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Posted: Thu, 10th Dec 2009 22:47 Post subject: Diablo 2 |
So i did not found a diablo 2 thread so here a new one so we can talk about the patch...
the Diablo II 1.13 Public Test Realm is LIVE!
Diablo II Version History
- Patch 1.13
A new Mystery has been revealed!
- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again,
that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies
within Diablo's Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil
to the Throne of Destruction...
Major Bugs
- Fixed an item dupe bug.
- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.
Minor Bugs
- Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
- The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the window loses and then regains focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in windowed mode when it lost focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it was created.
Specific changes/improvements
- Respecialization is now possible! Completing the 'Den of Evil' quest will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in Hell difficulty.
- Increased the drop rate of high runes.
- Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
- Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items required for Uber Tristam.
- Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
- Nightmare/Hell WilloWisps champions/uniques have had their damage greatly reduced.
- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
- Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
- Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal's summoned minions no longer give experience.
- Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.
- Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
- Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
- Updated two Act 5 mercenary names to Klar and Tryneus.
- When creating a single player game, pressing the 'Enter' key now automatically creates a Hell difficulty game if possible.
- When creating a game, each difficulty button is now bound to a unique key: Normal 'R', Nightmare 'N', and Hell 'H'.
- The 'Enter Chat' Button in the waiting room is now bound to the 'Enter' key.
- Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
- Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing windowed mode. This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
- Added support for '-sndbkg' command line switch. This enables sound in background.
- Added support for '-nosound', '-window', and '-windowed' command line options.
Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes
-Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and Immolation effect by 50%.
-Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
-Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.
-Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
-Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
-Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.
-Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.
-Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
-Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
-Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.
-Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer loses life when golem takes damage).
-Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100% to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
-Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.
-Firewall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and Blaze and 4% per point of Warmth.
-Blaze - Synergy receives 2% damage per point of Firewall and 4% per point of Warmth.
-Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
-Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
-Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.
-Lightning Mastery - Reduced overall effect by 15%.
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Posted: Thu, 10th Dec 2009 22:51 Post subject: |
fucking nice! I had heard something abou them working on this patch.
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Posted: Thu, 10th Dec 2009 22:56 Post subject: |
Is it still only playable on 800x600 ?
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Posted: Thu, 10th Dec 2009 23:01 Post subject: |
VGAdeadcafe wrote: | Is it still only playable on 800x600 ? |
im about to check that
there is a nice ass WS patch for it, and it REALLY makes the game look better but you can't go online with em
[edit]....I was under the impression the patch was out...obviously not.
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 11:43 Post subject: |
increased drop chance of high rune ftw!
Sig too big
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 12:03 Post subject: |
I'm kinda disappointed if that's all... Oh well, at least there is respec.
Per aspera ad astra
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 12:25 Post subject: |
- Fixed a bug that causes certain Barbarians to crash other players' Diablo II client
- Fixed a bug that allows a character to stack the auras from Dream and Dragon dozens of times.
- Fixed a bug that allows neutral and partied players to PK you by quickly warping to town and clicking hostile.
What were all the delays about then? Skill rebalancing in basic table files in the patch_d2.mpq file that any simple modder can do in 1 hour. Great.
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 12:49 Post subject: |
they spoke about a content patch at the beginning (and that couldnt be only the bigger chest, which wont come with this patch...). so i think this patch is only for testing gameplay fixes. hoping for additional content in the final release
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 13:08 Post subject: |
Janz wrote: | they spoke about a content patch at the beginning (and that couldnt be only the bigger chest, which wont come with this patch...). so i think this patch is only for testing gameplay fixes. hoping for additional content in the final release |
A new Mystery has been revealed!
- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again,
that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies
within Diablo's Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil
to the Throne of Destruction...
This is the content.
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 15:46 Post subject: |
RainyDay wrote: | I'm kinda disappointed if that's all... Oh well, at least there is respec. |
what do you mean if that's all, what other company other than MMO's are still patching a game they made almost 10 years ago? Blizzard has no obligation to keep patching, but they do it anyways.
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Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 15:56 Post subject: |
I had been thinking of playing this again recently but never got round to it. This patch sounds interesting. Cue time to fire this game up again!.
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[Moderator] Babysitter
Posts: 7449
Location: USA
Posted: Fri, 11th Dec 2009 16:40 Post subject: |
Pretty weak patch imo, all that bullshit about how they were requesting players' most wanted feature, and the rampant bugs, exploits, and botting going on.
