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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 20:42    Post subject: COMPUTERS!
Fucking hell.. I've fixed 2 Quad Itaniums, a quad xeon and a huge friggin storage array today.. I miss my train and dont get home till late.. and I walk into my room to hear a constant beeping and the words "YOUR 9800 XT HAS NOT HAD A POWER CABLE PLUGGED IN"..

after some fiddling it boots.. and windows is FUCKED. God damnit, Im so fucking tired, I cant be assed to do a rebuild, or even fix the damn thing, more because I dont have a fucking clue whats wrong with it!

GAAhaahahhahhh.. I just wanted to play some games, maybe watch a movie.. now im stuck fixing a fucking computer :@! AGAIN!
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 20:45    Post subject:
fixing computers is my hobby. I love it Wink
but when its your own pc, it sucks donkeyballs :\

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 20:46    Post subject:
have fun, it sounds like you are Smile

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 20:50    Post subject:
Dont get me wrong, i love fixing computers, just not tonight Razz! Ive seen the windows installation screen so many times today, blue screens of death falling every 10mins, I dont need any more Razz

*cries* Razz
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 20:53    Post subject:
Tell me about it. I've had a X850 XT PE and I've not been able to use it because of two lots of screwed memory.
I'll RMA the 2nd lot tommorow. Sad

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 20:58    Post subject:
i think i may go steal the xeon workstation in the other room... just as a "will do until fixed" hehe
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VIP Member

Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 21:02    Post subject:
I was reinstalling Windows a lot these days due to a virus wich spread in our company and wasn't recognized by our enterprise scanner, thanks mcafee :/ And of course executives and managers cant be arsed to just plug their notebook to the net and get the os via ris, stupid lazy bastards... and i'm sure one of them brought the virus to our net with their notebook.

I know your situation syn, i hate it if my computers dont work

@Jenni: I told you to go with the standard Samsung ram, i hope your third shipment is no dud Smile
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 21:26    Post subject:
Yeah whoknows. I've been offered some ballistix memory. I've asked for the advice on DFI-Street. I'll see what they say.

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 21:29    Post subject:
*has pulled the power cable out*

I was going to install over and start again, but I figure, this could be some stupid issue that will fix itself if given time, so im going to sit back and keep my fingers crossed Smile!

you never know Smile!

Ill try it again later on tonight, for now, ill get a nap in..
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 23:13    Post subject:
Ok i hooked myself up with a dual xeon 2.6 with 2gb a ram Smile... not allowed to format it though as my room mate wants it back... WE SHALL SEEE ABOUT THAT! MUHAhAHaHAhaaa... *steals*
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Wed, 25th May 2005 23:21    Post subject:

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 01:21    Post subject:
FIXED Very Happy!
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 01:58    Post subject:

Clevesa wrote:
Murder is the best way out of this that I see.
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