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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 19:58    Post subject:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
Palleburn, what about Spy Fiction? Wasnt that a good stealth game?

Hmm, never played that, have I missed somthing? Confused
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 20:26    Post subject:
ad4m wrote:
Hm... is this game worse than Constantine ? Smile

I've read the constantine thread and everyone said it was shit... but I grabbed it anyway and I think it's a pretty good game..... whta to do with this one?!? :S
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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 20:27    Post subject:
Yea, it seems like its more in depth than Stolen. Though it got a low score on GameSpot. Spy Fiction is a long game though. Fair amount of it is stealth.
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 21:03    Post subject:
Yeah I have the same a gf 6800LE, it runs like utter crap no matter what this a big ass bug? I cant play it , its too choppy, it lags even when Im in the menu....
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Posts: 87
Location: Mexico
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 21:05    Post subject:
wtf the videos run choppy on my pc wtf again.

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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 21:48    Post subject:
The only game i can think of that was a good port to PC is GTA series and Riddick (was riddick a port or did they make it together with PC?). Most other games are bad ports. These devs needs to create PC games then port them to console.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 21:52    Post subject:
XMAFT have done a really lame DVDRiP release.

54x15mb with Foriegn Languages and Movies removed.


This release could easily fit on 1CD with Foriegn Languages removed and full quality movies left in.
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Posts: 289
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 21:56    Post subject:
Glad to see i'm not the only one who is having this game run like garbage.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+
1 Gig RAM
ATI 9800 Pro
Newest Catalyst drivers

I got the game to run decent at 1024 X 768 with everything else at defaults.

Still looked like sh!t though. Laughing
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Posts: 1493

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 21:59    Post subject:
Nexus7 wrote:
XMAFT have done a really lame DVDRiP release.

54x15mb with Foriegn Languages and Movies removed.


This release could easily fit on 1CD with Foriegn Languages removed and full quality movies left in.

removing foreing languages the rel is 1.4 gigs... how the fuck can fit in 1cd?
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 22:06    Post subject:
Selt wrote:

removing foreing languages the rel is 1.4 gigs... how the fuck can fit in 1cd?

Ever heard of compression ?
I'd much rather have a release that includes all the movies, full quality, and an added 20-30 mins on installation than a half assed rip with no movies at all...
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 22:08    Post subject:
pallebrun wrote:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
Palleburn, what about Spy Fiction? Wasnt that a good stealth game?

Hmm, never played that, have I missed somthing? Confused

Spy Fiction was developed by several members of the Metal Gear Solid team. It has some unique ideas (you can take a photo of every person and then disguise as this person, parachuting at the start of a mission, some cool gadgets, etc.) but it didn't get very good reviews. The little time I spent with it so far was pretty good though, so I will play it sometime. I think it's a case where you can't trust the reviews.

*waiting for the Xbox version of Stolen*
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Posts: 45

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 22:30    Post subject:
I wasted my bandwidth...horrible game...the game is too bad...
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Posts: 110

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 23:05    Post subject:
Trismogestos wrote:
Selt wrote:
FnF wrote:
Selt wrote:
bum^ wrote:
this game looks great

reloaded got an unprotected but final version of this game... that's why the pre and not sf3. this game gone gold a week ago and was supposed to retail on april 14

How do u know, are u a relative of RELOADED? Very Happy

well, i know hip interactive use staforce and i know this game retails april 14th...
1+1= ?

...and that's why they stated StarForce as protection and included cracked content - please don't talk bullshit!

How about you dont talk bullshit, its clear this isnt a retail copy and contained no protection....check the readme file on the disc.
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Posts: 667
Location: Scotland
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 23:16    Post subject:
I see no point of making a new thread for so i posted it here....

Stolen.DVDRip.READNFO-XMAFT is out ...

Ripped : All foreign languages, and the movies.
So you wont waste your bandwidth with this one Wink
Size : 54x15MB

"Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 00:27    Post subject:
Under wrote:
I see no point of making a new thread for so i posted it here....

Stolen.DVDRip.READNFO-XMAFT is out ...

Ripped : All foreign languages, and the movies.
So you wont waste your bandwidth with this one Wink
Size : 54x15MB

I already posted all that up there ^ Wink

and a. its nuked and b. its a crap dvdrip, see other posts.

I really don't see why theres a debate about this being a beta...

The company Blue52 who created the game, went under and so HIP Interactive published the game as soon as possible just to get it released and not have it disappear and be a wasted effort.

So they forgot to add a readme in there haste ? not too unbelievable is it ?

The company went under, the game was rushed, the main ini is even called StolenRetail.ini, so the evidence against one readme file is kinda convincing.
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 01:02    Post subject:
Trismogestos wrote:

...and that's why they stated StarForce as protection and included cracked content - please don't talk bullshit!

Theres no protection on this game and no crack either:

Scanning -> D:\Program Files\Stolen\StolenLauncher.exe
File Type : Exe, Size : 348160 (055000h) Bytes
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection

Scanning -> D:\Program Files\Stolen\Stolen.exe
File Type : Exe, Size : 3919872 (03BD000h) Bytes
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection

Scanning -> D:\Program Files\Stolen\StolenLauncher.dll
File Type : Dll, Size : 167936 (029000h) Bytes
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection

When you dont know shit about shit you should just STFU! and if you had a slight skill to read you see in the NFO that this is a stolen copy.