It's nice that they still give this game attention, but they should be, it's still one of the most popular games given its age.
But if they aren't even going to patch important things, or even anything major that they were fanfaring all this time, then I'd rather they didn't waste time doing useless shit.
But seriously, all this ridiculous delay and time just for this weak list? Something is fishy here. Unless they only have 1 guy working on it, and only once a week, for only 5 minutes that day. Then it makes sense.
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Posted: Thu, 28th Jan 2010 09:31 Post subject: |
Bump !
So, I accidentally found my old Diablo 2 disks and it has the serial on it, so I went and registered an account on, and then downloaded the client (lol) and installed it.
But there is no resolution changing option ! Do I need tthe fucking expansion to set it to 800x600 ?! Godamn shit !
It looks like bullshit (I'm at v1.12)
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Posts: 34485
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Posted: Tue, 23rd Feb 2010 21:48 Post subject: Patch 1.13b just been release on PTR... |
- Patch 1.13b
A new Mystery has been revealed!
- Adventurers of Sanctuary are hereby warned once again, that a new challenge
awaits you. Within Diablo's Bosses, spanning across the world from the
ancient Monastery Catacombs to the Throne of Destruction, is where you'll
find what you seek...
Major Bugs
- Fixed an item dupe bug.
- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.
- Fixed an issue where some players could kill other players while in town
- Fixed an issue where some players could disconnect other players when
they had too many active states.
- Fixed two issues where players could stack auras in an unintended way.
Minor Bugs
- Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed
before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
- The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the
window loses and then regains focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in
windowed mode when it lost focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it
was created.
- Fangskin should now properly drop loot in Hell difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where auras were not re-applied to your mercenary after
it was resurrected.
- Fixed an issue where if you had two items which provided two auras to
a mercenary and you unequipped one, the aura from the remaining
item never became active.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin class runeword 'Principle' wasn't
having all of its stats applied properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin's Charge ability would become locked out if Holy Shield faded while charging.
- Fixed an issue where the Barbarian's Leap ability could become locked out if they were hit when they started to leap
Specific changes/improvements
- Respecialization is now possible! Completing the 'Den of Evil' quest
will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players
who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in
Hell difficulty.
- Increased the drop rate of high runes.
- Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be
maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
- Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items
required for Uber Tristam.
- Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
- Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
- Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal's summoned minions no longer give experience.
- Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.
- Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
- Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana
globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
- When creating a single player game, pressing the 'Enter' key now
automatically creates a Hell difficulty game if possible.
- When creating a game, each difficulty button is now bound to a unique
key: Normal 'R', Nightmare 'N', and Hell 'H'.
- The 'Enter Chat' Button in the waiting room is now
bound to the 'Enter' key.
- Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
- Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to
not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing windowed mode.
This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
- Added support for '-sndbkg' command line switch. This enables sound
in background.
- Added the following aliases for pre-existing command line options,
'-nosound', '-window', and '-windowed'.
Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes
- Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and
Immolation effect by 50%.
- Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
- Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.
- Dragon Claw - Synergy receives 4% additional damage per point of Claw Mastery.
- Dragon Talon - The bonus to Attack Rating per point has been increased to 35.
- Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
- Combo points awarded by combo moves now last 15 seconds, up from 9.
- Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
- Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.
- Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.
- Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
- Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
- Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.
- Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer
loses life when golem takes damage).
- Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100%
to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
- Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.
- Firewall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and
4% per point of Warmth.
- Blaze - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Firewall
and 4% per point of Warmth.
- Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
- Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
- Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.
Last edited by BruceWayne17 on Wed, 24th Feb 2010 21:54; edited 2 times in total
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[Moderator] Babysitter
Posts: 7449
Location: USA
Posted: Wed, 24th Feb 2010 05:46 Post subject: |
Still meh, at least they are sort of trying with the TPPK.
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Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 11:01 Post subject: Patch 1.13c Final... |
And ladder reset on the 23 march...
Diablo II Version History
- Patch 1.13c
A new Mystery has been revealed!
- Adventurers of Sanctuary are hereby warned once again, that a new challenge
awaits you. Within Diablo's Bosses, spanning across the world from the
ancient Monastery Catacombs to the Throne of Destruction, is where you'll
find what you seek...
