The sequel to 2010 downloadable FPS Blacklight: Tango Down has just got itself a name - Blacklight Retribution - and a publisher.
First revealed earlier this year, the Zombie Studios-developed game is being re-modeled as a free-to-play PC shooter, built on Unreal Engine 3 with DirectX 11 support.
The previous game had nice ideas but the result was mediocre; this one looks and plays slightly better, eventhough the "wallhack feature" is honeslty quite derpy
That's one of the reasons a lot of games these days don't have jump anymore. Fucktards running around bunny-hopping constantly. It looks ridiculous. *yawn* Even being free this game doesn't interest me. It doesn't *look* bad. But it looks boring to me.
Not worth playing though. Been in the closed beta for a good while now. Pay2win and terrible netcode.
This. I've also been in the closed beta and the netcode makes it nearly unplayable. And all the awesome customization is 100% pay to win. Avoid at all costs.
I played it for about an hour and the hit detection/netcode is terrible, I emptied entire magazines into players chests at point blank range with zero hitmarkers.
It appears hit detection doesn't work properly for automatic weapons because when I switched to my sidearm, a handgun, it took 4-7 shots to put someone down for good , and sniper rifles take only 1-2 shots to kill.
Oh and this is yet another game with too many campers(at least in the matches I played).
"I think Call of Duty resonates because it's believable and relatable," Sledgehammer Games cofounder Michael Condrey says.
Believable and relatable...Yep, sounds like Call of Duty
I found the game actually fun to play, but if it's Pay to Win, fuck all that. I'd rather play Tribes: Ascend. I don't mind P2P games and even spend money on them. Hell, I've spent more money on League of Legends than I care to mention and will probably dump $30 on Tribes tonight. Firefall beta seems cool and I'm likely to spend money on it as well, since they are heavily against the pay to win model. If you want to make an F2P game, then at least make is so that money can't buy you wins. You'll attract more gamers that way.
This is also extremely "rental-based". If you pay a couple dollars for a gun, and end up liking it a lot, expect to pay a couple dollars for it again in a week.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
It's fast twitch shooter like COD but with cyberpunk vibe. Enjoyable but gets boring fast!
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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