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Posts: 87
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 04:08 Post subject: |
its like i fucking hate that url.
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 04:27 Post subject: |
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 05:29 Post subject: |
Injurious wrote: |
Did you even click on the link?
It’s an anti-smoking site targeted at the Canadian audience.
Their ads include dangerous things / nasty things compared to smoking
a girl rubs canine feces allover her self and compares it to the bad breath cigarettes induce
a girl stands outside during a storm holding a lightning rod compares the deaths of those struck by lightning to the deaths caused by cigarettes
a guy having breakfast in a bathtub filled with water. his breakfast included freshly toasted toast from a powered toasted located on the brim of the tub
there are many more
also the one that really pissed me off includes the worst dialogue ever
a guy is at a botany store. A 'rocker' (long hair... shoddy clothes... et cetera) holds a can of pesticide with arsenic. He asks the customer service person if the pesticide has arsenic. The person answers yes. And the rocker goes "then I wonder why it's still in some cigarettes"
then? THEN!?
anywho... sucks... I hate their ads.  |
I've been trying to get my parents off the stick for the last 10 years... for me, every little bit helps. Too bad I'm not in canada.
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VIP Master Jedi
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Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 06:22 Post subject: |
Injurious wrote: | these don't help
There are also "target" ads where it's aimed at the parents.
A couple smokes in the living room but the whole scene is in the baby's room. There is a child in the crib fidgeting around (sleeping). Smoke comes in through the key hole and then it creates a bull’s-eye target around the baby. There is some information that goes on about how bad smoking / second hand smoking is.
There used to be ‘truth’ ads. But I don’t see them anymore. They were creative. Made you think. But these are despicable  |
Yeah man, they get so fuckin annoying and some of em are really retarded...they make it seem smoking is something u can just put down...many ppl can 'just put em down' mind u, but many others cant.
Rather than encouraging ppl to maybe get help, they make u feel stupid, hence there stupid fuckin website
I love canada, but fuck, our media and government are quite retarded sometimes....
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Posts: 16
Location: Canada
Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 07:16 Post subject: |
LOL I've seen those commericals. I don't smoke so it doesn't annoy me the way I imagine it would a smoker, but I think they're actually kind of funny.
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 19:53 Post subject: |
Injurious wrote: | aye
You seen the one with a kid wearing antlers in the forest? You hear gunshots in the background.
"Hunting accidents kill three people a year"
"Smoking skills sixteen thousands"
"Which do you think is stupid?"
Yeah, they are stupid...someone shootin someone cuz they are blind...or smoking, which MAY or MAY NOT kill you.
Personally, i dont think ppl should smoke, but as long as those who do dont kill others with second hand, its all good.
I hate gettin looks when ur walkin down the street having a smoke and some fuckin health advocate freak walks by u and gives u a look/ and or a comment...fuckin bitches, if i wanna kill myself slowly, i will
speaking of which, time for a smoke
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Posts: 16
Location: Canada
Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 20:00 Post subject: |
 |'s message is a good one, but I think that the anti-smoking thing should be limited to advertisments. I have never and will never give someone a dirty look for smoking because it is their CHOICE and with all the anti-smoking ads out there I know they are aware of the effects.
Who the fuck am I to go find someone standing outside having a smoke and tell them to stamp it out? If someone did that to me I'd probably flick the thing into their face 
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 20:26 Post subject: |
whoKnows wrote: | These ads are useless, teens will smoke if they want to, no matter what. They use more drastic measures here, these include showing real pictures of a smoking lungs or a smoking legs (don't know if this is the right expression) at school. They have bigger warning signs on the packs too (like smoking can be deadly or smokers die early), and the European union wants to replace these current warnings with some disgusting pictures.
I quitted smoking at the age of 19 (started at 17), i only smoked because i wanted to look cool infront of the other students and hang out in the smoking corner at school. That's why every teenager starts smoking imo, no one can tell me that his first smoke actually tasted good, you just get used to it and start to think that you like it. But if you get older you also get wiser and start to realize that smoking is just dumb and expensive too.  |
I started smoking when I was 12...and really, i did it cuz I was depressed, bad family life and it gave me a type of high (u know the high u get from smokes when u first start smoking?). A reason to get away from shit when it was going bad...i'd just go somewhere and have a smoke
I smoke now cuz im addicted (loL) and really, im enjoying my life. Im in great shape, I can easily run 3M in 20 mins, i teach martial arts, its all good...some ppl may not see the logic in this as im decreasing my life span but fuck, why live life if u cant enjoy it? and look at native indians, they smoke like chimneys and drink like irishmen yet they live for a very long time...lifes just a game over russian roulette
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Posts: 1875
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 20:32 Post subject: |
Both of my parents smoke, and I had a chance to start smoking... but hell, I don't see a point... My dad smokes for over like 25 years now and he is in a pretty good shape... Same with my mom...
The cool part is that there are ANTI-Smoking ADS on the cigarette packs, like Smoking killed over 350k people over this year and crap like that...
And seriously, do you think the ADS actually work ? Like some smoker is walking around and sees an ANTI-Smoking AD, and he is like DAMN! Oh NOW I'm Quitting RIGHT NOW!
