S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat
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Posts: 25
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2009 08:13    Post subject:
i've been looking for the polish edition with english voices, no luck, guess i'll wait for a real scene release, or ill buy it.

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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2009 10:43    Post subject:
2 february comes the english version
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Posts: 25
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2009 18:28    Post subject:
ya but there are some games that i cant wait for Sad, guess i'll have to wait though.

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Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2009 21:59    Post subject:
m82a1 wrote:
ya but there are some games that i cant wait for Sad, guess i'll have to wait though.
Try the russian version with the filefront translation linked earlier in the thread plus the english audio+movies from the polish version.
The game is perfectly playauble and almost bug free(quite a feat for a STALKER game ).

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 26

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2009 22:31    Post subject:
Strange... I seem to be stuck on lowest gfx settings no matter what I choose because ingame looks like crap. Anybody else run into this?
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Posts: 1329

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 17:35    Post subject:
Any good mod improving guns? I've found couple, but I'm looking for recommendation.

harballaz wrote:
Hey dont be so hard the little console eunuchs, they need time to aim their lil vibratin thumbstick.
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 19:49    Post subject:
Interesting. Is the english translation good enough to enjoy the game ?
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 20:03    Post subject:
There's still a few quirks here and there in the one I used, seems there's some alternatives however but I'm unsure which one is "best".

(Might have been intentional though seeing the random names for NPC's in the previous games.)
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Posts: 2990
Location: Vienna
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 20:23    Post subject:
emppapy wrote:
Interesting. Is the english translation good enough to enjoy the game ?

in contrast to the previous 2 stalker games, the story is rather straightforward, short and actually quite dull (find choppers, get into pripyat. that's it). so as long as the translation gets the quest objectives across, it should suffice
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 20:32    Post subject:
Alright thanks for answering. I'm downloading the game right now, I'll see what it looks like.
Besides, it's no bad news to me if the story is straightfoward because I actually never finished either of the two previous games.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 21:16    Post subject:
How is it bugwise? I have some free time coming, but I'd rather wait for the international version if it's bugridden atm.
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Posts: 2345
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 21:39    Post subject:
If you want English then there is no point getting the translation now with a English release happening so soon.

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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2009 21:47    Post subject:
Well actually I read that the russian version is almost bug free.
So if you want to wait for february for the english release then do but I think there's no point waiting.
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Dec 2009 14:13    Post subject:
I started the game (with latest patch) and it's running well except that there are many micro lags.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Dec 2009 17:39    Post subject:
Is it possible to use the translation posted here with the Polish version? Or is there a translation for teh Polish verison?

PS: I'd actually would like the original Russian voices. Do I still need the packs from the Polish version for movies etc?

edit: Ah shit, I see the rars contain movies too. Mediafire is such a crappy host Sad
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Posts: 34524
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Dec 2009 18:52    Post subject:
The uploaded movies are due to the original containing the audio directly instead of a underlying wav or similar sound file for it, as for the translation files on Mediafire I'm fairly certain that's only the English sound files, there's a link to a Stalker.Filefront.com translation mod for the text a bit back, just open Language.ltx in \Gamedata\config and change the locale from =Rus to =Pol (Or for the Ger version =Ger), can also use =Eng and put the translation in Gamedata\Config\Texts\Eng directly if it has all the xml language files for use (If something is missing you'll get a crash instead.)

I recently swapped that translation for that google project one (Link somewhere earlier in this thread.) as it contained closed captions, not fully needed with the English voice overs but it's funny to see what differs between them and the translation files. (Translation is more direct whereas the voice acting appears a bit rewritten to fit a bit better but they are very similar with the most recent version of either translation.)

(EDIT: http://code.google.com/p/s-cop/downloads/list )

Using that you can use either the German or Russian base game and play it fully localized (Prefer German base as it's not censored in any way and no star-force though both are now cracked and fully updated so this is a very minor choice unless you want all of the Russian voice files.), a Spanish and Serbian text translation can also be found on Stalker.Filefront.com and I think I saw a french one as well though it was a while since I checked the site. Smile
(In terms of general game mods "Smrtr" with the patch for it was pretty cool but a bit hectic and somewhat crash prone, not that be base game is bad or anything even though from what I've heard the story is a bit short though instead freeplay is in and there's less game bugs this time, which is nice to say for a Stalker game for once, haha.)
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Dec 2009 22:51    Post subject:
Anyone get a issue running the benchmark and also the game, mine just pauses at the loading screen with the GSC logo box thing that comes up after loading the exe. Just doesn't get past this and produces no error just freezes. Im using W7
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Dec 2009 22:59    Post subject:
It works fine here with Win7 64bit. I didn't try the benchmark though. I didn't see a benchmark tbh.
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Posts: 1038
Location: NL
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 17:56    Post subject:
Pirategay release wont save settings/game,
get another or can i fix this shit?

