Assassin's Creed 2
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 12:28    Post subject:
lolozaur wrote:
so why sh5 was released and ac2 didnt

wait a sec, SH5 been cr***ed? as far as i know the skid version = not complete game and can't complete missions, or maybe i am wrong and i would love to be wrong...?
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 12:40    Post subject:
It wasn't properly cracked. But it was some kind of progress, no doubt about it.
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 15:32    Post subject:
Rolling Eyes i see..well i hope the progress will come to happy ending soon;)
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 15:59    Post subject:
A year from now i'll be playing starcraft 2 (which i may buy depending which shitty drm they implement) or any other game, mario for example, and then if assassin's creed 2 have been cracked or ubi removes the internet thing, i'll download it and surely think to myself "this game is good, but i'm glad i dindn't buy it.
Guess i'll put fifty bucks under my bed just to make the most out of the moment
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Posts: 1542
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 16:11    Post subject:
Uff, can't believe it, I was banned 'till now for the "ubisoft sucks big dicks" joke... nfohump mods have no sense of humor Sad

It wasn't properly cracked. But it was some kind of progress, no doubt about it.

Yep, the point is, the things that are missing from the SH5 crack are the same that are missing from the russian AC2 crack, ie: the server-side parts... it's the same exact situation. Sad
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 17:25    Post subject:
I was suddenly reminded of alone in the dark which took 1 month to crack...

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 1213
Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 17:35    Post subject:
yuri999 wrote:
I was suddenly reminded of alone in the dark which took 1 month to crack...

Me too.
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Posts: 34200

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 18:25    Post subject:

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Posts: 5586
Location: Argentina
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 18:34    Post subject:
I dont know, AC2 should have been 2009 goty imo and I played batman, dao and some other goty candidates. But that it´s just my opinion.

Seasonic 1000w Planitum - TT Level 10 GT - ASUS M5E - i7 2600k @ 5.0ghz - 16GB Patriot Viper 3 - Dell u3011 - EVGA GTX 980 @ SLI - SSD Samsung EVO 250GB - 16TB W.D. - G19/G13 @ Roccat Kone XTD - Razer Vespula - Xonar Phoebus @ Vulcan ANC/Corsair 2100 Vengeance - Logitech G51
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 18:38    Post subject:
should be goty? maybe...if sales and this drm being the biggest flop in recent gaming history. I call a vote to just lock this up and throw away the key untill there is a crack and we could be waiting for a long long long time, saves getting hopes up when i see new posts and click the thread to be dissapointed.

Well done UBI you made a very hard to crack DRM

shame you just bent over and fucked yourselves up the tailpipe while doing it. You Rock!
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Posts: 5586
Location: Argentina
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 18:51    Post subject:
I played the game non-stop, took me like 40-50h to achieve 100% and had NO ISSUES whatsoever with the protection. People just complain cause it´s free, there´s nothing intrusive or annoying about the drm. You dc like... once or twice a day? big deal. How long does it take to reconnect? 5 seconds maybe? no biggie. Stop making excuses and rant about a game you dont wanna buy just because it´s sp.

Seasonic 1000w Planitum - TT Level 10 GT - ASUS M5E - i7 2600k @ 5.0ghz - 16GB Patriot Viper 3 - Dell u3011 - EVGA GTX 980 @ SLI - SSD Samsung EVO 250GB - 16TB W.D. - G19/G13 @ Roccat Kone XTD - Razer Vespula - Xonar Phoebus @ Vulcan ANC/Corsair 2100 Vengeance - Logitech G51
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 19:12    Post subject:
What most people are actually complaining about is the Online compoenant. Quite a few people either:

a) do not have a constant connection or like to play on a laptop out and about.
b) have a crappy connection/router that always disconnects them
c) Low monthly download limits.

I appreciate how ubisoft want to protect their games against piracy, but this is probably a tad extreme. I've always been a fan of free DLC or features for registering a game. EG Dragon age. Sure it was cracked after a while but the DLC took a while and there is that social website bioware have setup. Quite a nice feature that pirated copies do not have.

What it looks like they did with settlers 7 (same DRM as AC2 and SH5) seems to be a better move. It includes extensive online features and social networking, not to mention online play aswell. If "gotta be connected to play" is a sign of things to come, then at least make us WANT to be connected all the time.

Also the matter of when the UBI servers go offline for maintance or whatever. You probably saw the uproar that 48hour (?) downtime caused.

