More Bank Hilarity
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Tue, 3rd May 2005 19:13    Post subject: More Bank Hilarity
I've not paid a cheque into the bank in a while. I paid a cheque in today and thought great three working days for it to clear.
I checked the receipt and it said that it wouldn't clear for six days.

So anyway doing a search on the Independent Banking Advisory Service I came across this.

Now it's SIX days to clear ***** cheques. The interest they earn adds to the £60m 'scam' on customers by banks. One of Britain's biggest banking groups is extending its cheque clearance time by two days. Many customers at ******* - will now have to wait six working days to access their money. The change will take place on July 26 and will affect ******** and the **********, both basic banking accounts. IBAS chief executive slammed the move last night. 'This is prehistoric and obscene,' he said. 'They are being remarkably stupid going against what even the governor of the Bank of England is saying. It makes no sense going backwards. It is greedy and can only be for their benefit, not the customers. There can be no other reason than they need to make a bit more money.' In Sweden, Belgium, Holland and Spain cheques are cleared on the same day. In France and Germany, they take a day to clear. - Daily Mail 13/07/2004

To me this is just sheer greed. I mean I could pay for an express clearance but in my mind thats paying them for the interest on money that's rightfully mine.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Tue, 3rd May 2005 23:19    Post subject:
Yes but with more people going to 3rd party insurers and loans their profit margin is cut back (probably not much). Sure they could put up with the fraud payouts but they're prolly just "fighting back".
My m8 got his account locked the other day for doing "fraudulant deals" even though he wasn't at all. he got so pissed he flipped at the bank and made them withdraw all his cash. the manager came down and started apologising and everything offering increased interest and stuff but my m8 just walked out and said he's going elsewhere.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Tue, 3rd May 2005 23:30    Post subject:
Cut back?
Have you seen how much profit they're making. It's a disgrace.

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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 4th May 2005 14:30    Post subject:
What cunts. Isn't there some way you could use some of those other European banks that take 1 day through their online banking services or something?

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Wed, 4th May 2005 21:43    Post subject:
Not now. I paid it in the otherday. I just have to be patient I suppose. But on a sizable cheque like this, it pisses me more off that they're getting the interest on it.

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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2005 13:57    Post subject:
get a job and stfu
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ApeX PredatoR
VIP Member

Posts: 1951
Location: Los Netherlandos
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2005 14:00    Post subject:
InvisibleSurfer wrote:
get a job and stfu

Take two days off and stfu

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2005 16:08    Post subject:
I have a job little man. I mean how many people do you know that can pay a cheque into the account of this size. It's a property sale hun. Not that you would ever know. Property, IE mortgage. Try getting a mortgage rather than the housing benefits you're used to.

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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Wed, 11th May 2005 18:55    Post subject:
now you just make things up. one, I'm not british, two, your country is paying me shit loads of money to do a job that requires highly intelligent individuals. three, I'm renting at the moment with no intent to buy because where I come from the sea is blue and I love u
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