing kind of strange. If there are any virus based creatures there it would be quite odd. I suppose this could feature the first time ever resident evil has you killing non infected humans. They could just reskin the common enemies from RE5. But I doubt they will go this route. I suppose a lab could be under the mansion but even then with past mistakes leading to horrible results would Spencer really be foolish enough to have such creatures under his feet?
I can think of at least 2 B.O.Ws (Nemesis & Mr. X) that take commands and execute them instead of wandering around like mindless zombies, so the Spenser's castle could easily be filled with B.O.Ws that are his bodyguards and will not attack him.
And then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM guess_who_kthxbai YOU SEE! Mm!"
I can think of at least 2 B.O.Ws (Nemesis & Mr. X) that take commands and execute them instead of wandering around like mindless zombies, so the Spenser's castle could easily be filled with B.O.Ws that are his bodyguards and will not attack him.
Actually with Nemesis and Mr.X I don't think they actually are fully controllable. Ignoring the horrible movies of course. Take Nemesis for example he would have no logical reason to attack Carlos or any other Umbrella mercenary but he does. I don't think they care on who they hurt on their way.
But even if you are correct I doubt the Spencer Estate will be full of advanced tyrants as guards. This would simply make the game too difficult or a huge plot hole if they are easily killed as they were not in the past games.
AKofC wrote:
Wesker's there so it could be Wesker's goons and whatever Spencer has.
I don't think this would make sense either. Remember this event takes place before the whole Africa storyline. Wesker didn't even have the idea to use the improved virus nor the ability to yet. It's after he snapped that he had such ambitions. He likely didn't even go there with the plan to kill Spencer.
I wonder what happened to Ada Wong however. She likely stuck with Wesker. Until of course he snaps and wants to infect the world. I wonder if she simply ran away or if he killed her. She would be a threat to his new plan. But I doubt this will be explained.
1) Nemesis followed his orders till the end. Wesker's Report II, Resident Evil Archives, etc (which are all canon) say so. Project Umbrella's articles are based on the original Japanese source books, etc so if you're interested you can read about Nemesis here:
Mr. X was controllable, since in The Umbrella Chronicles Wii game, Sergei uses two of these Tyrants (nicknamed Ivan) as his bodyguards.
Now, I'm not saying that Chris & Jill will fight Tyrants like the above, but they could introduce a smaller B.O.W that is intelligent. For example Hunter II (as seen in Code Veronica) attacked only targets that were being noticed by a robotic device/camera. If such a device was commanded to ignore Spenser then Hunter IIs would only attack everyone else.
2) Wesker used his goons before (the Hive/Hostage Combat Force) to attack Rockfort Island in Code Veronica. So, it's possible he did the same thing again (but I doubt it).
3) As revealed in the final "Ada report" in RE4: Seperate Ways "The Organization", the rival organization to Umbrella and Tricell (aka Seashell in the original draft of the Degeneration movie which means it's most likely the "S." company we learn about in RE4), told her agent Ada Wong to betray Wesker and give him "a different present" while ordering her to bring the Las Plagas Master sample directly to them. They probably decided to do so after they found out that Wesker secretly worked for Tricell too.
While RE5 doesn't mention anything about Ada betraying Wesker it's hinted in a file that Wesker managed to find a Las Plagas Master in the black market, and that's how Excella agreed to work with him in the Uroboros Project.
Basically it goes like this:
Ada Wong a spy from "The Organization" had a boyfriend in "Umbrella's" labs under the Spenser Mansion and was secretly providing data to The Organization. (RE1)
Wesker worked for "S.T.A.R.S." (the police of Raccoon city) but was in fact an agent of Umbrella. Before RE1, at some point, Wesker came in contact with "The Organization" and eventually betrayed Umbrella by sending to The Organization the Tyrant combat data that he collected in RE1 and providing them with T-virus. (RE1)
Ada managed to grab a G-virus sample and Wesker helped her escape from Raccoon City to give it to "The Organization". (RE2 / RE Umbrella Chronicles)
He also provided them with the combat data of Nemesis (NE-alpha parasite) (RE3).
Wesker formed his own private army "H.C.F" which he sent to Rockfort Island to obtain the T-Alexia virus. He successfully did so, but decided it wasn't anything impressive and handed it over "The Organization" as well. (RE CVX)
Wesker made contact with "Tricell" / "S." and promised that he would work with them. "The Organization" found out about this and when they learned about the Los Illuminados cult in Europe, they commanded Ada and Wesker to grab a Las Plagas sample, but Ada was secretly commanded to give Wesker a fake. (RE4)
After his betrayal Wesker started working with "Tricell", but he planned to betray them anyway, when Uroboros was complete. (RE5)
So while as of RE5 both Umbrella and Tricell are destroyed, The Organization continues to exist and they have in their hands T, G and T-Alexia viruses, and I bet Ada continues to work for them. (Unless we learn in a future RE title that Wesker managed to destroy them)
And then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM guess_who_kthxbai YOU SEE! Mm!"
Tricell wasn't destroyed. The Africa division (headed by Excella) probably took a major hit, but the corporation as a whole was big enough to withstand it. As for legal troubles for Tricell similar to Umbrella's after the Raccoon City incident, it's hard to say. They could allege Excella had gone rogue and was using corporate resources for her own benefit, without her superiors' knowledge.
Woohoo just finished for the 3rd time, this time on veteran difficulty with unlimited ammo magnum Collected all the BSAA emblems, unlocked all costumes, unlocked bow and gatling gun. What an amazing game
Got my infinite rocket launcher, infinite S&W 500, infinite jail breaker and many others. I checked some mods but they don't work. Someone built a mod to let you play Jill instead of Sheva. Works in cinematics but can't play Jill.
We need to push them, I remember that recently when they were asked if they're going to continue releasing games on PC, they said "of course we are, we are a member of PC Gaming Alliance, remember? We'll support the PC platform as best as we can, bla bla, etc", so yeah, we need to remind them of their promise!
And then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM guess_who_kthxbai YOU SEE! Mm!"
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