NBA 2K10
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 05:47    Post subject:
With the exception of the first release hours that the servers were clogged up, rest of the download speeds were in the range of 400-500 KB/s. Game is now grabbed, and I'm installing. Shall provide first impressions soon, and if anyone has questions or wants Screenshots, I'll be happy to provide them when not in Uni.

However, GamersGate still doesn't think it is the 9th (US-based business maybe?) so I still have no serial, but most people claim I should be able to get one automatically upon GamersGate's official release of the game.

EDIT: Jumped the gun there. Game needs the serial to activate (via Securom's paul.dll) and therefore I can't start it until GamersGate gives me the serial.

[ i5 2500K (@4.2GHz) / GIGABYTE Z77MX-D3H / 8GB Corsair XMS / GIGABYTE GTX460 1GB OC / 640+750 GB WD Caviar Black ]
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 06:52    Post subject:
Leftos wrote:
With the exception of the first release hours that the servers were clogged up, rest of the download speeds were in the range of 400-500 KB/s. Game is now grabbed, and I'm installing. Shall provide first impressions soon, and if anyone has questions or wants Screenshots, I'll be happy to provide them when not in Uni.

However, GamersGate still doesn't think it is the 9th (US-based business maybe?) so I still have no serial, but most people claim I should be able to get one automatically upon GamersGate's official release of the game.

EDIT: Jumped the gun there. Game needs the serial to activate (via Securom's paul.dll) and therefore I can't start it until GamersGate gives me the serial.

can you upload the game on open tracker?

Lutzifer: no requests, banned
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 06:59    Post subject:
You just registered with NFOHump to request? Did you even bother to read the forum rules?

[ i5 2500K (@4.2GHz) / GIGABYTE Z77MX-D3H / 8GB Corsair XMS / GIGABYTE GTX460 1GB OC / 640+750 GB WD Caviar Black ]
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 07:42    Post subject:
Well, still no release yet. Around what time do you think you'll get the key leftos?
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Posts: 29

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 09:59    Post subject:
The keys are now available apparently (in your profile according to someone on another forum that used GamersGate to).

I am thinking of buying it myself through GamersGate, any of you guys have any experience with patching GamersGate games though? Wondering how that works, I know Steam is pretty good in that regard but I am not sure I like Steam and only releases the game on Monday, want to play this Sunday Wink

My only option for the DVD version is at the moment but that means I won't have it on Sunday either as I am from the Netherlands (shipping takes 2-3 business days according to their site).
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 10:24    Post subject:
I can confirm the keys are available, I have mine but I'm at Uni for some hours more.

I can't get why a game like NBA 2K10 which doesn't even use registry entries or anything would have problems getting patched by the retail patches. Even if no Digital Download specific patch is released, you can always wait for the cracked one which makes no difference between DD and original DVD download.

GamersGate tries to get all the patches available, but I have seen people complaining over delays in the Game Tutor forums about some games. I guess it all depends on whether 2K is willing to cooperate with GamersGate and whether GamersGate will bother with getting around to making patches available.

Anyway, even if a patch gets released, you can wait for the cracked version.

[ i5 2500K (@4.2GHz) / GIGABYTE Z77MX-D3H / 8GB Corsair XMS / GIGABYTE GTX460 1GB OC / 640+750 GB WD Caviar Black ]
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Posts: 17857
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 10:42    Post subject:
Amazing game, 'my player' is very addicting, you lead you player like in fifa for ex. threw training camps and summer league into an nba team.

MUCH better than Live.
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 10:55    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
Amazing game, 'my player' is very addicting, you lead you player like in fifa for ex. threw training camps and summer league into an nba team.

MUCH better than Live.

How much interaction is there in 'my player' ? The biggest problem I have with Madden 10's 'Create a Superstar' is the lack of interaction with my player towards everything else, coach, real world, other players and visible progression in training(and better training sessions) and lack of commentary when playing in superstar mode.
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Posts: 17857
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 11:04    Post subject:
zipfero wrote:
madmax17 wrote:
Amazing game, 'my player' is very addicting, you lead you player like in fifa for ex. threw training camps and summer league into an nba team.

MUCH better than Live.

How much interaction is there in 'my player' ? The biggest problem I have with Madden 10's 'Create a Superstar' is the lack of interaction with my player towards everything else, coach, real world, other players and visible progression in training(and better training sessions) and lack of commentary when playing in superstar mode.
Can't say yet I'm fighting not to get cut by the Magic I'm in their training camp, rebounding and passing, taking good shots, playing good defense, making blocks Very Happy it's amazing how the game rewards for playing real team basketball.

The insider guy is great he talks to you basically, quotes Bird and Bryant, you have drills, pickup games, training games, shootarounds, plenty of stuff to do, my player is ranked 45 overall, it will be interesting to see if he makes the squad or will I have to wait or maybe try somewhere else (I'm thinking Chicago).