@ fsgame.ltx i noticed this : C:\Users\Public\DOCUME~1\STALKE~1.-\

However no such directory is present, and my main Drive letter is N @ WIN7

in this translation pack theres another fsgame file with different app data root.
$app_data_root$ = true | false | C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dokumenty\STALKER-COP

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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 18:04    Post subject:
I usually alter that line to make modifying the various user.ltx files easier so here's how my file looks.

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Posts: 1038
Location: NL
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 18:15    Post subject:
Nice got it working, I just used the install dir instead.

Whats this blackness infront of me?
It keeps moving with me, some huge shadow or something.

Running @ max settings, with Enhanced full dynamic lightning

Q6600/Club3D 4890/2GB DDR2/WiN7\XP/1.5 TB/23 Inch LCD

Last edited by NoLiMiTSoLDieR on Mon, 21st Dec 2009 19:12; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 19:10    Post subject:
That is the annoying shadow bug that happens to some users, should be fixed in the 1.6.01 update though.
(It's hard to actually fix properly as you have to alter the R2_ related render settings for shadows which can cause other objects to be shadowed incorrectly, there's a few suggested configuration tweaks on the Stalker forums though.)
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 19:41    Post subject:
The game is nice but it feels really old. The way people act, the use of weapons, the way the heroe runs. I don't know it doesn't feel right.
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 19:54    Post subject:
Well it's still the X-Ray engine from 1999 or so but updated constantly which resulted in it using renderers from DX8 up to DX11 and somewhat stiff animations (FootIK or what it's called is used in Call of Pripyat so it helps a bit.) some of the textures and models have been unchanged troughout the entire process as well so things can look a bit rough at times, great use of shaders however in terms of shadowing and lighting although Pripyat does scale things down a bit with low view distances and a somewhat more barren but much larger game area to explore. (From what I've read it's pretty much at the limit of what the engine can handle now.)

EDIT: Comparison with the 2002 version.
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Dec 2009 22:53    Post subject:
Well actually I believe the graphics are very good. But this is the point. I don't really feel the immersion even with those realistic graphics/ambiance because of the animations and stuff. For instance when you sprint it looks like you're flying above the ground (I can't even hear the guy running).
These details are important.
Although the comparison is a bit weird because Stalker isn't a shooter, the feel of the character in call of duty is really good.
I also think the sound of weapons is ridiculous.

But anyway it's still a good game.
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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Dec 2009 16:11    Post subject:
Core i7 920 @ default
GTX 275 @ 896mb
6gb 1600mhz
dx10 ultra no AA on 1680x1050
w7 x64
and i get this ????

what the fuck ???

on 1440x res it doesnt improve more than +10fps on each

Last edited by Hierofan on Fri, 25th Dec 2009 16:43; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 34524
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Dec 2009 16:37    Post subject:
While Call of Pripyat is a bit more optimized than Clear Sky it is still very demanding and I think NVIDIA has a bit of a disadvantage as the game is ATI oriented this time so they might not have a proper profile for it yet. (xrEngine.exe is the same as Clear Sky though with xrGame.exe being Shadow of Chernobyl as far as I know.) which might explain the performance a bit.

Also without the patch (Unsure about the benchmark.) you need a minimum of 1GB VRAM to use the highest texture quality (Might also have required a x64 OS although the game itself is 32-bit only.)

Some vegetation is a bit scaled back and there's less Stalkers around but the shaders are still very heavy on performance, SSAO being the biggest one along with the actual shadows but at the other hand the game can look fantastic at times.
(Unmodded that would be 8 - 10 in the morning with clear weather as the sun shafts are active, this is also the time you get the worst performance just as with Clear Sky.)

Tweaking the User.ltx file manaully wil improve performance a bit or on the other hand further push visual quality just as in the other Stalker titles. Smile
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Posts: 1038
Location: NL
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Dec 2009 17:11    Post subject:
This game is great, I never did a complete playthru of previous stalkers due bad performance.
Started with this one right away, Graphics are great IMO.
The only thing that bothers me so far is the sound.

Runs good on my rig too, sometimes it dips especially in the ship, this is due Dx10 features i noticed. some smoke effect.
1680x1050, DX 10.1, Ingame preset Maximum (tweaked a bit)
SSAO @ default, medium. no AA.
My motherboard is even running this card in PCI-E 4x mode, im satisfied.
Do u guyz use SSAO?

btw, whats up with these presets in the benchmark,
Ingame u got 4 choices, while in the bench u got 6.
anyway getting these ingame?

Q6600/Club3D 4890/2GB DDR2/WiN7\XP/1.5 TB/23 Inch LCD
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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Dec 2009 17:18    Post subject:
meh , tried the german version but the xr3d.exe kept deleting itself when i wanted to run it
the russian version (without patch at the time) ran like shit on my laptop
so , fuck it , gonna wait til feb 2nd
too bad tho cause i finished SoC and CS back to back .
oh and is it me or does the sky look better (with flare and all) in older builds ??
like this one


Last edited by Hierofan on Fri, 25th Dec 2009 17:48; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 9034

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Dec 2009 17:44    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
what the fuck ???

Obviously, Call of Pripyat doesn't like nVIDA cards. Wink

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