Bioshock 2
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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 16:43    Post subject:
Lfctony wrote:
MirkoOdora wrote:
It took 3 minutes in game for a demonstration why Levine wanted nothing to do with this. And I knew it months before I gave in and snatched it. Exit To Windows, Uninstall.

Piece of waste, this game, IMO.

Don't step in the bullshit on your way out...

Gota love those kids with short attention want fries with that
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Posts: 1137

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 16:46    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
I thought that was strange too at first, but this Big Daddy is a prototype. You don't have the heavy armor or the strength the other Daddies have.

Nevermind that they explain within the first 15 minutes why this Big Daddy may not be as strong as the others. Yes, it is a gameplay tweak to include the Big Daddy - but lets not pretend its just shoehorned in there.

"Get the hell out of me" - [ex]girlfriend[s]
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 16:54    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
XFX 4870-1G XXX Edition. Here's what my textures look like... (it's not a game-breaker, not by a long shot, but definitely lower quality than those in Bio1)


As I said, not a game-breaker but definitely low quality.

I would be interested to see some of B1's textures in order to compare and I'm sure a comparison will eventually appear.

Having upped the settings in the desktop display control panel including super sampling that seemed to dispose of any artifacts but you are correct in that the colours do seem lo res.
My feeling is that increasingly pc games are being DEVOLVED in order to fit the specifications of their console cousins and it's a shame.

Perhaps the argument that piracy bears some of the blame even though their are so many more pc's on the planet has validity ..............I'd have to see the sales figures but my impression is that it's publishers bean counters that are truly to blame.

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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:09    Post subject:
Lfctony wrote:
MirkoOdora wrote:
It took 3 minutes in game for a demonstration why Levine wanted nothing to do with this. And I knew it months before I gave in and snatched it. Exit To Windows, Uninstall.

Piece of waste, this game, IMO.

Don't step in the bullshit on your way out...

Jeez..your retarded three dotted reply changes nothing.

Moderator, can I please have a ban from this fucktard occupied forum. I have no idea why I registered in the first place.

Moderator, your mother sucks cocks in hell. Ban my acc please ASAP, please, thanks.

Lutzifer: I think the realisation that you bought a game you hated although you should have known better is enough punishment for your transgression Very Happy
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Posts: 1097
Location: Prague
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:13    Post subject:
LoL Id leave him here just to make him suffer Smile

On the other hand its kinda true, I was really bored at the beginning, why cant games be fun at the start ? Why does it have to take 2-3 hours to start enjoying it Confused
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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:16    Post subject:
What would be the point of starting the game as an all powerful Big Daddy ? better to build your self up along the way

Today it is my turn to be AN knobhead
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Posts: 1724
Location: Norn Iron, UK
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:16    Post subject:
MirkoOdora wrote:
It took 3 minutes in game for a demonstration why Levine wanted nothing to do with this. And I knew it months before I gave in and snatched it. Exit To Windows, Uninstall.

Piece of waste, this game, IMO.

very succinct review there, care to elaborate? or does "its shite" seem to sum it up? Razz

when there is no more room in hell, the D34D will walk the earth
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Posts: 382

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:16    Post subject:
How big is the missing file launcher? My antivirus acting up on it. My file is like 80kb.
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:16    Post subject:
Lol at the rage-kid Laughing

Anyway, I took a screenshot, too. First room, big pic ahead :

EDIT: Well, it looks better in motion, lol wtf, that screen looks shit.

EDIT 2 : Missing exe launcher is 81.920 bytes
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Posts: 173

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:23    Post subject:
is The Club gfwl the only key that will work with Bioshock 2 or will other GFWL keys work as well?
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Posts: 6172

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:24    Post subject:
The only bad thing about this game so far, is that it's more of the same. Well, it's not bad, considering that "the same" is one of the best games released that year, just unoriginal. The game is good, but lacks the freshness factor of the first one, so it doesn't quite play as great. But overall it is still very good game, in my opinion.

This is of course just a first impression, I can't really say how good it is until I finish it.
Edit: And I also haven't tried the MP portion, so can't comment on that.
About the graphics, I hope none of you have forced the global lighting, right? Smile

Last edited by MinderMast on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:29; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:27    Post subject:
Played more - completed a few more levels. The more I play the more I feel like BS2 is just a quick cash-in upon the success of the first part. The amount of blatant BS1 ideas copy pasta is very apparent. The near same locked tv welcome room, plasmid progression, toilet ambush, heh Crying or Very sad Game feels like a mod.

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Posts: 52
Location: Hungary
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:28    Post subject:
dyze wrote:
anyone know if changing the fov is possible?

