Moment of silence - Money
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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 20:09    Post subject:
so anyone actually got into this game yet? any good? recommended or not?
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Posts: 27

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 20:41    Post subject:,448

review says it came out a few months ago Confused

looks good though
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 20:51    Post subject:
I'm playing it right now. I really like the game. It has a very nice graphics, the storyline seems very good, it has some nice dark elements, and mysterious conspiracy.The voice acting is great, I have noticed some weird grammer mistakes but apart from that, it's perfect. The scenery is varid, colorful and always shows new stuff. I have found few bugs, most of them pathfinding.
I recommand this game to every point and click fan.Good game.
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 22:16    Post subject:
it's a good story, I'm gonna definitely finish this one. Too bad the pathfinding is nonexistent. Like when you're close to the edge of the screen, clicking on the edge, you'll move back further away to a certain point and then proceed forwards finally moving to the next screen. Nonetheless I'm thoroughly enjoying this one
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 22:31    Post subject:
I have been playing for couple of hours, and i must say, i like what i see Smile
Have anybody tried the patch, which is available at the official game site?( it should fix some serious bugs, which is making the game impossible to finish)
I couldn't install the patch(i have the us version), and i am wondering why the patch was available before the game was released in the US(it's an english language patch so..)

"Sometimes when you do things right, people are not sure you've done anything at all." -- God (Futurama)
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 12:21    Post subject:
Darkl0rd, Thank you very much for the "putting on dvd tip". I know it could be done a long time ago but I never had the guts. Now I'm gonna put everything on DVD even If It's just 2cds Smile. I feel so damn stupid that I ain't done that before. Now I will never complain about releases that are on CD's and not DVD's.


Damn. There is no .msi file to edit. It's only a setup.exe one present and It's a Wize installer. I've tried just to merge the discs and putting the contents of the other discs in folders but it didn't work. It says Decompression error.... Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 13:43    Post subject: MOS TO DVD
I just got threw putting this on DVD. Here's how I did it and it worked for me.

1. Copy each disk to a seperate folder.

2. Copy the files from each disk folder to your main disk folder. I used disk 1 folder as my main folder. You can copy the directx directory if you want from CD4. I choose to use it from CD1. I don't know why it's on CD1 & 4 but there is a folder for directx.

3. Once you have all the files in one folder burn it with your favorite burning program. I named my Disk [MOSDVD].

I still get the prompts to insert the next CD during the install which sucks. I didn't feel like digging into the .exe file to remove the CD prompts. When it asks for the next CD, just hit OK and move on.

I just started playing this a couple of days ago. I'm enjoying so far.

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Posts: 43

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 14:25    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
Darkl0rd, Thank you very much for the "putting on dvd tip".

You're welcome.

razor1394 wrote:
Damn. There is no .msi file to edit. It's only a setup.exe one present and It's a Wize installer. I've tried just to merge the discs and putting the contents of the other discs in folders but it didn't work. It says Decompression error.... Crying or Very sad

If there is no msi file, you don't need to edit anythig. Just burn it.
That's why I sayed 'edit the msi if necessary'

What might happen for games without msi file is that during the installation the game asks you to insert the next disk. If this happens, all you have to do is click 'OK' and it will continue.

Last edited by Darkl0rd on Mon, 7th Mar 2005 17:55; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 16:37    Post subject:
Off course. I will see if it works.
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 19:43    Post subject:
Ok now I got it. I shouldn't have putten the other files in separate folders because the prompt can't point to folders. That's why I also got that weird error somehow. Now I put everything in the root of the disc and it worked. Thanks for your help.


Nope, still getting the error on the third disc instead. I guess I'll have to burn it on cd's instead.

Last edited by razor1394 on Mon, 7th Mar 2005 19:55; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 19:50    Post subject:
Damn, this game has some nice cinamatics in it. The movie where they take you, is fucking amazing.They did a good job, anybody knows about thier next game?
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Posts: 43

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Mar 2005 04:55    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
Ok now I got it. I shouldn't have putten the other files in separate folders because the prompt can't point to folders. That's why I also got that weird error somehow. Now I put everything in the root of the disc and it worked.

Oh, I see. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Don't make folders for the disks.
You have to keep the path to all files the same (eg. if a file is in the root directory of a CD it also has to be in the root of the DVD)

razor1394 wrote:


Nope, still getting the error on the third disc instead. I guess I'll have to burn it on cd's instead.

That's strange.
I've just finsihed downloading this, converted it to DVD and it installs fine.
Are you sure you've got all files? Maybe you've missed one.
Disk 3 has 2 files: Resource.z11 and Resource.z12. Are they both in the root directory of your DVD?
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Mar 2005 19:21    Post subject:
Got it now. I shouldn't have created a new iso image from scratch. Now when I just edited the .bin and saved as .iso it worked. I'm continuing this process with MVP and rugby 2005. Thanks.
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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 02:09    Post subject:
maul_inc wrote:
I have been playing for couple of hours, and i must say, i like what i see Smile
Have anybody tried the patch, which is available at the official game site?( it should fix some serious bugs, which is making the game impossible to finish)
I couldn't install the patch(i have the us version), and i am wondering why the patch was available before the game was released in the US(it's an english language patch so..)

Because there are English speaking countries in Europe. Most obviously ENGLAND! And the game was released in Europe a couple of months ago. The US isn't the only english-speaking country in the work you know!
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Posts: 1128
Location: Paul's Boutique
PostPosted: Fri, 11th Mar 2005 18:22    Post subject:
Now that was a nice story, really enjoyed that game.

Per Ardua Ad Astra
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