[XBOX360/PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [R]
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 09:22    Post subject: [XBOX360/PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [R]



Modern Warfare is back. On November 8th, the best-selling first-person action series of all-time returns with the epic sequel to the multiple Game of the Year award winner Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Co-developed by Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games, Modern Warfare 3 is set in a world on the edge of annihilation as Makarov and his terrorist organization unleash destruction and chaos across the globe. Playing as a member of several special-forces units and armed with the most advanced weaponry, players work with Delta operators and reunite with familiar characters to enter a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse as they race across the globe to stop a mad man before it's too late. Modern Warfare 3 advances the 60 fps Modern Warfare tech to deliver exhilarating, action-packed experiences across Single Player, Special Ops and Online Multiplayer modes.


* Epic single player taking you around the world to New York, Berlin, Paris and London.
* Taking Special Ops to whole new level.
* Special Ops Mission Mode.
* New Special Ops Survival Mode.
* Progression system from MP introduced to Special Ops.
* Level up, unlock perks, weapons and air support.
* Emblems and titles earned in Special Ops carry over to MP.
* The most balanced Call Of Duty multiplayer ever.
* Killstreak system revamped into Strike Packages: Assault. Support and Specialist.
* Each strike package has unique set of killstreak rewards, will fundamentally change the way you play Call of Duty.
* Weapon proficiencies let you level up your weapon. The more you use the weapon, the better the weapon itself gets.
* 16 multiplayer maps on the disc, also playable in Special Ops survival mode.

Pointstreaks and Strike Packages

Killstreaks, benefits and abilities awarded for stringing together multiple kills, have been transformed into Pointstreaks, creating a system that rewards players both for landing kills and completing objectives. These rewards have been broken up into three different categories, known as Strike Packages:

Assault - Pointstreaks within this package chain together and deal direct damage. It includes classics like the Predator Missile and Attack Helicopter. Your streak resets on death.

Support - Pointstreaks within this package do not chain, focusing instead on surveillance and disruption. Your streak does not reset on death meaning they will respawn with you.

Specialist - Pointstreaks within this package are designed for advanced players. Rewards come in the form of additional perks for optimal performance. These perks last until death.

Weapon Proficiencies

Just like your player, weapons now rank up, unlocking additional attachments, reticules, camos and the new proficiency category. Weapon Proficiencies not only allow you to get better with weapons, they also allow you customize your weapons with helpful attributes such as "Kick" for reduced recoil, "Impact" for deeper penetration through hard surfaces and much more. Many proficiencies are specific to their weapons class. And all are geared towards enhancing a certain play style and can allow for efficient use of your favorite weapons in maps and game modes in which they might not otherwise be the best choice.

Modes and Match Customization

Along with the return of the fan favorites Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 introduces several new game modes. Collect dog tags from killed players, including those on your squad while you prevent the opposing squad from taking yours in Kill Confirmed mode. In Team Defender mode, grab the flag and protect the flag carrier for as long as you can to increase your team's score. In addition players will enjoy user generated match mode functionality which allows you to configure any mode how you want it and then share these over the Call of Duty: Elite online service.

2-player Co-op Special Ops Survival Mode

Special Ops cooperative action returns with a bevy of additions, including 16 new objective-based missions and the all-new Survival Mode. Team up online, locally, or play solo and face endless waves of attacking enemies throughout every multiplayer map. Purchase and customize your weapons, air support, equipment and abilities to stand up against increasingly difficult forces and land a spot on the leaderboards. Earn experience and rank up with the newly implemented progression system. The higher the rank, the more weapons, air support, and gear armories you will have available to customize so you can change your tactics on the fly. In addition to the action packed battle for freedom, the cooperative Survival Mode also serves as an effective training tool for competitive multiplayer action.

Call of Duty: Elite

Call of Duty: Elite is an online multiplayer oriented service launched simultaneously with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The service offers both free and subscription based levels of access and is dedicated to the game franchise, featuring lifetime statistics across multiple games, social-networking options, competitions, a mobile app, Facebook integration and more.



