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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 17:41 Post subject: |
i left him and have no problems so far.... i´m still in the deep roads
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 17:46 Post subject: |
You can leave him in the beggining (you'll miss a few dialogues though), but he'll auto join near the end, forcing a new party selection, with one slot auto-filled with him.
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 17:50 Post subject: |
just a short question is it good to play through with a bower? is a bower strong in the beginning/mid /end?
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 18:03 Post subject: |
Naw they suck, daggerer or sworder and especially staffer is way better.
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 18:33 Post subject: |
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 20:14 Post subject: |
That new DLC looks like shit to me. From the sounds of it it's going to be very short. $5 for an hour of gameplay? No.
Besides, the king's armor didn't seem to help him all that much.
Sertorius wrote: | Just be careful to your ass while surfing on the net and NOTHING will happen to you. |
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 20:18 Post subject: |
Screw the DLC, make an expansion.
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 20:40 Post subject: |
Archers are really good later. I think regular bow attacks are laughably weak when you start, though. Slow and frequent misses don't make me nerd-scream "this is the new shit!" even a little bit. Later on you can dominate with AoE stun shots and damn-near insta-kill yellows, which is definitely fun.
And BioWare needs to make some post-ending DLC and quit jacking us around with what really amounts to $5 armor sets that reuse existing models. NEW MODELS PLEASE. I'm sick of horse armor, thanks.
Sertorius wrote: | Just be careful to your ass while surfing on the net and NOTHING will happen to you. |
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 21:40 Post subject: |
and what about the ranger class when beeing an archer? are those animals u can summon worth it?
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Posted: Thu, 19th Nov 2009 22:05 Post subject: |
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 00:06 Post subject: |
they should give us some ancient armor for rogue than this old rusty king armor heh
"It's O'Neill, with two L's. There is another Colonel O'Neill with only one L, he has no sense of humor at all" - Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 00:33 Post subject: |
Maybe we'll get to loot
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 00:38 Post subject: |
i hope no zombies among them...
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 01:09 Post subject: |
dsergei wrote: | Maybe we'll get to loot
Spoiler: | Duncan |
Then Alistair is gonna start bitching about how you gotta respect the dead.
Might as well call this DLC Return to oh hey look more stuff your rogue can pass up on that'll go to Alistair because we love our little Alistair so no loot for you rogue fag!
Gustave the Steel
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 02:38 Post subject: |
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 02:59 Post subject: |
I am confused about Return to Ostagar how can this be taken as canon in anyway? It wouldn't make much sense unless it came after the storyline ends and that would be awfully confusing depending on what ending you got. So is this DLC canon or not?
Also is anyone else getting tired of this DLC crap from this game already? I mean the game retailed with DLC already available and its still a new game and DLC is already coming out so soon?
I'm calling bullshit they are releasing 100% done work that was 100% done way before the retail date of the game. Is this the future of gaming buy a incomplete game and then pay for bits and pieces of it as time goes on?
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 03:48 Post subject: |
zmed wrote: | NuclearShadow wrote: | I am confused about Return to Ostagar how can this be taken as canon in anyway? It wouldn't make much sense unless it came after the storyline ends and that would be awfully confusing depending on what ending you got. So is this DLC canon or not?
Also is anyone else getting tired of this DLC crap from this game already? I mean the game retailed with DLC already available and its still a new game and DLC is already coming out so soon?
I'm calling bullshit they are releasing 100% done work that was 100% done way before the retail date of the game. Is this the future of gaming buy a incomplete game and then pay for bits and pieces of it as time goes on? | I see no problems with the DLC's premise itself. If they only allow the party to return after Lothering, than the horde should have moved on by that time, so it's relatively safe to return. Although I find it hard to believe that the darkspawn would leave the corpses unlooted "for shinies". I wonder what they'll come up with to justify the availability of the king's armour, let alone the corpse itself.
As for DLCs in general: I would agree for any other game, but this is the most complete experience that came out in a very long time. Even if they did no DLCs at all, I would never have felt that anything was missing content-wise (unlike Fallout3). If they keep adding decent content, I'm more than happy to get them. The pricing in relation to the amount of content is a "wait and see" for now, but if we take the already released ones into consideration, I'm very sceptical. They would need much longer and more ellaborate stories to justify a purchase.
@PirateXXX: thanks for "teh lulz". It was an amusing read.  |
Since my response is going to have some spoilers I guess it would be best to mark it as such.
Spoiler: |
I think your incorrect about it being safe after Lothering from what I took from the game is that lothering was easily overrun by a much smaller group of Dark Spawn rather than the whole blight itself. Similar to the Redcliffe attack when the Blight was actually heading to the capital. This is also why when traveling on the world map you can run into small amounts of Dark Spawn as they are simply scouting parties they do disconnect from the main army. So I think its only logical to say that they used Ostagar as a HQ until they went on the move at the end of the game.
Perhaps the game could explain this as some sort of quest to sneak inside the heart of the blight but if that is the case it really is insulting to Dark Spawn and how the storyline built them up as something to be feared. |
I have to disagree with this game being a near complete experience. If the game actually offered alternatives rather than forcing the player to be a Grey Warden and if the origins of the character actually played a larger role in the whole game then I would agree. Because of this the game highly lacks replay value. I am now trying to play as a evil mage rather than a good human noble that I originally played as and other than a few laughs like stabbing a merchant after settling a dispute its gotten quite stale already.
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Posts: 24322
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 04:12 Post subject: |
the announced DLC (content) will certainly be accessible prior to the end. It wouldn't make any sense otherwise (probably once you're past Lothringen).
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Posted: Fri, 20th Nov 2009 05:12 Post subject: |
PirateXXX wrote: | I understand why console gamers are happy about DAO but I can't figure out veteran PC gamers playing this abomination. I didn't even bother to download for free this game, just checked out Prima PDF guide released by Unleashed.
You can play as human, elf or dwarf. Classes to choose are fighter, mage and rogue. Graphics are slightly better than NWN 2 but nowhere near Oblivion and yet this game takes 15GB of HD space. It requires minimum dual core CPU. What happened to you people? Is Diablo ultimate challenge for you? Diablo 2 had more classes than this game. Simplification is good for non-RPG gamers and consolers but not for those playing D&D games. Same criticism goes for Mass Effect. I can't believe that someone with PC is going to play Mass Effect 2. Main story is about evil aliens kidnapping humans to make them into weapons!? Sounds familiar? Like Borg from ST or Strog from Quake? I do not have any intentions of attacking Bioware because they did a great job of promoting RPGs to greater audience, Xbox 360 dumbasses would never figure out D&D rules, but let's not forget PC gamers. |
Classes are deeper than they appear on the surface, given their sub-branches and specializations, and races offer a bunch of different origin stories for your character. Vanilla Diablo II had four classes (instead of DAO's three, wow), but I believe less skills overall. At any rate, that one's more of a hack-and-slash than a pure RPG.
As for the graphics, while certain environment textures look bland and weapons and armour could use more variety and less recolouring, they're pretty good overall, especially characters. Do you really want to compare it to Oblivion? Play that one again, then try Dragon Age, and you'll see the difference isn't nearly as big as you claim. Oblivion's as fun as licking a mossy rock, but that's another story.
As for the story, it may have some clichés here and there, but it's ultimately deep and well-crafted.
Next time, before badmouthing a game and its players, trying actually playing it. 
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