Need for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed [2011]
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:15    Post subject:
Seems that they forgot on how to make a good racing game: Pro-tip -> There was a game by EA called NFS: Porsche Unleashed. But am sure they never heard of that one. "Went through all games released on X360 and PS3, couldn't find that one! Are you sure that is a real game?!"

After playing a round of this I HAD to start LFS and play that for a while to see if I really suck at racing games or if the games suck. Conclusion => Handling is butcherd so that derps can play these games.

Even Grid had a pretty good handling and it wasn't ANYTHING near a simulation! Somehow not even DIRT 2 or F1 managed to have that feel while driving.

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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:21    Post subject:
And if you have a Thrustmaster try this:

the wheel feels a TON better if you tick the auto-centre to the wheel rather than the game from the control panel. The car pulls itself straight on corners now, as it should be.
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:21    Post subject:
Kamikaze666 wrote:
fixes what, the feeling?

The disjointed feel of the what the car is doing + what FFB is doing.

Edit @ pumpy: it's all in the input settings mate, really is. I've more or less figured mine out, but I gotta do some shit for uni now so I'll tinker more with it tomorrow. Using an X360 pad Smile
One thing you should try though (if you're using a pad of any kind), is heading to the game's installation folder and then ControllerDefaults\PC. Take whichever preset you used off read-only and change DampeningEnabled="1" to DampeningEnabled="0". Huge difference. And like I said, get rid of "Speed sensitivity" pretty much completely Smile
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Posts: 57

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:24    Post subject:
Can anyone enlighten me about how force AA from the Ati panel? The game AA is massive crap.

But otherwise the game is great!
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:41    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
Kamikaze666 wrote:
fixes what, the feeling?

The disjointed feel of the what the car is doing + what FFB is doing.

Edit @ pumpy: it's all in the input settings mate, really is. I've more or less figured mine out, but I gotta do some shit for uni now so I'll tinker more with it tomorrow. Using an X360 pad Smile
One thing you should try though (if you're using a pad of any kind), is heading to the game's installation folder and then ControllerDefaults\PC. Take whichever preset you used off read-only and change DampeningEnabled="1" to DampeningEnabled="0". Huge difference. And like I said, get rid of "Speed sensitivity" pretty much completely Smile

I could play GRID with the keyboard PERFECTLY fine! (I was able to beat practically ANYONE online (most of em behind pads/wheels) and none of my friends could come close to me in LAN)

But this feels like total shit when played with keyboard. Hell, even LFS is playable with keyboard if you set up everything correctly, but you won't be as fast as someone using a wheel or mouse (=> awesome!), because the physics of the tires are really good implemented.

I doubt that shifts physics models comes any close to that of rfactor, lfs and so on...

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:43    Post subject:
Maus0r wrote:
I have to point out as well that this game has taken a lot of shit from people who are against derpism, and constantly use that fucking pear idiot, but yet cannot be bothered to set the game up, or spend some time playing with the settings. This makes me chuckle, because these same people are the ones shouting loudest about 'dumbing down' yet apparently are terrified when confronted with any other option screen apart from graphics settings.

QFT, not for everyone tho Wink
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:54    Post subject:
Finally I've found some time to try the game, it's good (obviously at the highest level of difficulty) and overall the driving model is improved if compared to Shift 1, but I'm having big troubles with the performance: even at Medium-Low details (AA disabled) the framerate oscillates between 25 and 35 fps, which is quite unbearable (Shift 1 ran at 50+ fps on High details..).

edit: There's nothing that can justify such a terrible performance, and driving becomes quite problematic when there are many cars on the track. As for the physics, there are definitely some improvements (even though it's still far from being at the same level of GTR2, for instance). Waiting for a patch/new Ati drivers.

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Last edited by ixigia on Wed, 30th Mar 2011 17:06; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:56    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
Waiting for a patch/new Ati drivers.

A typical day of an ATi user. Cool Face
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 14:56    Post subject:
PumpAction wrote:
I could play GRID with the keyboard PERFECTLY fine! (I was able to beat practically ANYONE online (most of em behind pads/wheels) and none of my friends could come close to me in LAN)

But this feels like total shit when played with keyboard. Hell, even LFS is playable with keyboard if you set up everything correctly, but you won't be as fast as someone using a wheel or mouse (=> awesome!), because the physics of the tires are really good implemented.