Official Trailer:

Gameplay Trailer:

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Last edited by headshot on Sat, 5th Nov 2011 21:06; edited 5 times in total
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 09:26    Post subject:
Looks like cartoony garbage compared to BF3. MW2 was a total derpfest , this will be even worse no doubt.
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Posts: 34356
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 09:38    Post subject:
azzman wrote:
Looks like cartoony garbage compared to BF3. MW2 was a total derpfest , this will be even worse no doubt.

Did you say the before watching the gameplay trailer?! Surprised

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 393
Location: SWE
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 09:50    Post subject:
gameplay trailer looks sick =)
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 10:02    Post subject:
Gameplay? All I saw was pre-recorded scripted scenes..

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Posts: 877
Location: Nuked
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 11:24    Post subject:
Yeah, how can anyone be impressed by this? Looks the same as before. Really hope this game flops but chances are slim
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 11:24    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:54; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 11:36    Post subject:
headshot wrote:
azzman wrote:
Looks like cartoony garbage compared to BF3. MW2 was a total derpfest , this will be even worse no doubt.

Did you say the before watching the gameplay trailer?! Surprised

yes I saw this reveal trailer prior to your post, and my opinion still stands
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 11:56    Post subject:

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 12:08    Post subject:
same gfx engine, will look as good (or well bad in 2011) as cod4
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Posts: 80
Location: Eastern Erope \ Hungary
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 12:09    Post subject:
azzman wrote:
headshot wrote:
azzman wrote:
Looks like cartoony garbage compared to BF3. MW2 was a total derpfest , this will be even worse no doubt.

Did you say the before watching the gameplay trailer?! Surprised

yes I saw this reveal trailer prior to your post, and my opinion still stands

Well, BF3 is also fully scripted, so idk wtf r u talkin' about..?!
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 13:16    Post subject:
Why complaining, CoD is always 4 hours of fun Cool Face
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Posts: 23010
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 13:20    Post subject:
Same can be said for every FPS these days. I know i won't be supporting this shitty product this time around though.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 15:24    Post subject:
always liked BF games better online than COD games. IMO COD is only fun until you prestige once.
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Posts: 23010
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 15:29    Post subject:
Prestiged once in BO and i only played a few hours after that. Dead boring when you start again with nothing.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 15:47    Post subject:
Im really hoping it will have special ops missions like MW2. Split screen coop FTW
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Posts: 393
Location: SWE
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 20:21    Post subject:
garus wrote:
MiB wrote:
gameplay trailer looks sick =)

Gameplay? Where?

wasnt much yeah have to agree but how can ppl say "i hope this flops.." go play some other game then instead of trolling about games ppl actually like.. (not u garus)
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 16:06    Post subject:
Looks like people are already complaining about the london scenes:


Derailing a tube train is NOT the same as blowing it up with a bomb. The daily mail just want a scoop.

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PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 17:55    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:54; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 234
Location: Fortress Europe
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 20:51    Post subject:


Cool Face

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Posts: 234
Location: Fortress Europe
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Jun 2011 21:57    Post subject:
Breaking news: There’s no ammo in MW3

their secret weapon will be................love

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PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2011 02:56    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 274
Location: ENGLAND
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Sep 2011 00:46    Post subject:
Just got my beta acceptance email but no code for the beta yet.
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Posts: 11155

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Sep 2011 00:48    Post subject:
adslmaster wrote:
Just got my beta acceptance email but no code for the beta yet.

Woot? MW3 is going to have a beta?
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Posts: 274
Location: ENGLAND
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Sep 2011 00:51    Post subject:
Ahh its som shitty elite beta that works with black ops, bastards.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Sep 2011 11:30    Post subject:
iv got the code, but no gold Sad
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Posts: 80
Location: Eastern Erope \ Hungary
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2011 21:47    Post subject:
Only a month left til' release, so the hype begins ( or continues?!). Here's the single player campaign trailer, called 'Redemption':

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Posts: 34356
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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2011 22:43    Post subject:
Looking forward to it. And Battlefield 3. I just hope there will be firmware out by then so that the Hitachi drives will play XGD3 backups.

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Oct 2011 01:42    Post subject:
Is this legit http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21604444/mm3%20003.png

if it is, we might get a leak soon.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Oct 2011 01:49    Post subject:
abcforfree wrote:

The irony is, in both MW and MW2, in SP, the English do most of the heavy lifting, while Americans just do shit and just shoot "fuck yeah" Laughing
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