Major Bugs
- Fixed an item dupe bug.
- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.
- Fixed an issue where some players could kill other players while in town
- Fixed an issue where some players could disconnect other players when
they had too many active states.
- Fixed two issues where players could stack auras in an unintended way.
Minor Bugs
- Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed
before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
- The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the
window loses and then regains focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in
windowed mode when it lost focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it
was created.
- Fangskin should now properly drop loot in Hell difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where auras were not re-applied to your mercenary after
it was resurrected.
- Fixed an issue where if you had two items which provided auras to
a mercenary and you unequipped one, the aura from the remaining
item never became active.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin class runeword 'Principle' wasn't
having all of its stats applied properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin's Charge ability would become locked
out if Holy Shield faded while charging.
- Fixed an issue where the Barbarian's Leap ability could become locked
out if they were hit when they started to leap.
Specific changes/improvements
- Respecialization is now possible! Completing the 'Den of Evil' quest
will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players
who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in
Hell difficulty.
- Increased the drop rate of high runes.
- Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be
maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
- Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items
required for Uber Tristam.
- Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
- Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
- Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal's summoned minions no longer give experience.
- Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.
- Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
- Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana
globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
- When creating a single player game, each difficulty button is now bound
to a unique key: Normal 'R', Nightmare 'N', and Hell 'H'.
- The 'Enter Chat' Button in the waiting room is now
bound to the 'Enter' key.
- Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
- Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to
not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing in windowed mode.
This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
- Added support for '-sndbkg' command line switch. This enables sound
in background.
- Added the following aliases for pre-existing command line options,
'-nosound', '-window', and '-windowed'.
Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes
- Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and
Immolation effect by 50%.
- Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
- Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.
- Dragon Claw - Synergy receives 4% additional damage per point of Claw Mastery.
- Dragon Talon - The bonus to Attack Rating per point has been increased to 35.
- Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
- Combo points awarded by combo moves now last 15 seconds, up from 9.
- Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
- Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.
- Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.
- Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
- Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
- Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.
- Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer
loses life when the golem takes damage).
- Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100%
to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
- Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.
- Firewall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and
4% per point of Warmth.
- Blaze - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Firewall
and 4% per point of Warmth.
- Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
- Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
- Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.
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Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 14:53 Post subject: |
Thats why blizzard is such a successful company. Look at that game. Almost 10 years old and they are still working on it. Not just fixing bugs, but fixing balance issues as well.
Sure, they also sold their soul when they joined the MMO industry with WOW, but I will still buy every one of their games, even if that means eternal damnation.
If just other companies would also support their games like this.
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VIP Member
Posts: 34200
Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 15:33 Post subject: |
Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 16:03 Post subject: |
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VIP Member
Posts: 34200
Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 16:04 Post subject: |
Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 16:46 Post subject: |
I wouldn't mind picking up D2 again but I sure as hell am not going to pay $20 for just the base game when it's 10 years old. And the battle chest is $40? wtf. Hell, starcraft is a national sport in korea and the battle chest is only $20.
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Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 18:12 Post subject: |
dodger2020 wrote: | I wouldn't mind picking up D2 again but I sure as hell am not going to pay $20 for just the base game when it's 10 years old. And the battle chest is $40? wtf. Hell, starcraft is a national sport in korea and the battle chest is only $20. |
I paid a few measely quid for the d2 and the expansion..
Code: SKU16
Product: Diablo 2 + Lord of Destruction Battlechest Digital Download
Item price: $7.79
Amount: $1.30
G2play site.. 
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Posted: Wed, 24th Mar 2010 18:14 Post subject: Diablo 2 |
dodger2020 go there to buy a key $ 7.49 for Diablo 2 and expansion.
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Posted: Mon, 29th Mar 2010 02:37 Post subject: |
The patch has been released!!!!!!
Intel C2D E6600 @ 3gHZ - EVGA 680i (P24) - Sapphire HD4870 775/4200 - 2x1GB OCZ XTC Platinum @ 808mHZ - ASUS Xonar D2 PCI Ultra Fidelity - Logitec Z5500 - Windows 7 Ultimate RTM - Corsair TX750 PSU - Plextor SATA 16X 755SA - "Death is only the beginning"
PS3 80GB
X360 1.61 IXtreme Banned Edition
Wii Homebrewed!
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Posted: Mon, 29th Mar 2010 04:55 Post subject: |
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