Last edited by Fangman on Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 19:15; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 19:13    Post subject:
I just came across some extra cash and, unless I get hit by lightning tommorow, I'm gonna go and buy the game.
I don't feel like waiting anymore for a crack, and since I've pirated every game I've ever played in my life, aside from ST:O, it won't be so bad if I shell out some money for this one, regardless of drm or not.

And there's a bonus for the people waiting for the crack, with my luck, a release will appear on usenet the second I hand over my money to the hot chick in my local game store.

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 19:26    Post subject:
Good - about time you actually buy games Smile nothing wrong with piracy, but imo everyone should buy games from time to time to keep the PC platform running Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 956

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 19:47    Post subject:
Problem with buying *this* game is that you're also supporting their DRM, thus encouraging Ubisoft and other publishers to use similar stuff in the future.

At any rate, I think it's safe to say that Ubisoft won this round. A crack might appear in a month or two, but by that time they'll already have their few thousand more sales from people bought it instead of waiting for a crack. Hopefully they'll patch away the DRM a few more months after that, unless they start putting out DLC.

I do wonder if this was worth it though. Surely they can't have earned that much more cash from the pirates, and it's probably easily evened out by the loss of sales from people who didn't buy it because of the DRM. It's also greatly affecting their ratings all over the web, both in reviews and user votes.
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Posts: 1273

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 19:50    Post subject:
Ankh wrote:
Good - about time you actually buy games Smile nothing wrong with piracy, but imo everyone should buy games from time to time to keep the PC platform running Smile

I have to say that I generally agree with this. If I had the money, I'd buy every game I played. I buy as many as i can afford (sometimes as many as 9-10 a year), but I don't have money for them all. None the less, companies that I like and support, I try to buy their games when possible. There have been a few exceptions to this, and honestly I've felt guilty for really playing and enjoying a game i didn't buy. I've even gone so far as to buy a game cheap that I've downloaded and played for free, when I have the money.

In all honesty, if you care about PC gaming, you will buy SOME games. Good developers, such as Relic for example, who provide quality games and offer continued support and content (esp. free DLC) deserve the money for their time and effort. Well, that's my 2c worth at least.
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 20:44    Post subject:
For the game itself, I bought it when it came out on the xbox and really enjoyed it, if its a good port then I would say its worth the cash.

But to each their own, I didnt feel ripped off after I finished it.

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 1642
Location: Earth
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 20:59    Post subject:
here's my 2 cents/ I have the PS3, I bought most of the top games on it last year. I bought mmm nothing on the PC. I could've bought the Xbox, and stole games on that like the PC, but I do buy quality games, and I can't stand fag cheaters in online games anymore. I still haven't got AssCreed2, for the PS3 or the PC. Right now it's about 30 bux on ebay, when it's 20-25 I"ll get it. That's what it's worth to me. 60 bux new? No. DRM on my PC? NO! I may get BF3, but when I weigh in about the cheaters, I may just not get it. Now that they have these mouse combos for the consoles, it gets easier, just a new one came out today too, Successor to the Fragenstein.

Games I bought this year, NHL 10, MADDEN 10, GTA IV, MAG, Uncharted 2, Resistance 2, MGS4, Bad Company 2, BF 1943. SO, like 400 bux or more on games alone, and the price of the slim. Wish the PC had something like that to offer. Last game I bought for the PC? Ummm, I think it was UT3. And there's like 10 people online with that fucking game currently, lol.

Anyway, fuck UBI and the DRM, some kid will get my 20 bux, not UBI. I think that was my point to this post Razz

Last edited by BLuNT318 on Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 21:07; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 10797
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 21:03    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
I just came across some extra cash and, unless I get hit by lightning tommorow, I'm gonna go and buy the game.
I don't feel like waiting anymore for a crack, and since I've pirated every game I've ever played in my life, aside from ST:O, it won't be so bad if I shell out some money for this one, regardless of drm or not.

And there's a bonus for the people waiting for the crack, with my luck, a release will appear on usenet the second I hand over my money to the hot chick in my local game store.

The one game (so far) that you really shouldn't buy and you're buying it Sad

I did buy this on 360 but it was pre-owned and I completed within 2 days and sold it to my brother. I definitely wouldn't buy the PC version.

