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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Mar 2005 23:43    Post subject: Darwinia-PCGAME
yey finally out.... from the guys who brought us uplink Smile

edit bit of a crap post so:





Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too

Last edited by Sublime on Wed, 2nd Mar 2005 23:45; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Mar 2005 23:45    Post subject:
Just played it.. a load of poo Razz

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Posts: 1493

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Mar 2005 23:45    Post subject:
Oddmaker wrote:
Just played it.. a load of poo Razz

it's a great game, waiting 4 this one...
guess is 10x15mb or something
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Mar 2005 23:47    Post subject:
Lol it looks so..... unfinished.

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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 01:00    Post subject:
WTF is this game..i feel like i have to be high to play and understand that game
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 02:22    Post subject:
they forgot to package the textures along with the game Laughing
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Posts: 398
Location: Greece
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 02:34    Post subject:
Someone who understood this game? Confused
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 02:49    Post subject:
the game is actually very very good.
but perhaps some might need the manual to fully understand it.
have fun
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 03:30    Post subject:
Ganbare wrote:
they forgot to package the textures along with the game Laughing

No u have to purschase them later aka Exp pack Razz
Even Tron2.0 had textures lol
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Posts: 18594
Location: In Elektro looking for beans
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 06:27    Post subject:
Ohh yes I've been waiting for this Very Happy

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 06:51    Post subject: what a load of crap
what is this shit, the SNES has better graphics
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Posts: 18594
Location: In Elektro looking for beans
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 07:01    Post subject:
Try to download the demo....

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 5574

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 07:18    Post subject:
I was really turned off by the demo. I love the graphic style, but the gameplay just seemed meh. Will give the full a go and see if I can't change my mind about it.
Maybe with the manaul Ill actually be able to understand a bit more than last time heh.

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 08:08    Post subject:
wow my spectrum can play this piece of junk
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Posts: 13464
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 08:18    Post subject:
It received 90% in both PC Format and PC gamer UK. TotalVideoGames.com gave it 9/10.

The graphics are really great, very artistic / retro Smile
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Posts: 5574

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 08:43    Post subject:
It received 90% in both PC Format and PC gamer UK. TotalVideoGames.com gave it 9/10.

Yea, but PC Gamer UK is a biased source on this title, for several reasons.
A. Its a UK development team.
B. They did interviews with dev. team in pubs etc etc. I wouldn't be surprised if the Introversion guys loaned their wives to a few of the reviewers in order to..."boost" the ratings so to speak =)

Don't get me wrong, Uplink was great, and all I have is respect for these guys, but ehrm , PC Gamer UK is a bad place to go for a review of this one heh.

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 09:06    Post subject:
Looks like a very budget version of Tron. But the review sounds very promising so I'll give it a shot.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 09:12    Post subject:
I lost all respect for PC Gamer UK after they gave deus ex 2 90% or some such shit.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 13464
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 09:15    Post subject:
Immunity wrote:

Yea, but PC Gamer UK is a biased source on this title, for several reasons.
A. Its a UK development team.

So? There are lots of games, movies and music developed in the UK, you mean that every review (if UK based) is biased? Riiiight.. What about US based games and US reviewers, those reviews must be biased too right?


B. They did interviews with dev. team in pubs etc etc. I wouldn't be surprised if the Introversion guys loaned their wives to a few of the reviewers in order to..."boost" the ratings so to speak =)

...and they did the same to everyone else who has reviewed the game, and perhaps to some people in the forum too? Sorry, but your attempts of showing a conspiracy theory here is a bit... pathetic, to say the least.
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Posts: 5574

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 10:21    Post subject:
On level 2 thusfar. Here is the gist of the game for those of you who are having trouble with it or wanna know the general type o feel before ya play.

Basically, you insta summon units (you are limited to 3 units at any one time, until later.) You summon units via holding down alt and drawing a loosely conforming shape (a la Sacrifice. anyone remember that title? think it had that same deal in it anyway). Now, your basic units are your squad and engineers. You can summon engineers anywhere a squad is located, but squads themselves can be summoned only at buildings your engineers have gained control of.

