NBA Season 10/11
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Posts: 814

PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2011 02:24    Post subject:
just watched Oklahoma vs. Memphis G3 .. Thunder was on the lead, seemed like a easy win and then suddenly lost their touch and lost... Durant with his halfcourt 3-s loll, but i guess that what happens when your main guy chokes.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2011 10:59    Post subject:
Rondo!!!!!!! The one-armed beast!
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2011 18:04    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
Rondo!!!!!!! The one-armed beast!


Amazing game that was played in Boston!
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Posts: 2907
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PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2011 22:44    Post subject:
Holy.. Dallas handing it to Lakers big time, playing so much better than the Lakers

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 680
Location: Florida
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2011 01:57    Post subject:
So glad the lakers lost
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Posts: 33
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PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2011 04:55    Post subject:
tiedie wrote:
So glad the lakers lost


I love watching the Fakers get spanked!
Very Happy
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2011 17:50    Post subject:
They played like shit, and to top it off, at the end of the game, they handled it horribly with Odom and Bynum getting ejected. A great end to a dynasty I truly hate!

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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2011 22:29    Post subject:
85 points from the bench, wtf, has to be a world record.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2011 12:16    Post subject:
Boston let it get away Sad
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2011 16:37    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
Boston let it get away Sad

yeah but miami really played with heart. their confidence is back from the game 3 disaster and they should close out boston at home.
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2011 19:53    Post subject:
What a game Grizzlies vs. Thunder was. Amazing! Durant must be really glad they won at last Very Happy

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2011 20:24    Post subject:
He sure is not glad that Westbrook is taking 75 shots a game.
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2011 01:06    Post subject:
Time for the Bulls to closeout this series tonight and take on the Heat!@!!!!!@!@!@!

Feel bad for the Celtics, don't feel bad for the Lakers, and I think the Mavs are gonna choke before they get to the big game!

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Posts: 680
Location: Florida
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2011 05:38    Post subject:
Heat should be able to take care of the Bulls even though the Heat lost all 3 games to them in the regular season

Edit, the Heat also lost 3 out of 4 games to Boston during the regular season
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2011 14:58    Post subject:
tiedie wrote:
Heat should be able to take care of the Bulls even though the Heat lost all 3 games to them in the regular season

Edit, the Heat also lost 3 out of 4 games to Boston during the regular season

Yeah if they play like they did against boston then it should be okay. However you can't sleep on the bulls..
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2011 14:59    Post subject:
Of the teams that are left in the NBA play-offs, I think that Bulls is the one most capable of beating Heat. Derrick Rose is just so dangerous, going to be an epic Conference Final series Very Happy

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Mon, 16th May 2011 05:17    Post subject:
Bulls 1 - Heat 0


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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Mon, 16th May 2011 06:24    Post subject:
Awesome game - Heat got dominated in the pain. But the main mystery of teh playoffs remains unsolved - what the fuck is in Durant's backpack?
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Tue, 17th May 2011 01:37    Post subject:
HGH lol, nah, Durant is a beast!

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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Tue, 17th May 2011 10:57    Post subject:
Bulls are winning this, their bench is damn cool with Gibson, Ashik and that is Miami's problem, no bench play and their big three got real tired in a loss.
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Wed, 18th May 2011 01:31    Post subject:
Yeah Miami can fun with the best of them, but bench play is a non factor, although they can attempt to run the BIG three ragged, that will only cause more problems for the future. I also think they will lose because they are basically coaching themselves. Coach Spo is a terrible coach with no idea on how to coach 3 huge egos.

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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Wed, 18th May 2011 17:54    Post subject:
Not even close to the Dallas bench though, 53 points + the best playoff game by Dirk = unbeatable by anyone.
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 19th May 2011 08:36    Post subject:
Good win for the heat, it was needed. if they got the heart they'll close two games at home 3-1 then finish it back at chicago. lebron is really developing this post-season. very clutch performance but i was very impressed by haslem, he showed the bench how they're supposed to play and he's perfect for this matchup as well. one of nba's best rebounder and hustle guys that you can depend on.

Judging by what i'm seeing this post-season the next season is gonna be great. bulls got their defense in check but their offense is still not flowing, this is obviously because Tom Thibodeau prioritized defense and it got them to the ECF. With their offense in check next season they will have the chance to break records.

Hope this goes to a game 7, will be truly epic then.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Thu, 19th May 2011 09:46    Post subject:
There won't be a next season, though. Very Happy

Game was really close until the very end. Chicago lacks a proper SG that can create his own shot - doesn't have to be a star - someone like Ben Gordon Marcus Thornton or even John Salmons (in a contract year, lol) would do. Just look at that Boston series 2 seasons ago - the one with 4 OTs and every game close. If that team had Thibodeau D they'd be really tough to beat.
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Fri, 20th May 2011 06:21    Post subject:
Right now the Bulls are not going to get any better on offense. We grabbed Boozer to be the 2nd man, and he hasn't done that all year, at this point, we need to get rid of him. He is not going to get any younger or any better.

