Fooking sticky notes and faq's
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jan 2005 19:28    Post subject: Fooking sticky notes and faq's
As i was sworn at so consideratly by one of your admins for asking a question i did'nt locate in the faq or sticky note? section(silly me...i always believed asking a question was how we learned things) i thought i would return the favour. Shove your small minded up your own arse fooking site where the sun does'nt shine you twirps. There, that feels better!
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PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jan 2005 19:40    Post subject:
Well Well Well Dont we have a little Roger Ebert here yes?

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jan 2005 19:40    Post subject:
canucklhead, i like that name.

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PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jan 2005 19:46    Post subject:
Considering his first post is deleted I would guess that it wasn't his fault.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 7020
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PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jan 2005 19:53    Post subject:
i'll close this... thank for coming though
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ApeX PredatoR
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jan 2005 12:18    Post subject:
Let me just enlighten this thread.

It was me who banned you, because you where requesting. If you would look around on this site first before asking and requesting shit then you probably would have seen the sticky notes and rules and would not have been asking.

The fact that you immediately post a request here as a first post without even first looking around is mind-boggling to me and therefor all the reason for me to ban you. About the "strong" language...this way I made my point clear.

BTW: normally people will get perm banned for requesting, you where only banned for a day!

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jan 2005 13:02    Post subject:
cocknucklehead :nosmiley:

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jan 2005 13:44    Post subject:
init.. you let him have it..

I often wonder why users who break fairly obvious rules and get a light punishment feel the need to come back and rather than saying sorry, act like total ass holes. It seems these days people expect information to be handed to them, reading is far too much effort.. I blame google.

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jan 2005 16:53    Post subject:
skidrow wrote:
cocknucklehead :nosmiley:

lol Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jan 2005 06:52    Post subject:
He is most likely un-fit for life, and diserves to be put into a vat full of acid.
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jan 2005 07:00    Post subject:
That is a bit harsh… but… in this circumstance brutality is an option. Razz
But still... ouch

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
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ApeX PredatoR
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jan 2005 10:54    Post subject:
yes well...that's enough for this thread I reckon Wink

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 18:56    Post subject: Apex...get a fookin life man
The fact that you find a request, misplaced or otherwise, being "mind boggling" seems such a sad statement. War orphans, tsunami disaster, famine... now those are mind boggling circumstances, not incorrectly making a request. Leave your computer for a short time and re-join the rest of us in the world outside's not so bad out here is it?
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PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 19:09    Post subject: Re: Apex...get a fookin life man
canucklhead wrote:
The fact that you find a request, misplaced or otherwise, being "mind boggling" seems such a sad statement. War orphans, tsunami disaster, famine... now those are mind boggling circumstances, not incorrectly making a request. Leave your computer for a short time and re-join the rest of us in the world outside's not so bad out here is it?

Well believe it or not a little bit of AIDS, Tsunami and wont let this site down... Though if people are requesting...

If you don't like the community then I suggest you should leave...

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 21:13    Post subject:
Mutantius....well said! Very Happy

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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto,
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 23:21    Post subject: Re: Apex...get a fookin life man
canucklhead wrote:
The fact that you find a request, misplaced or otherwise, being "mind boggling" seems such a sad statement. War orphans, tsunami disaster, famine... now those are mind boggling circumstances, not incorrectly making a request. Leave your computer for a short time and re-join the rest of us in the world outside's not so bad out here is it?

you can't have everything handed to you on a silver platter buddy... if it was that easy noone would buy games and shit, so for common sense alone you rank pretty low... add that to your total lack or respect to read any of the faqs and stickys explaining the no request policy turns you into a stupid requester who in MY opinion deserves no mercy... Apex was nice enough not to even perm bann you and you still come back here to bash us... you should be perm banned...
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ApeX PredatoR
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Posts: 1951
Location: Los Netherlandos
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Feb 2005 14:41    Post subject: Re: Apex...get a fookin life man
canucklhead wrote:
The fact that you find a request, misplaced or otherwise, being "mind boggling" seems such a sad statement. War orphans, tsunami disaster, famine... now those are mind boggling circumstances, not incorrectly making a request. Leave your computer for a short time and re-join the rest of us in the world outside's not so bad out here is it?

I reckon I've seen more of the world than you have m8, simply by the fact that I DO look around first before I immediately ask something. That way you'll learn and see more.

Doesn't matter anymore won't learn anything from here anymore.

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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