The R6T3 and yeah, make ABSOLUTELY certain it is removed/bridged BEFORE installing the latest dash.
Done numerous avatar updates with R6T3 not removed or bridged. It wont kill your jtag if you update with the same firmware that you already have on your box. IT just takes the avatar files, no efuses blown.
The R6T3 and yeah, make ABSOLUTELY certain it is removed/bridged BEFORE installing the latest dash.
Done numerous avatar updates with R6T3 not removed or bridged. It wont kill your jtag if you update with the same firmware that you already have on your box. IT just takes the avatar files, no efuses blown.
If you go online with a JTAG, MS bans you within minutes
And just downloading a new update without having the same freeboot will fuck up the JTAG. Iv just disabeled xbox live connection in dashlaunch.ini
There is always xlink kai... but fuck that, JTAG for offline, flashed one for online
No banwave last year, so the one you flashed for me is still online
Not sure if this is allowed. But any Nforce member looking for a quality Jtag, drop me a line, i Have 4 New Boxed Jtaged Falcons to get rid of. Thought i would offer them to the community before i ioffer them.
Not sure if this is allowed. But any Nforce member looking for a quality Jtag, drop me a line, i Have 4 New Boxed Jtaged Falcons to get rid of. Thought i would offer them to the community before i ioffer them.
I just reflashed my Hitachi (Phat) drive to 1.91 and all my old games arent working. Does this mean I have to reburn all of them? This would blow. hehe
I just reflashed my Hitachi (Phat) drive to 1.91 and all my old games arent working. Does this mean I have to reburn all of them? This would blow. hehe
You sure you were paying attention to everything when you flashed?
There's only like, 6 or 7 AP games out right now, all old games shouldn't be affected.
I just reflashed my Hitachi (Phat) drive to 1.91 and all my old games arent working. Does this mean I have to reburn all of them? This would blow. hehe
You sure you were paying attention to everything when you flashed?
There's only like, 6 or 7 AP games out right now, all old games shouldn't be affected.
Yeah, the only thing that confused me is there were like 6 version 79 FW's files in the download. I didnt know which to use, So I took a guess... Haha
Non of my games are working and want to play some black ops.
I just reflashed my Hitachi (Phat) drive to 1.91 and all my old games arent working. Does this mean I have to reburn all of them? This would blow. hehe
You sure you were paying attention to everything when you flashed?
There's only like, 6 or 7 AP games out right now, all old games shouldn't be affected.
Yeah, the only thing that confused me is there were like 6 version 79 FW's files in the download. I didnt know which to use, So I took a guess... Haha
Non of my games are working and want to play some black ops.
If you had been using JungleFlasher, which I assume you were, didn't you click the "Auto Load" button when prompted?
I think something went wrong with yoru flash bro. ;p Better open that shit up with your (hopefully) saved key and try again. I'd also be sure to go the Dummy from KeyDB route.
Yeah, I usually never auto load the FW, but I guess in this case I should. I have everything still open and have flashed this thing numerous times. Gonna do it again and auto load the FW and see what happens.
You sure you were paying attention to everything when you flashed?
There's only like, 6 or 7 AP games out right now, all old games shouldn't be affected.
Yeah, the only thing that confused me is there were like 6 version 79 FW's files in the download. I didnt know which to use, So I took a guess... Haha
Non of my games are working and want to play some black ops.
If you had been using JungleFlasher, which I assume you were, didn't you click the "Auto Load" button when prompted?
I think something went wrong with yoru flash bro. ;p Better open that shit up with your (hopefully) saved key and try again. I'd also be sure to go the Dummy from KeyDB route.
The Auto Load doesn't always work in my experience, last time I used JF (to flash to LT 1.9) I had to select the fw manually...
i just flashed a couple of 79 hitachis a few days ago. if you're using jungleflasher pay attention to the area above the dvd key on the source firmware. it will say something like "key @" and then there will be an offset that will be something like a000 or some such shit. you should have a matching firmware for your version of 79 with that same offset in the file name. that's the one you load and then of course make sure you put your key into and practice safe sex, stay in school, blah blah blah.
think this applies to other drives, too. i did a liteon or 2 also and i seem to recall doing something similar. auto load doesn't work for me either.
You sure you were paying attention to everything when you flashed?
There's only like, 6 or 7 AP games out right now, all old games shouldn't be affected.
Yeah, the only thing that confused me is there were like 6 version 79 FW's files in the download. I didnt know which to use, So I took a guess... Haha
Non of my games are working and want to play some black ops.
If you had been using JungleFlasher, which I assume you were, didn't you click the "Auto Load" button when prompted?
I think something went wrong with yoru flash bro. ;p Better open that shit up with your (hopefully) saved key and try again. I'd also be sure to go the Dummy from KeyDB route.
Thanks a lot bro. That worked a treat. things are all back to normal and games working perfectly!
I just reflashed my Hitachi (Phat) drive to 1.91 and all my old games arent working. Does this mean I have to reburn all of them? This would blow. hehe
That's because Hitachi is different than Liteon drives. You flash to 1.1 not 1.9 or 1.91.
For my Hitachi GDR-3120L 59DJ version, I used LTPlus-59-1.1.bin
If you have the 59 or 79 or whatever, you use a different 1.1 firmware. Read the official Jungleflash tutorial and it will tell you how to set ModeB for your Hitachi so it's recognizable in Windows and easily flashable. I just did mine yesterday and all games work.
I just reflashed my Hitachi (Phat) drive to 1.91 and all my old games arent working. Does this mean I have to reburn all of them? This would blow. hehe
That's because Hitachi is different than Liteon drives. You flash to 1.1 not 1.9 or 1.91.
For my Hitachi GDR-3120L 59DJ version, I used LTPlus-59-1.1.bin
If you have the 59 or 79 or whatever, you use a different 1.1 firmware. Read the official Jungleflash tutorial and it will tell you how to set ModeB for your Hitachi so it's recognizable in Windows and easily flashable. I just did mine yesterday and all games work.
Hitachi 78/79 LT+ v1.91 RELEASED This version is for dashboard version 2.0.13599.0 – It is based on the latest firmware as updated by the recent dashboard update. This is only for Hitachi fw version 78 and 79. This fw is not required for lower fw versions. It supports XGD3 originals, but not XGD3 backups. It also supports the new AP2.6 checks however there is no longer any protection against bad/incorrect burns with older patches so MAKE SURE your burns are patched with the latest ABGX. If they are then there is no need to re-burn.
Also, if you read more than just that one post, you have seen that I already had it figured out and it was just the fact that I loaded the wrong 1.91 FW into jungleflasher when writing.
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
I bet somewhere, on a different plane of reality, Chuck Norris has it's own software platform. That runs Crysis on over 9000 fps without breaking a sweat. It also spams you free cigarette packs and Irish coffee.
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