Now, when shit dies, it leaves behind tiny red cubes (souls). Your engineers collect these cubes, take them back to incubator buildings, and out pop lil green civilian men.

Here's the kicker though. If an enemy collector gets the red cubes (or YOUR cubes from when your men/darwinians die), they pick them up, and lay eggs. These eggs hatch into the units all over again. Thus, its like a tug of war until you manage to collect all the souls in a given area. As far as I know, the enemy collectors (airborne) are invulnerable. And if they're not, anyone wanna clue me in on how to kill em?

Once you figure out the interface/controlscheme/limits, game is pretty damn fun. Hectic trying to summon dead engineers with mouse while simultaneously keeping your squad from getting swarmed by enemy. Remember, your squad serves like a mobile spawn base for engineers, which are vital.

As far as what vurt said regarding my response to PCGUk, well, I shoulda clarified my meaning a bit more. Too lazy now , and you do have somewhat of a point, so you win this round =)
However, as Animal Mother stated:
I lost all respect for PC Gamer UK after they gave deus ex 2 90% or some such shit.

which is kinda the gist of what I was getting at. PCGUk are unreliable reviewers heh.

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 62
Location: sunny spain
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 10:57    Post subject:
nice game.reminds me a mixture between good old "sentinel" and "virus".

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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 13:40    Post subject:
Immunity wrote:
As far as I know, the enemy collectors (airborne) are invulnerable. And if they're not, anyone wanna clue me in on how to kill em?
You can kill them with granades when they are near ground.

How do you rescue the Darwinians? A have collected alot of souls and convertet to Darwinians but my counter still says 3? Are you suposed to move them to a speciall location or what?

EDIT: Nevermind, you have to move them to the big tree in middle of the map, safe zone.

Last edited by lunna on Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 15:46; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 15:20    Post subject:
Mutantius wrote:
Try to download the demo....

game itself 117mb why bother with demo Razz
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Location: In Elektro looking for beans
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 15:31    Post subject:
Its not illegal Shocked Razz

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 16:07    Post subject:
Mutantius wrote:
Its not illegal Shocked Razz

is it legal to code game with 100mb instead of 96kb cause it looks like one of those 96kb games or & btw they could actualy make music quality better that one in the orion keygens Very Happy
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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 16:41    Post subject:
This game is trippy as fuck

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 93

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Mar 2005 19:53    Post subject:
Game is awesome, been waiting for it Very Happy

For the guys complaining about the gfx - I think the game looks great, very different look to everything. And there are no textures because everything is created from fractals (also explains the size). And believe it or not, the game will not run on your spectrum, it uses DX9

EDIT: And Eliz - Thats only the intro music, and it sounds like that because its supposed to be oldschool! There's also a cool cracktro-style intro that appears sometimes alongside some other intros (Matrix one is very cool).
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Posts: 337

PostPosted: Fri, 4th Mar 2005 15:51    Post subject:
Some ppl here are just spoiled with HL2/Doom3/Far Cry gfx. This is meant to be like this! And as usuall, gfx aint all. Don't hear many complain about Super Mario Bros 1 having lame gfx. Most ppl say its a fun game.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 4th Mar 2005 16:01    Post subject:
Ace128 wrote:
Some ppl here are just spoiled with HL2/Doom3/Far Cry gfx. This is meant to be like this! And as usuall, gfx aint all. Don't hear many complain about Super Mario Bros 1 having lame gfx. Most ppl say its a fun game.

Yeah but if a game came out with graphics like super mario 1 now, and they were charging $30 for it, then I don't think they would be the only ones to complain about crap graphics.

It's all relative to the time period, and nowadays we expect alot from full priced games, because we know what our hardware is capable of.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 4th Mar 2005 16:11    Post subject:
tried the demo, and loved it!
but i can't get the game to install Sad setup.exe (autorun) gives me the message "c:\windows\system\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft windows applications"
anyone knows what this might be??
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