// ================================================================================
// First Person Mode Bindings
// ================================================================================
// ================================================================================
// AI Control Mode Bindings
// ================================================================================
// Always go back to bindset 0 before exiting the config
bindset 0
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
// Remote Control Car Driving Mode Bindings
bindset 2
// Joystick
bind "JOY1" "_attack1" // A
bind "JOY2" "_weap9" // B
bind "JOY3" "_use" // X
bind "JOY4" "_weap5" // Y
bind "JOY5" "_zoomin" // L Shoulder
bind "JOY6" "_zoomout" // R Shoulder
bind "JOY7" "_zoom" // L Stick Click
bind "JOY8" "" // R Stick Click
bind "JOY9" "toggleMainMenu" // Start
bind "JOY10" "_inventory" // Back
bind "JOY_STICK2_UP" "_lookup"
bind "JOY_STICK2_DOWN" "_lookdown"
bind "JOY_STICK2_LEFT" "_lookleft"
bind "JOY_STICK2_RIGHT" "_lookright"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER1" "_zoom" // L Trigger - zoom
bind "JOY_TRIGGER2" "_attack1" // R Trigger - fire
bind "JOY1" "_attack1" // A - fire weapon
bind "JOY2" "_quickuse" // B
bind "JOY4" "_weap5" // Y - exit vehicle
bind "JOY6" "_weapnext" // R Shoulder - next weapon
bind "JOY8" "_switchpos" // R Stick Click - switch seats
//bind "JOY5" "_switchpos"
// AI Control Mode Bindings
bindset 3
bind "JOY1" "_use" // A
bind "JOY2" "_jump" // B
bind "JOY3" "" // X
bind "JOY4" "_reload" // Y
//bind "JOY5" "_weapprev" // L Shoulder
//bind "JOY6" "_weapnext" // R Shoulder
bind "JOY7" "_crouch" // L Stick Click
bind "JOY9" "toggleMainMenu" // Start
//bind "JOY10" "_inventory" // Back
I dunno...looks pretty and all,but maybe I was expecting more from this.
Should have known it's just a shooter with vehicles and not about story as much.
I mean you walk in to a bar and talk to the bartender..."let me give you an advice,reputation is everything etc"
".....ummm, I just wanted a drink,not a lecture"
No dialogue choices whatsoever(that I've seen) and mute protagonist...but then again it's an ID game with emphasis on something else.
Like said,was just expecting more. That's what you get when you don't follow the games development progress. :/
"Just hit the point where if I wasn't getting paid to play this fucking game, I would have stopped."
"Not impressed."
"Gotta love scheduled online review matches where nobody fucking turns up." "I give up. I don't have time to sit around in empty lobbies."
And I remember Arthur Gies on Rebel FM mentioning that he played a "new IP" recently that was under embargo that he didn't like. There is a very strong chance and is most likely referring to RAGE.
I think those "reviews" are tweets from journos because I can't find their origin..
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
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