No, Sad
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:29    Post subject:
Oh for the love of god! If I read one more comment about GFWL keys, I'm going to fucking snap!


Last edited by sabin1981 on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:34; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 2602
Location: Tic Tac
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:33    Post subject:
hey , Run like shit here @ max
edit : well , 25/50 fps is not shit :d , it's not enought


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Posts: 2782

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:35    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Oh for the love of god! If I read one more comment about GFWL keys, I'm going to fucking snap!


No can't do Boss. Try with bigger font size.
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Posts: 797

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:37    Post subject:
No 360 controller support it looks like...
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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:37    Post subject:
Sabin what about the GFWL keys .


Today it is my turn to be AN knobhead
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Posts: 2756

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:44    Post subject:
Aite so, i like it. They tried to copy MW2's way of giving weapons and challenges, and for the most part succeeded. The game does feel rewarding in its way, and does a good job of throwing memorable kills at you. However getting into matches is difficult. I'm guessing this is because the release is new and not many people got the game yet.
The TDM mode however never lacks enough players, and i've managed to play for about 3 hours in a row, without going any less than 4v4.

The single player part feels a lot like the first one, i'm playing on easy, just because i wanna enjoy taking my time with it, but for the most part i feel like a god among splicers. Just cleared an ambush of about 6 splicers with guns, by just using my drill. It felt nice. =D

The graphics are worse than the first one, there's no doubt about it. I keep waiting for the textures to load up, but they never do, also they seem to have cut a bit on the HDR, but the game still looks good from an artistic point of view.

Overall i'm enjoying both MP and SP so far, and i'll post a full review once i finish it.

Clown Fiesta
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Posts: 2406
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:47    Post subject:
MinderMast wrote:
The only bad thing about this game so far, is that it's more of the same. Well, it's not bad, considering that "the same" is one of the best games released that year, just unoriginal. The game is good, but lacks the freshness factor of the first one, so it doesn't quite play as great. But overall it is still very good game, in my opinion.

This is of course just a first impression, I can't really say how good it is until I finish it.
Edit: And I also haven't tried the MP portion, so can't comment on that.
About the graphics, I hope none of you have forced the global lighting, right? Smile

What does global lighting?

is it better to turn it off?
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:49    Post subject:
pix from B1 and that is 2007!

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Posts: 34494
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:50    Post subject:
Global lighting uses a faster but less precise (Or not as many perhaps?) calculation for light sources, off for image quality and on for performance.
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Posts: 776
Location: Russia, Msc
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:50    Post subject:
Took me 10 hours on medium. Gathered with all sisters.
Worse than the first one, but still a nice experience and story...

No, we have no bears on the streets here in Russia.
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 17:55    Post subject:
played 2 hours and the game is nice..gameplay is fun and graphic sucks..i guess i will finish it.
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Posts: 8692
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:01    Post subject:
pikachupi wrote:
played 2 hours and the game is nice..gameplay is fun and graphic sucks..i guess i will finish it.

Same here...i'm enjoying the game really much. And you get used to the graphics, it's not THAT bad Razz
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:02    Post subject:
I just thought of something... perhaps what Spiderman said was right? I honestly can't see a single reason why the texture quality would be so much lower than the first game (even on the 360 it looked better than this) -- so perhaps this IS a review copy?

*lives with extreme optimism*
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Posts: 776
Location: Russia, Msc
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:03    Post subject:
The things i hate-
1) IT'S SO REPETATIVE, plus i only used 1 plasmid+3 guns, because it was the most effective way. Sheesh...
2) A lot of low res textures.
3) At the end of the game i had 800 unused adam so i justed bought something randomly.
4) I hate these triggers "You take a quest item or pull a switch and here's a wave coming".
5) WTF S WITH MP, why is it widescreen only? In 4x3 aspect ratio it looks just as if everyghint is compressed and LOOKS LIKE shite.
Also, enemies respawn when you go from room to room lol.
70/100, just for the story.

No, we have no bears on the streets here in Russia.

Last edited by Amer_MerzZz on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:05; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 34494
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:03    Post subject:
I own the Steam version and all files were verified correctly, launcher got updated (As I had copied the crack over.) but other than that there were no changes. Smile
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:13    Post subject:
Amer_MerzZz wrote:
5) WTF S WITH MP, why is it widescreen only? In 4x3 aspect ratio it looks just as if everyghint is compressed and LOOKS LIKE shite.
Also, enemies respawn when you go from room to room lol.
70/100, just for the story.

what no ws's in moza russia Cool Face
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Posts: 430
Location: BrightFalls
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2010 18:15    Post subject:

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