I doubt that shifts physics models comes any close to that of rfactor, lfs and so on...

No, but to compare any of these games to GRID is a disgrace really.

Don't get me wrong, I personally quite enjoyed GRID, but there's a reason why it's playable with a keyboard. Its handling isn't good, it's quite appalling, it's on the very low end of realism and both Shift games are well above it even in vanilla state. LFS is not playable with just a keyboard; if you use a mouse as input it's somewhat manageable, but still far from ideal.

I'm not saying this game comes close to LFS or rFactor in terms of simulation, but it doesn't want to do that either. Nor does Forza 3 for example. Both F3 and this are far too forgiving; recovering from applying too much throttle is far too easy for example.

That said, this game does really have a very good engine underneath. I had a quick go with tuning the S3 (200-something 4WD), and while I only had access to tire pressure, that was very noticeable in the driving itself - fiddling with it did exactly what I expected it to do. The game is far from perfect, and perhaps we shouldn't have to tweak the controls so much, but it is entirely fixable. I'll see if I can find a full car list somewhere, see if there's any that are in LFS as well so I can make a comparison between the two. LFS may not use official names for most cars, but it's easy to tell what they're based on both by looks and by characteristics.

Honestly though, playing this, LFS or rFactor with a keyboard is just a waste of time, you're never gonna make it work. Why don't you get a 360 pad? You can get them for like €20 or €25 even at a store like MediaMarkt (to name one I know you have in Germany as well Razz). Just having analog steering, let alone analog throttle/braking make a huge difference.

Edit @ ixigia: I haven't had time to see if forcing it with RadeonPro or something works yet, but yesterday my game was running at 52-55 FPS and after tweaking the config file (actually *increasing* the quality) my game now caps at 60 like it should with my rig. I do have AA turned off now, gonna try forcing it with RadeonPro tomorrow because the ingame AA is shit anyway.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:04    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
Edit @ ixigia: I haven't had time to see if forcing it with RadeonPro or something works yet, but yesterday my game was running at 52-55 FPS and after tweaking the config file (actually *increasing* the quality) my game now caps at 60 like it should with my rig. I do have AA turned off now, gonna try forcing it with RadeonPro tomorrow because the ingame AA is shit anyway.

Yep I'm doing some experiments with RadeonPro/profiles, if I find something interesting I'll report back. Wink

edit: PM checked, thanks Very Happy

Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:12; edited 1 time in total
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:05    Post subject:
Also check your PM, like I said my game looks tons better now and runs as smooth as it should!
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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:13    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
Also check your PM, like I said my game looks tons better now and runs as smooth as it should!

Any tips for me too? It actually runs amazingly well on my 8600GT, everything maxed out (except shadows which are on low), without AA at 1280x1024. I have a problem though. In night races I have really bad performance, is there some graphic effect used in those races that causes that?
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:14    Post subject:
I think that even playing with a pad its still a waste, you can find old/used logitech wheels for ~30$. Here's the car list

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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:23    Post subject:
DarkRohirrim wrote:
Any tips for me too? It actually runs amazingly well on my 8600GT, everything maxed out (except shadows which are on low), without AA at 1280x1024. I have a problem though. In night races I have really bad performance, is there some graphic effect used in those races that causes that?

I'll see what ixigia reports first, if it works for him it should work for you too.

Thanks for the list Vikerness. Any idea what version Supra? LFS' RB4 is based on a Celica GT4/Supra 4. Other than that, no real similarities. XRG is based on both the Mitsubishi Starion and Mazda RX7, so can't really use that. LFS has the Caterham S7, so no joy there either Sad
Could use an XFG to compare with the GTI 1 perhaps, but I'd have to check the characteristics on both first.
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Posts: 5057

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:23    Post subject:
wow supra rocks, i bought onre with all the upgrades apart from i didnt buy the engine swap and i didnt buy the most powerful turbo, as i wanted to keep the car class B

handles like a dream my favorite car so far Very Happy you have to try it if you havent, i hated the supras in the other nfs games but this one is brilliant

i was just doing one of the retro series in it and the feckin game just seemed to get stuck forever loading the 4th track...
first crash fror me so far though and ive had a good few hours atleast
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:24    Post subject:
nice list, but got bored of nfs shift 1 quite fast. dont see this being any different to be honest. we need something different when it comes to car sims of late.
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Posts: 776

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 15:26    Post subject:
Send me/or share here this tweaked config file for more FPS.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 16:07    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
DarkRohirrim wrote:
Any tips for me too? It actually runs amazingly well on my 8600GT, everything maxed out (except shadows which are on low), without AA at 1280x1024. I have a problem though. In night races I have really bad performance, is there some graphic effect used in those races that causes that?

