[PS3] MotorStorm.Apocalypse.PS3-SweeTpS3
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Posts: 676
Location: London,England
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Mar 2011 01:08    Post subject:
I've only played the demo, I loved the second one great graphics, courses and music, like the first one but without the game cheating. But the one feels like its the worse one out the lot.
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Posts: 839
Location: Canuckland
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Mar 2011 02:03    Post subject:
mcmanic wrote:
although a fun game it still IMHO the worst of the series.

I agree and imho Pacific Rift is still the best in the series.
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Posts: 3631

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 06:47    Post subject:
I only played the first game, and all I remember is that is was hard as fuck and very unforgiving. I wouldn't mind that usually, but you could be in the lead the whole race, and then make just a tiny mistake on the last 10 seconds and still loose...
Is it still the same here?

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
- Albert Camus
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Posts: 877
Location: Nuked
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 10:07    Post subject:
No - it´s way too easy now. Doesn't matter if you fuck up, then you just reset the car with select button and hardly get punished at all. lol wut
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 10:28    Post subject:
grapper wrote:
No - it´s way too easy now. Doesn't matter if you fuck up, then you just reset the car with select button and hardly get punished at all. lol wut

Pacfic Rift also had the option to reset the car with the [select] button.Imo Apocalypse is the best of the series.Watching skyscrapers falling in the background and collapsing in front of you is amazing.

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Posts: 2990
Location: Vienna
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 12:28    Post subject:
bringiton wrote:
I only played the first game, and all I remember is that is was hard as fuck and very unforgiving. I wouldn't mind that usually, but you could be in the lead the whole race, and then make just a tiny mistake on the last 10 seconds and still loose...
Is it still the same here?

imo the first game wasn't hard because of a little mistake ruining your first place, but rather fucked up rubber band mechanics and enemies ganging up on you/suicidally ramming you
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 14:02    Post subject:
Have to say, not a fan of this game.

The races themselves are ok but load times and the shortness of the actual races lets it down imo.
It's ridiculously easy as well which means I'll no doubt get bored very quickly (same applies to the last racing game I played being NFS Cops and Robbers (or whatever it was called))

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Posts: 2990
Location: Vienna
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 19:14    Post subject:
you should get farther in those games then, since both MS3 and nfs hot pursuit (especially the latter) have some pretty epic races towards the end
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Mar 2011 21:51    Post subject:
I must admit, I did grind through it with NFS. It wasn't pleasant though. Not sure I can be arsed with doing it with this one. Wish they could just stick a difficulty level on it rather than making me do 30+ silly races followed by about 10 good ones.

Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz - 32GB Kingston HyperX - Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 - EVGA GTX 980 TI SC 6GB - Asus ROG Swift PG278Q
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Posts: 173

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Apr 2011 11:01    Post subject:
Im trying to run this internally discless, but keeps going to black screen, any suggestions?
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Posts: 2990
Location: Vienna
PostPosted: Fri, 1st Apr 2011 21:27    Post subject:
get a disc? Laughing
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Posts: 173

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2011 12:35    Post subject:
bushwacka wrote:
get a disc? Laughing

Ah, that works, I've noticed most of the older games can be run diskless, but some of the newer ones cant. Is this because of new copy protection?
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Posts: 2990
Location: Vienna
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2011 19:41    Post subject:
new protection or better emulation, honestly don't know, just left that move starter disc in there since i got my new ps3 and never had any problems Laughing
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Dec 2013 11:22    Post subject:
guys motorstorm apocalypse supposedly supports 3d, but in the game theres no 3d options, was it released with some patch?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Dec 2013 12:09    Post subject:
remyleblau wrote:
guys motorstorm apocalypse supposedly supports 3d, but in the game theres no 3d options, was it released with some patch?

Yeah, like Ridge Racer as well, it was later patched for 3D support.
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