NBA Season 10/11
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Posts: 188

PostPosted: Mon, 23rd May 2011 00:33    Post subject:
Razacka2 wrote:
sepik wrote:
Ashmolly wrote:
Lebron disrespected the sport with his "Decision". He can be the best player in the league right now, and like I said before, they can win a championship, and honestly no one would be impressed.

Yea. Will quote the greatest player MJ: "There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team.'"
Another awful night from Durant. And I`m not going to start about Westbrook. IMO too overrated player. Ok he scored ~25p per night, but in what acc. and with how many TO?
Really don`t care if Mavs or OKC reach to finals. Only thing that matters is that Bulls has to kick Miami`s ass.

It had to do with the fact that he gave cleveland 7 good years where he got them to the nba finals and deep into the playoffs. first overall seed placements for post season and two consecutive MVP's. He gave that forgotten city everything they had ever wanted and what sidekicks did they ever give him? the best they could get was an old shaq for 20 million and the plan was to play him about 20 mpg. He got sick of losing and playing with people that couldn't play at his level so he left. yes the whole idea of the decision was shit and he should have done it quickly in a press conference without hassle. people talk about 3 big players shouldn't go together but they don't take a look at lakers, the coming together in 2007 of the boston celtics, new york knicks and so on.

plus CB is an overrated player and his stats at the craptors don't mean anything. hopefully he'll be traded for some good roleplayers to add depth to the heat team. they funny thing is that if they actually go through with that heat will become much better.
I think the trade was good for lebron and it was what he wanted. now he is playing good basketball and the clutch mode that everyone said was missing in lebron is finally there. hopefully miami will close out bulls with two games at home and lebron will end it game 5 at chicago just like he ended boston in game 5.

I can see that you are a LBJ fanboy. Only part I agree is that CB is like a damn women on the court. It was good for Lebron, no shit. You can`t compare that to Lakers (Malone, Payton) or Celtics (KG, Allen). These guys WERE stars. When joining they were just bunch of fading stars. To bad that Celtics managed to get that title. But all that fiasco about that BIG three and shit...looky-looky I join Wade and Bosh in Miami blaa-blaa-blaa. Only one thing is for sure. Even when they win that title, then everybody will remember Heat as Wade`s team, not James`.
No offence ofcoruse Smile
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd May 2011 00:40    Post subject:
Wade is boss on that court, imo. He impresses me every game I watch

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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd May 2011 06:26    Post subject:
I don't really like James even though he is a talented player but just like Razacka2 i think the only bad thing about the Decision was, well, the Decision - the press-conference itself, the retarded 1 hour tv show, the dance etc. I hated HOW he did it not the fact that he did it.

No player in NBA history ever won a championship on his own. Some were fortunate enough to be on teams that brought them help, built around them. But that is really out of player's control. Why exactly can't Lebron after completing his contract (it's not like he demanded a trade or smth.) go wherever he wants?

As for superstars playing together - yeah it's good for guys who got help naturally to say they'd never do it. But who knows what even Michael would do if he was stuck on some shitty team for 10 years.
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd May 2011 15:22    Post subject:
There's no question about it being wade's team and it will be continue to be so in the future. it seems like lebron has matured and moved on and this has lead him to be able to play like a champion this post-season. look at last night how he controlled the game and played wonderful defense leading miami to shut down rose. bulls is just cavs 2.0 with a weaker star then cavs had.

yeah and im an LBJ fanboy, been since he came into the league and i don't see what's wrong with it. the coming together of those 3 players in miami has sparked nba up again. if i remember correctly G1 between bulls and miami had the highest ever cable rating.

as for stars coming together, keep your eyes on lakers this off-season. i smell a big change coming. very nice game by bosh as well, but obviously a fluke. hopefully this won't go over his head and screw up game 4 which is the most crucial one..
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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd May 2011 16:25    Post subject:
Bosh is playing like a beast Boozer and Noah can't stop him, Haslem is the spark of the bench the Miami needed and now Miami is looking better.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 07:49    Post subject:
Dirk is a monster. Some of these shots he makes are fucking insane. ;o
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th May 2011 07:54    Post subject:
Dallas - Miami final here we come!! Cool Face

