Well, for now, there's nothing you can do to run GT5 on External - as the 11GB single file it has can't be split yet remain functional*. Other games that use the PSARC format (Uncharted, Resistance, etc) can be unpacked -- usually -- but there are few games that support this method. Then you have the problem games that require them to be on external, like Venetica, and even more that require specific loading tricks that are exclusive to external, the select-x trick like needed for COD titles and Assassin's Creed 1.
It's a scene in its infancy, the poor thing still has some teething issues
*note If you're on 3.41, you can use Hermes' experimental manager as that has what's known as a "Bigfile Cache" feature, allowing you to have split games that automatically have their bigfiles copied to the internal HDD and ran from a cache. So if GT5 is 25GB, but 11GB of that is one BIGFILE, it will be split - sent to internal - rejoined and loaded from internal whilst the rest of the game stays on external as usual. It's a damned nice-sounding feature, but sadly only present in versions 1.4 and 1.5 of HManager, neither of which have yet been ported to 3.55.
NFOAC wrote:
Can i actually convert my NTFS drive to FAT32 by creating a partition on it , so 1 drive has FAT32 others on NTFS recommended ?
Yes, since creating partitions usually assigns drive letters automatically, so you'd simply convert the partition.
I guess the games I already have on internal I will just leave those alone, why mess with something that already works..but other games in the future that might have 4gb+ files I could just put on external, if we can so that will be a great benefit!
@Sabin can you please confirm that move controller is working on 3.55 or not? I want to play killzone with it. I don't have one, want to buy one. Is it worth?
Okay, I'm a total n00b when it comes to the PS3, but I really wanna buy one with L.A. Noire coming out. After perusing some of the stickies here, from what I understand there are 2 ways to enable backups on the PS3?
1. Buy a PS3 with 3.41 + Dongle or
2. Buy a PS3 with 3.55 + KMEAW CFW and MultiMAN
Is there a preferred method? Is the hardware dongle just an outdated method now, or is a hardware dongle still better for stability/compatibility? Granted 3.41 is a lot older but I read on other forums that CFW can lead to freezing, but then again I'm sure CFW has been greatly improved and perhaps that isn't an issue anymore. Thanks!
PS3 with firmware 3.41 are hard to find , would prefer CFW since most games work with 3.55 untouched infact you can get CFW 1.1 which also allows to play all PSN games
Is it possible to play backups without a disc in drive? I got my hands on a cheap ps3 with a broken laser
Already installed OFW 3.55 and then CFW Waninkoko and got multiman and rogero manager, but lbp throws me back into the xmb and heavy rain just starts to a black screen
@Ashok0: well i'm still using the ps3 occassionally on the 3.41 method via jailbreak dongle. I'm hoping this will still leave my PSN nternet untouched if I ever decide to go back to OFW
(not likely tbh) i'm not sure if anyone knows if they are truly safe from a banhammer or not though at this point. PSN america had some changes recently. With PSN moving onto another network. Whether this is piracy related who knows.. or whether this will affect other areas like Europe or Asia.
@Guerrilla060185 on 4.31 some games don't require a disk in the drive to run them. I can't say for CFW as I never upgraded but others in here can answer that question for you, although it's not many on 3.41 that run without a disk in the drive. I would suggest looking at a game compatibility list to see what does indeed run or not. They will usually tell you whats required for whatever game your interested in.
Thanks so far, I couldn't find a compatibility list but apparently it really is possible to play games without the disc on cfw. However, just tried resistance 2 and also black screen.
Some googleing pointed me to fix_permissions_wan.....pkg, i'll try that in a few moments and see if it helps
hmm worked for resistance 2 but not heavy rain :/ any suggestions?
Thanks for the replies guys, I think I'm gonna go ahead and get a 3.55 kmeaw setup. I don't care about PSN, so as long as I don't ever hook it up to the Internet, will I be 100% safe from 3.60 updates? Basically, are there any 3.60 games or movies that actually have a 3.60 update directly on the Blu-Ray Disc?
Thanks for the replies guys, I think I'm gonna go ahead and get a 3.55 kmeaw setup. I don't care about PSN, so as long as I don't ever hook it up to the Internet, will I be 100% safe from 3.60 updates? Basically, are there any 3.60 games or movies that actually have a 3.60 update directly on the Blu-Ray Disc?
ehm no, just like XBOX and Wii same on PS3 games have updates on them , if you go PIRATE ALL THE WAY , you will be forced to scrub those Isos for updates
guys, just noticed on ps3iso a topic to share DLC.. Thought it was bollocks but I did try it and it was really easy...basically you get the .rif + act.dat of the dlc (hdd0/home/USERID/exdata/), create a new account into your ps3, edit xRegistry file and change accountid number in there to the one of the dlc buyer... The only catch is you need to restore act.dat every reboot. Just tried with Black Ops, and I had the new maps, and obviously i cannot log in into PSN.
I'm surprised this method isn't more widespread, I guess people don't want to alarm Sony, but now people can start sharing their beloved DLC...
ehm no, just like XBOX and Wii same on PS3 games have updates on them , if you go PIRATE ALL THE WAY , you will be forced to scrub those Isos for updates
Thanks Sabin --- er... --- guy who has an avatar almost like Sabin's. Maybe a dumb question but how would one check if a Bluray / Bluray backup contained updates for 3.56 or 3.60? And what tool would be used to scrub them?