SG would be nice, but I like Bogans because he is 100% defense. Not many decent guards in the market for next year, and with Dwight Howard looking concerned about the Magic's decisions, I would love to get rid of some of our loose ends to grab him if he signs an extension and demands a trade.

But thats just pipe dreams. We can win the Heat series, but we need the bench to continue to step up. Thats one thing the Heat don't have and I don't see Haslem pulling that kind of a stunt again. He had a great game, but that shit will catch up with him soon, he hasn't played a game in a while.

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PostPosted: Fri, 20th May 2011 07:08    Post subject:
As much as I hate LeBitch, if he continues to play like that (4th quarter) and Wade the same and maybe some more miracle helping from Haslem (less likely, maybe he just got a lucky mood in game 2 and he foolishly risked a big injury for a monster jam in that game ) then I really don't see Chicago passing the Heat (for wich I root Very Happy).

Also Miami shouldn't depend on Bosh to much, he's like a scarred child sometimes and not an NBA star Laughing sometimes he's very reliable but other times he makes to many turn-overs, fails to make the point even in easy situations. Or fails miserably when LeBron makes plays with him.

Also Miami's PG is so mediocre. Sad Bibby/Chalmers can't supply Wade and Lebron with the "Rondo-esque" passes that they sometimes need.

If Miami get a good pass-first PG they will surely be one of the best 3 in the league. (and yay more Miami bandwagoners after that!! Laughing just fucking great.. as if I don't see enough LeCock worshipers everywhere on the internet.. Laughing Rolling Eyes)

LE: also I think we're gonna see a Miami - Dallas final again. Cool Face

Walking like a madman on a barbed wire across the chaos of insanity
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Fri, 20th May 2011 15:27    Post subject:
Lebron disrespected the sport with his "Decision". He can be the best player in the league right now, and like I said before, they can win a championship, and honestly no one would be impressed.

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Posts: 188

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd May 2011 08:56    Post subject:
Ashmolly wrote:
Lebron disrespected the sport with his "Decision". He can be the best player in the league right now, and like I said before, they can win a championship, and honestly no one would be impressed.

Yea. Will quote the greatest player MJ: "There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team.'"
Another awful night from Durant. And I`m not going to start about Westbrook. IMO too overrated player. Ok he scored ~25p per night, but in what acc. and with how many TO?
Really don`t care if Mavs or OKC reach to finals. Only thing that matters is that Bulls has to kick Miami`s ass.
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd May 2011 11:02    Post subject:
sepik wrote:
Ashmolly wrote:
Lebron disrespected the sport with his "Decision". He can be the best player in the league right now, and like I said before, they can win a championship, and honestly no one would be impressed.

Yea. Will quote the greatest player MJ: "There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team.'"
Another awful night from Durant. And I`m not going to start about Westbrook. IMO too overrated player. Ok he scored ~25p per night, but in what acc. and with how many TO?
Really don`t care if Mavs or OKC reach to finals. Only thing that matters is that Bulls has to kick Miami`s ass.

It had to do with the fact that he gave cleveland 7 good years where he got them to the nba finals and deep into the playoffs. first overall seed placements for post season and two consecutive MVP's. He gave that forgotten city everything they had ever wanted and what sidekicks did they ever give him? the best they could get was an old shaq for 20 million and the plan was to play him about 20 mpg. He got sick of losing and playing with people that couldn't play at his level so he left. yes the whole idea of the decision was shit and he should have done it quickly in a press conference without hassle. people talk about 3 big players shouldn't go together but they don't take a look at lakers, the coming together in 2007 of the boston celtics, new york knicks and so on.

plus CB is an overrated player and his stats at the craptors don't mean anything. hopefully he'll be traded for some good roleplayers to add depth to the heat team. they funny thing is that if they actually go through with that heat will become much better.
I think the trade was good for lebron and it was what he wanted. now he is playing good basketball and the clutch mode that everyone said was missing in lebron is finally there. hopefully miami will close out bulls with two games at home and lebron will end it game 5 at chicago just like he ended boston in game 5.
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd May 2011 17:31    Post subject:
Regardless he's a huge douche.

first quarter with mavs vs OKC was great..mavs were just destroying them and got so far ahead they got lazy but the win was never in danger

8 out of 10 dentists prefer zipfero to competing brands(fraich3 and Mutantius)!
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