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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 21:34    Post subject:
you know i do hate that protection, but for sure some people here are hypocrites : out of all the people here complaining about having to stay online, im pretty sure there is at least one that is playing WoW 24/7 and is able to handle the fact you need to stay online, and all these servers dwontime once a week.... And still these people are complaining just because it's SP so you shouldnt have to stay on line as a principle....

Oh and i didnt buy the game, i leeched the 360 version Very Happy

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Posts: 487

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 21:44    Post subject:
Look at it this way, if publishing combines didn't make a few games that are hard to crack how else could nfo hump keep a 100 plus page thread running for peeps to drop in and vent on?
Cause after a brief flurry following a successful crack, these threads peter out with posts castigating the game 4 being awful, then die.
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Posts: 14059
Location: Balkans
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 21:51    Post subject:
umn, MW2 hit 100+ pages before it even got RELEASED...?

Lutzifer wrote:
and yes, mine is only average
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Posts: 10797
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 21:51    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
you know i do hate that protection, but for sure some people here are hypocrites : out of all the people here complaining about having to stay online, im pretty sure there is at least one that is playing WoW 24/7 and is able to handle the fact you need to stay online, and all these servers dwontime once a week.... And still these people are complaining just because it's SP so you shouldnt have to stay on line as a principle....

This statement just seems retarded to me. Of course you have to be online to play an online game. The clue is in the genre title. AC2 is not an online game at all, it has no online modes. Rolling Eyes

Ryzen 5 5600, ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING WIFI II, Corsair Vengeance RGB RT 32GB 3600MHz C16, Zotac RTX 3060 Ti, Corsair RMx Series RM750x. AOC AGON AG324UX - 4K 144Hz 1ms GTG IPS FreeSync KVM
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Posts: 2426
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 22:33    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
I just came across some extra cash and, unless I get hit by lightning tommorow, I'm gonna go and buy the game.
I don't feel like waiting anymore for a crack, and since I've pirated every game I've ever played in my life, aside from ST:O, it won't be so bad if I shell out some money for this one, regardless of drm or not.

And there's a bonus for the people waiting for the crack, with my luck, a release will appear on usenet the second I hand over my money to the hot chick in my local game store.

Don't do it.. pretty mediocre game and offers little challenge. Hold a button down and you climb everything... big whoop.. no skill involved. Buy a game that's actually worth the money. BC2, Dragon Age, hell Avernum 6.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 22:50    Post subject:
It's a good game, better than AC1. Worth the purchase if you liked AC1.
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Posts: 5901
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Mar 2010 22:59    Post subject:
i wont buy this game even if its going to be cracked in 3 years, maybe ac3 will hit stores by then

[spoiler][quote="SteamDRM"]i've bought mohw :derp: / FPS of the year! [/quote]
[quote="SteamDRM"][quote="b0se"]BLACK OPS GOTY[/quote]
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Posts: 9881
Location: Outhouse
PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Mar 2010 01:04    Post subject:
Still... as long this DRM shit is active, no buy for me. I've got the money, no problem here. If they remove it, I'll going to buy it. If it's cracked and DRM never gets patched, I'll never buy it. If it's cracked and they remove the DRM afterwards, I'll go and buy it.

How easy is that?

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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Mar 2010 01:18    Post subject:
Interesting "i buy theories" here. I would have bought this day one if i'd had the cash. Settlers 7 as well ! /care

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posts: 131
Location: ovrdarainbow
PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Mar 2010 02:17    Post subject:
m3th0d2008 wrote:
Still... as long this DRM shit is active, no buy for me. I've got the money, no problem here. If they remove it, I'll going to buy it. If it's cracked and DRM never gets patched, I'll never buy it. If it's cracked and they remove the DRM afterwards, I'll go and buy it.

How easy is that?

I agree absolutely and totally. A good game i want to own but not at ridiculous prices and not with a drm that never really lets me owns the game. They say if the servers are shutdown they'll release a patch. If the servers are shutdown that means there's no money to keep them running, it can also mean there won't be any money to pay to have a patch created unless it's already done. Regardless, when i buy a game I play it when i want to, that is the reason i bought it. They, if they wanted to, could essentially tell you when you can and can't play your game.

"I as a boy, I believed the saying the cure for pain was love
How would it be if you could see the world through my eyes?", 'Hide in your Shell' - Supertramp
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Mar 2010 03:28    Post subject:

Look at the part where the DRM is discussed....logical reasoning I must say.
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