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
And i got heavy rain to work, yay! You need a custom pkg and install that one, then it works perfectly fine same with lbp2, so with a little fiddling i got resistance2 lbp2 and heavy rain to work. I already leeched uncharted 1+2, Demons Souls, GOW3 and played MGS4, Heavenly Sowrd, Resistance 1 and Killzone 2 a year or so ago when i borrowed a ps3 from a friend for a couple of weeks. What other games are must play?
And i got heavy rain to work, yay! You need a custom pkg and install that one, then it works perfectly fine same with lbp2, so with a little fiddling i got resistance2 lbp2 and heavy rain to work. I already leeched uncharted 1+2, Demons Souls, GOW3 and played MGS4, Heavenly Sowrd, Resistance 1 and Killzone 2 a year or so ago when i borrowed a ps3 from a friend for a couple of weeks. What other games are must play?
Eternal Sonata,Castlevania,Valkyria Chronicles,MLB 11 The Show,Read Dead Redemption,Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time,Fight Night Champion,Yakuza 3+4.Now playing Nascar The Game 2011 and is suprisingly good.Best Nascar game since NR2003.
I already played all important multiplatform games on 360 but ratchet and clank looks pretty interesting, i see there are two r&c games, both good?
There are three R&C games.Quest For Booty,Tools Of Destruction and Crack In Time.All three are great imo.Some PSN games are very good too if you want ps3 exclusives.
If you like games like Shenmue then you should try Yakuza series.
If you like sports games then you must play MLB The Show.
Wow 2 R&C Games, so 2 retail and one PSN,
@ Yakuza: only played shenmue 2 which was not my cup of tea so probably gonna skip that.
@ MLB: Not that big of a sports game guy, I like some 2 Player fifa on one console to get some face2face trashtalk, but thats pretty much it or is MLB so awesome that it just has to be played?
Thanks for the tips so far, and btw. Heavy Rain is AWESOME! Halo2 back in the day turned me into a multiplayer gamer for some time but i'm all for single player with epic moments and great stories nowadays (mp is fun but just takes way too much time to get into, fuck being an adult, way too much responsibilites :/) and Heavy Rain gives me exactly that. A great cinematic experience. That game alone is worth the 70bucks I paid for the PS3 (what apperently is close to the retail price of just one game.)
And btw² owning a ps3 now made me realize again how expensive it would be to buy all those fuckin games, 60€ for one fuckin game? come on!
I know this was probably mentioned/discussed here already but no way am i searching back into the february era. i just logged in to the email account i use for my ps3 account, first time in probably a year now. i got an email from them on feb 16th that says:
A circumvention device and/or unauthorized or pirated
software currently resides on your PlayStation(R)3 system.
Immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices
and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from your
PlayStation(R)3 system. Failure to do so will result in
termination of your access to the PlayStation(R)Network
and access to Qriocity(TM) services through your
PlayStation(R)3 system.
that's fucking wild because the only thing i did was use some avr board, put one of those backup managers on it and played that hard ass rpg game that almost made sabin go postal, can't remember the name of it. i played it about 5 mins and figured i would try it some other day. i never deleted the shit off my ps3 but i did go online a few times with my purchased copy of gt5. i might've spent a total of 2 hours on psn since doing that jailbreak back then, and that was all at one time mucking about looking for an online race.
i'm sure this is old news to everyone here but it actually surprised me... those nosey ass turds.
There were a bunch of people that received the mail, here on the humps ( including myself ) but i for one didn't get banned. (I didn't remove anything from my ps3)
It appears to be ported now - but did this feature come with it?
Also, can multiman snag the code. It appears it has a diff .bin then multiman - does this allow for any major differences in the playability of games? Perhaps more discless capability?
Or is it a worthless release? I notice irismanager thread has been locked the entire time.
sabin1981 wrote:
*note If you're on 3.41, you can use Hermes' experimental manager as that has what's known as a "Bigfile Cache" feature, allowing you to have split games that automatically have their bigfiles copied to the internal HDD and ran from a cache. So if GT5 is 25GB, but 11GB of that is one BIGFILE, it will be split - sent to internal - rejoined and loaded from internal whilst the rest of the game stays on external as usual. It's a damned nice-sounding feature, but sadly only present in versions 1.4 and 1.5 of HManager, neither of which have yet been ported to 3.55.
Nevermind, found unlocked topic. half my questions are answered.
PC: i7-4790k @ 4.4, 32GB @ 2400, Nvidia 1080TI FE, 2 TB Crucial MX500 SSD
Nintendo Switch SX OS Pro / PS4 Pro 5.05 Hen/Mira / PS3 Modded / Wii Modded / 360 Pre-Wave4 mod
Any news on the new Kmeaw that will allow dual boot firmwares?
Last I read they were working on a dual boot, Kmeaw 3.55 and Official, so you could boot backups/homebrew or play legit games online... I cant WAIT for that...
Really ... Im hoping that wasnt an April Fool's update I read
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