I'll see what ixigia reports first, if it works for him it should work for you too.

Unfortunately it didn't work, the average framerate is even lower than before (25-35 before the tweak vs. 20-25 after the tweak) Crying or Very sad

Renaming the .exe to "Shift.exe" didn't help (it always crashes after the menu) and disabling the Catalyst AI doesn't seem to be useful either. I guess the best solution for me is to play at medium/low details for now. Thanks Werelds for the tips anyway Smile

Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Wed, 30th Mar 2011 16:32; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3550

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 16:11    Post subject:
moosenoodles wrote:
nice list, but got bored of nfs shift 1 quite fast. dont see this being any different to be honest. we need something different when it comes to car sims of late.

imo, nfs should go back to open world racing with cop chases but then with good physics and no overusage of bloom (see nfs:undercover Razz)

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Posts: 1036

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 16:31    Post subject:
Kamikaze666 wrote:
moosenoodles wrote:
nice list, but got bored of nfs shift 1 quite fast. dont see this being any different to be honest. we need something different when it comes to car sims of late.

imo, nfs should go back to open world racing with cop chases but then with good physics and no overusage of bloom (see nfs:undercover Razz)

This is not nfs man.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 17:00    Post subject:
This tip could help the users who are experiencing lag:

(Jul's Sharp mod can be downloaded from NoGrip) Smile
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Posts: 1038
Location: NL
PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 17:11    Post subject:
@ixigia, I got exactly the same performance as you.
You can probably put the Settings to high as they wont increase the framerate anyways, exept for shadows..
but thats just slightly..

I noticed a unexplained ten digit drop in frames right when you start the race as in your first sshot.
Strange PoS, It dont even looks stunning.

Q6600/Club3D 4890/2GB DDR2/WiN7\XP/1.5 TB/23 Inch LCD
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 17:33    Post subject:
Well werelds at least I could adjust the keyboard input speed in LFS, something I haven't been able to do in Shift 2 ingame. Had no time to look at the configs, basically only was able to play for 30 minutes and the first race in shanghai felt so wrong!

After that I started LFS and drove in the small city course and I can tell you, even though you are driving 100km/h, it feels fast and you feel the weight of the car in the corners. Here it's like oh you pressed a button. Ok lets wait 1 more second to see if you were sure. Oh ok you still press it good then 100% RIGHT.

It feels like mouse acceleration but for the keyboard. Give me fucking linear steering model AND the ability to change the rate of it!

And before I go and get myself one more analog gamepad (have 3 at home) I'll get myself a used wheel or even better a joystick emulator for my mouse. Even if I have to write that one myself! Or I'll use fucking ! Very Happy

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 580

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:05    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
Werelds wrote:
DarkRohirrim wrote:
Any tips for me too? It actually runs amazingly well on my 8600GT, everything maxed out (except shadows which are on low), without AA at 1280x1024. I have a problem though. In night races I have really bad performance, is there some graphic effect used in those races that causes that?

I'll see what ixigia reports first, if it works for him it should work for you too.


what is wrong with those graphics Confused
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Posts: 5057

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:06    Post subject:
no AA for a start look at the jaggies
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Posts: 61

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:20    Post subject:
New nvidia driver 270.51 correct my problem with low frame rate (20->40fps). Give it a try, they seem to be pretty good for other games/cuda softwares too.
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Posts: 210

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:42    Post subject:
DarkRohirrim wrote:
Werelds wrote:
Also check your PM, like I said my game looks tons better now and runs as smooth as it should!

Any tips for me too? It actually runs amazingly well on my 8600GT, everything maxed out (except shadows which are on low), without AA at 1280x1024. I have a problem though. In night races I have really bad performance, is there some graphic effect used in those races that causes that?

could u help me out as well?
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
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PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:47    Post subject:
recapture wrote:

what is wrong with those graphics Confused

Yeah, without AA it doesn't look that good, the jaggies are definitely less noticeable in motion though. Razz
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:49    Post subject:
Surprize! DLC's on the way (probably not for pc knowing ea)

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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2011 18:51    Post subject:
lol wut
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