From what i've seen so far, this looks like a homebrewed installer cause when i installed it, it says "copying to" instead of "installing to" so im pretty sure this is not a full retail version.

After seeing people complaining about the poor performance on their machine i was saying to myself "not another deus ex 2" but after playing the game for a while i really dont know what is wrong with your game cause here it runs just fine.
Im at 800x600
FullscreenAA State=on
Lighting Level=3
Shadows State=on
Bumpmaps State=on
Bit Depth=32
With FRAPS on i get between 30 and 55 fps...never go under 30

My specs:
P4 2.4 533FSB
512mb PC-400
Radeon 9800 PRO OC with XT bios (Catalyst 5.3)

But i didnt installed the EAX4 cause EAX technology sucks and makes all the games runs like shit.

Anyway..all this to say that the game runs fine and nothing is wrong with it and if i recall what i read in specs are lower that most of people who got performance issues
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Posts: 93

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 01:44    Post subject:
I did install the EAX4, and EAX has never slowed down any of my games.

Could be a problem with nVidia cards, I never see the speeds you're talking about.
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Posts: 289
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 03:04    Post subject:
IDK what the problem is.

Every once and a while a game comes by that will just not run well on my computer.

I'm playing Cold Fear at 1600 X 1200 without a stutter but trying to play Stolen at anything above 1024 X 768 makes it run like junk. Sad
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 03:38    Post subject:
They must have done a terrible job at optimisation. When games looking far better then stolen, run far worse, you know it's not your hardware thats at fault.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 289
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 03:40    Post subject:
If I may digress for just a minute...

How can I check the frame rate of the game?
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 03:43    Post subject:
Quickstar wrote:
These devs needs to create PC games then port them to console.

that's exactly how I feel. It should be made for PC and then watered down from there. You can't port over diluted shit from consoles and expect it to shine on the PC. Unless the gameplay is good
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 03:51    Post subject:
medeirosm wrote:
If I may digress for just a minute...

How can I check the frame rate of the game?
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Posts: 265

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 04:27    Post subject:
Completly unplayable !!!
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Posts: 289
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 04:39    Post subject:
Kommando wrote:
medeirosm wrote:
If I may digress for just a minute...

How can I check the frame rate of the game?

Thanks, gotta see what frame rates i'm getting on this.
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Posts: 289
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 05:12    Post subject:
Ok, I was getting a max of 20fps.

That was on 1024 X 768, god it's really an ugly game.

It needs a patch and a prayer.
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 05:46    Post subject:
medeirosm wrote:
Ok, I was getting a max of 20fps.

That was on 1024 X 768, god it's really an ugly game.

It needs a patch and a prayer.

can you try it at 800x600 to see if you get the same fps as me?
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Posts: 337

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 05:54    Post subject:
Kommando wrote:
Trismogestos wrote:

...and that's why they stated StarForce as protection and included cracked content - please don't talk bullshit!

Theres no protection on this game and no crack either:

Scanning -> D:\Program Files\Stolen\StolenLauncher.exe
File Type : Exe, Size : 348160 (055000h) Bytes
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection

Scanning -> D:\Program Files\Stolen\Stolen.exe
File Type : Exe, Size : 3919872 (03BD000h) Bytes
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection

Scanning -> D:\Program Files\Stolen\StolenLauncher.dll
File Type : Dll, Size : 167936 (029000h) Bytes
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection

When you dont know shit about shit you should just STFU! and if you had a slight skill to read you see in the NFO that this is a stolen copy.

From what i've seen so far, this looks like a homebrewed installer cause when i installed it, it says "copying to" instead of "installing to" so im pretty sure this is not a full retail version.

After seeing people complaining about the poor performance on their machine i was saying to myself "not another deus ex 2" but after playing the game for a while i really dont know what is wrong with your game cause here it runs just fine.
Im at 800x600
FullscreenAA State=on
Lighting Level=3
Shadows State=on
Bumpmaps State=on
Bit Depth=32
With FRAPS on i get between 30 and 55 fps...never go under 30

My specs:
P4 2.4 533FSB
512mb PC-400
Radeon 9800 PRO OC with XT bios (Catalyst 5.3)

But i didnt installed the EAX4 cause EAX technology sucks and makes all the games runs like shit.

Anyway..all this to say that the game runs fine and nothing is wrong with it and if i recall what i read in specs are lower that most of people who got performance issues

Seriously, if the game is cracked, then the protection is removed, no?
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 06:07    Post subject:
Ace128 wrote:

Seriously, if the game is cracked, then the protection is removed, no?

Nobody says the game was cracked and even if the protection is removed...they have to write what protection was on it anyway..its a rule.
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Posts: 354
Location: Hell
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 07:04    Post subject:
Does anyone know how to get the "Invert Y Axis" setting (3rd person, not 1st person--that one actually does something) to actually work? My framerate is bearable, but there's no way in hell I can play a game with a retarded mouse setting.

I'm probably wasting my time anyway, this game makes DX:IW and Project Snowblind look like works of pure genius.
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 07:11    Post subject:
Palegod wrote:
Does anyone know how to get the "Invert Y Axis" setting (3rd person, not 1st person--that one actually does something) to actually work? My framerate is bearable, but there's no way in hell I can play a game with a retarded mouse setting.

I'm probably wasting my time anyway, this game makes DX:IW and Project Snowblind look like works of pure genius.

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