Walking like a madman on a barbed wire across the chaos of insanity
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 06:16    Post subject:
Aw, both series are over Sad I was hoping Chicago would put up more of a fight.
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Posts: 680
Location: Florida
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 07:48    Post subject:
Unfortunately Chicago, its not 1998
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 09:19    Post subject:
great game, the defense on derrick rose was really great by lebron. which is why i think they won + miller coming up big. been a great series so far and im not counting out bulls just yet. incredibly close games that have really showed what defense is and how you play it. going to be an interesting matchup if miami - dallas play. wonder how they're gonna contain dirk with the way he has been playing.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 09:32    Post subject:
Razacka2, I am more worried about how Dallas is going to contain the officials - the way they've been "playing" in the last Dallas - Miami finals. Smile
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Posts: 188

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 14:33    Post subject:
2 things about Miami - Chicago.

1.Good job taking that offensive foul to James at the end of regulation. One thing I thought refs dont have balls to do.
2.James` was clearly traveling at the end of overtime, where he "pushed" himself to the shot. Check it out: around 5:15.
I dont blame James or any other player who plays as he plays, but refs should see these things.

Other than that. 2 monster dunks from Rose, specially one where Anthony "tried" to defend Smile. This kid has spring in his legs.
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2011 23:07    Post subject:
Mike Brown to take over the head coach position at lakers.

seems like they're gonna go rebuild mode, if they can get hold of dwight to lakers then we're gonna see a very very defensive team that could do really well next season. mike is one of the best in the league when it comes to defense, and it's not like they'll forget the triangle play over night so he can just jump right in and use that.
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Posts: 680
Location: Florida
PostPosted: Fri, 27th May 2011 05:27    Post subject:
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Posts: 814

PostPosted: Fri, 27th May 2011 11:42    Post subject:
It seems that the finals are going to be less interesting than the finals of the previous years.

In my opinion mavs have no chance against heat's youth,speed and mobility.

But for me personally, i like mavs more than heat. They seem to be less cocky, thus would represent a better picture as NBA winners than miami.

Edit. Especially after i saw this

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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Jun 2011 23:17    Post subject:
well, first game played. i think mavs will jump back and win next. hoping for a 7 game series but i think heat closes this in 6.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jun 2011 06:31    Post subject:
Yea, it's tied at 2! I thought Dallas was done at the beginning of the fourth - Dirk couldn't get it going, Mavs looked limp, bad body language in the huddle.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2011 06:25    Post subject:
YES!!!! 3-2! Go Mavs!
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2011 09:01    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
YES!!!! 3-2! Go Mavs!

I think this will go to 7. Miami have shown that they're extremely good and clutch at home.
been a good series, would be epic if it ends with a 7th game.
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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2011 13:50    Post subject:
Go Dallas, epic finals so far and if anyone is clutch in the 4'th quarter it's Dallas.
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2011 18:42    Post subject:
Lebron is not a finisher, but they have Wade for that. I thought it would go to 7 regardless of who won this last game, but now I think something is in Lebron's head right now and he is about to have a melt down.

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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2011 23:48    Post subject:

These minis are cool.
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jun 2011 10:55    Post subject:
Yes! Congrats to Dirk and Kidd especially.
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jun 2011 15:42    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
Yes! Congrats to Dirk and Kidd especially.

This! So great Kidd finally got a championship and also Dirk, probably my favourite player the big german Very Happy
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Posts: 188

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jun 2011 17:59    Post subject:
don`t know which is better...that Dirk & Co. got their rings or that Heat Women got owned.
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jun 2011 19:14    Post subject:
yeh congrats to Dallas, well deserved. jesus christ lost so much confidence in lebron this series.
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2011 06:37    Post subject:
Razacka2 wrote:
yeh congrats to Dallas, well deserved. jesus christ lost so much confidence in lebron this series.

Yup called it in the beginning. He is no longer the go to guy, he is now Wade's "Robin".
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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2011 13:24    Post subject:
sepik wrote:
don`t know which is better...that Dirk & Co. got their rings or that Heat Women got owned.

What an ending to a fantastic season.
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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2011 13:57    Post subject:

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Posts: 1075
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PostPosted: Fri, 17th Jun 2011 07:32    Post subject:
Hahahahahaha that's awesome

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