The insider guy also evaluates your performance after every training game and he does it really well, does it by talking to you not by showing you numbers.
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Posts: 1097
Location: Prague
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 11:36    Post subject:
Can you try changing minutes per quarter in My Player mode please ? It didnt work without DC on xbox Sad
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 13:00    Post subject:
i found this .
but cant find the download link.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 14:50    Post subject:
shadak wrote:
Can you try changing minutes per quarter in My Player mode please ? It didnt work without DC on xbox Sad

Just start the game, change the minutes, save, and then start the My Player mode.
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Posts: 17857
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:11    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
shadak wrote:
Can you try changing minutes per quarter in My Player mode please ? It didnt work without DC on xbox Sad

Just start the game, change the minutes, save, and then start the My Player mode.
I suppose he means this
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Posts: 1097
Location: Prague
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:18    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
shadak wrote:
Can you try changing minutes per quarter in My Player mode please ? It didnt work without DC on xbox Sad

Just start the game, change the minutes, save, and then start the My Player mode.

Its a known issue on xbox and it just doesnt work without Draft Combine.
But Im guessing its the same on PC.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:22    Post subject:
Well, just to be sure i checked it again and it lets me change the minutes. You have to start a new My player career every time. You can't change the minutes in an ongoing career.

And i mean i checked the xbox360 version. My pc version is still installing Sad
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:27    Post subject:
any scene release or any nuked release by anyone.???
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Posts: 952
Location: Lithuania
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:31    Post subject:
killahnoob wrote:
any scene release or any nuked release by anyone.???
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:36    Post subject:
mArkAntonioo wrote:
killahnoob wrote:
any scene release or any nuked release by anyone.???

then how the above guyz are playing and installing
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:37    Post subject:
Games can be bought too, you know ... ?
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:38    Post subject:
How long did it take to download from gamersgate?
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:47    Post subject:
Razacka2 wrote:
How long did it take to download from gamersgate?

Mine is at 31% with dl speed between 200-280.Slow.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 15:58    Post subject:
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:01    Post subject:
fearwhatnow wrote:
Razacka2 wrote:
How long did it take to download from gamersgate?

Mine is at 31% with dl speed between 200-280.Slow.

Hmm ok, is the site U.S based or?
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:26    Post subject:
Ну залейте вы наконец чтож так долго то(( Русские играть хотят((

Даешь Nba 2k10 НА mininova или piratebay

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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:45    Post subject:
Is the commentary audio quality too low or is it just me? Too bad quality, too much noise.

Also, I can't seem to fix the damn stuttering when the camera pans accross the court. It gets really annoying, although FRAPS reports a constant 50-60 FPS.

[ i5 2500K (@4.2GHz) / GIGABYTE Z77MX-D3H / 8GB Corsair XMS / GIGABYTE GTX460 1GB OC / 640+750 GB WD Caviar Black ]
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:54    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
zipfero wrote:
madmax17 wrote:
Amazing game, 'my player' is very addicting, you lead you player like in fifa for ex. threw training camps and summer league into an nba team.

MUCH better than Live.

How much interaction is there in 'my player' ? The biggest problem I have with Madden 10's 'Create a Superstar' is the lack of interaction with my player towards everything else, coach, real world, other players and visible progression in training(and better training sessions) and lack of commentary when playing in superstar mode.
Can't say yet I'm fighting not to get cut by the Magic I'm in their training camp, rebounding and passing, taking good shots, playing good defense, making blocks Very Happy it's amazing how the game rewards for playing real team basketball.

The insider guy is great he talks to you basically, quotes Bird and Bryant, you have drills, pickup games, training games, shootarounds, plenty of stuff to do, my player is ranked 45 overall, it will be interesting to see if he makes the squad or will I have to wait or maybe try somewhere else (I'm thinking Chicago).

The insider guy also evaluates your performance after every training game and he does it really well, does it by talking to you not by showing you numbers.

Sounds good. The entire "getting on the team" in Madden 10 is an IQ test for gerbils and 4 practice games where no matter how shitty you play you always end up playing lots, cause you always get drafted to a team where they absolutely suck in your position
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:55    Post subject: пыщъ!! п&a

Скачал ? Раздавай давай)) Ща разберемся че нетак

Пыщъ!! Пыщъ11111 Шмеле вызывает крабе!

На piratebay лейте))

Last edited by kukuruzo on Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:57; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:57    Post subject: Re: пыщъ!! &#108
kukuruzo wrote:

Скачал ? Раздавай давай)) Ща разберемся че нетак

Пыщъ!! Пыщъ11111 Шмеле вызывает крабе!

Good to know.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:57    Post subject:
Kukuruzo go away with your stupid Russian. It is forbidden to request on this forum.
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Oct 2009 16:59    Post subject:
iNatan Русские самые крутые челы на планете !!! Нашибе уже 10 раз залили )) РОССИЯ ПОБЕДИТ!

Водка ,матрешка , балалайка RuleZZZ

Lutzifer: I dont know what you posted, but this is an ENGLISH forum and from reading mininova and piratebay i m going to make a wild guess that it is requesting. Banned.

Last edited by kukuruzo on Fri, 9th Oct 2009 17:03; edited 1 time in total
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