About Hitman: Movie (2007)
Vin Diesel is a hardcore gamer, and absolutely loves the Hitman series. For that reason I have faith that he wont destroy the movie.
Response: Well, Uwe Boll probably loved the Alone in the Dark games.
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Posts: 16
Location: Canada
Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 21:00 Post subject: |
Griffon wrote: | Both of my parents smoke, and I had a chance to start smoking... but hell, I don't see a point... My dad smokes for over like 25 years now and he is in a pretty good shape... Same with my mom...
The cool part is that there are ANTI-Smoking ADS on the cigarette packs, like Smoking killed over 350k people over this year and crap like that...
And seriously, do you think the ADS actually work ? Like some smoker is walking around and sees an ANTI-Smoking AD, and he is like DAMN! Oh NOW I'm Quitting RIGHT NOW! |
I think the ads are more for preventing kids from using it than anything else. 10 year olds will see those commercials with that girl rubbing crap all over herself and "get it" that smoking is bad. Smokers know the risks and it's their choice.
Sitting on the computer for extended periods of time is bad for you too, but I do it anyways. Drinking a lot of soft drinks is bad for your kidneys, but I do it anyways.
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 21:53 Post subject: |
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 22:04 Post subject: |
nouseforaname wrote: | SycoShaman wrote: | and look at native indians, they smoke like chimneys and drink like irishmen yet they live for a very long time...l |
ahem ... not quite.
As to the whole notion of whether or not these population based stop smoking initiatives work ... I'd say they do. Canada is a good example of a nation with a strong anti-smoking policy. Whether it's the packs ...
effectiveness of warnings study:
or the television ads (you might think they're cheesy -- and I'd agree that the 'stupid' ads are), or the eventual ban of smoking indoors at all public places ... there's nothing wrong with the government stepping in to curb smoking in the population. Teens are future smokers, so they need to be targetted as well -- and if the ads are annoying, then so be it.
In any country with socialized medicine the government MUST try to lower the rates of harmful ways people come up with to kill themselves. You may be killing yourself, but you're also a drain on healthcare resources.
I hate bastard cigarettes. Now where did I put that pack ...  |
lol damn, i really did think i was right, but i guess not
well, maybe they have some medicinal shit in that peace pipe, who knows?
Sure are resourcefull tho man, fuckin graph and everything. Nice 
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Über-VIP Member
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 22:20 Post subject: |
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 22:23 Post subject: |
nouseforaname wrote: | Griffon wrote: | You buy a pack and you have an ANTI-SMOKING AD on it, come on get serious! Thats STUPID.CAnada  |
That's like saying it's stupid to have airbag warnings in cars with airbags. |

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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 22:25 Post subject: |
nouseforaname wrote: | In any country with socialized medicine the government MUST try to lower the rates of harmful ways people come up with to kill themselves. You may be killing yourself, but you're also a drain on healthcare resources. |
Its not that simple. On the one hand, the government must try to lower the rate of smokers, as they cost the healthcare system billions of dollars, on the other hand, the smokers do pay for their extra healthcare expenses through a ridiculously high tax on cigarettes. So the health minister wants more people to stop smoking, while the finance minister wants more people to smoke. Our country had an even bigger deficit if all people here would stop smoking from one day to another, the state cant actuallly afford a non smoking society, from a fiscal pov.
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Über-VIP Member
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Posted: Wed, 13th Apr 2005 22:48 Post subject: |
I just wanted to re-iterate a point. The reason that warnings are necessary is because people don't actually understand the risks of smoking.
It's been found several times that smokers (and even the general public) underestimate the burden of disease from tobacco use.
A good paper on 'Evaluating Risk Comprehension':;1999/25/15
WhoKnows wrote: | Its not that simple. On the one hand, the government must try to lower the rate of smokers, as they cost the healthcare system billions of dollars, on the other hand, the smokers do pay for their extra healthcare expenses through a ridiculously high tax on cigarettes. So the health minister wants more people to stop smoking, while the finance minister wants more people to smoke. Our country had an even bigger deficit if all people here would stop smoking from one day to another, the state cant actuallly afford a non smoking society, from a fiscal pov. |
Well ... I guess that's true to a point ... in CA around ~7 billion a year is raising in taxes. But ... Tobacco use costs the health care system in excess of $3 billion every year. Lost productivity of a smoking employee is more than $2,500 a year, with the total economic burden to Canadian society rising to $15 billion a year.
Lastly, read this and tell me smoking control initiatives don't work:
Quote: | In recent years, Canada has made historic progress against tobacco use.
Per capita (age 15+) consumption of tobacco products fell by 23% in 1997-2002 inclusive as compared to 1996, including a very encouraging 9% decline in 2002. Preliminary data indicate that the decrease in per capita consumption in 2003 was also significant. Per capita consumption is now lower than at any time since the 1930s. The number of smokers has dropped by over 700,000 since 1999, and the number of “never” smokers among young Canadians has increased by over 150,000.
More info on taxes and tobacco:
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