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Posts: 70
Location: Ca.
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jun 2005 00:57    Post subject: Dentists
Monday around 4am while sleeping, my wife must have rolled over and hit me in the mouth. Well that sent a shock through me I wont soon forget. It felt like a hammer just cracked me in the face and I sprang out of bed(scareing the hell out of her) and went into the washroom, the side of my face was all puffed out and with every heartbeat severe pain. I thought oh shit, my wisdom tooth has gone bad or something, now I HAVE to go to the dentist. I got lucky(I guess) I only had to wait one day to get into see this quack. I've been to him 2yrs before and it wasnt that good of an experience then. I have a condition that makes extraction of a tooth very hard for a dentist and incredibly painfull to me. My roots go very deep into my jaw bone. They probly have some name for it, but my name for it is PAIN. So you can understand why I truely am affraid of the 'dentist'. And why I refute this statement 'in this day and age dentists are painless' WELL BULLSHIT TO THAT!!

Their supposed to have all sorts of drugs and gas to make extractions painless. Well how come they seem to never use any of them (except freezing) on me? Even the stuff they use to make your gums numb for the freezing needle, they dont on me. Why is that? Cause I'm a older guy and should be able to take the pain. I've told each and every one of them I've been to see, that I have a low pain threshold(meaning I cant handle pain that well), but it doesnt seem to register to them. It took this guy 20mins to get my wisdom tooth out. He was prying, twisting and rocking it back and forth until it finally came out. When I seen it, I thought holly shit, it's huge. The root was 3 times the size of the tooth and he had to put 4 stitches in to close the massive hole it left.
So since the freezing wore off Tuesday night. I've been in pure missery. Not been to work at all and today(Friday) is the first day I could actually talk to anyone with them being able to understand me. The side of my face was almost the size of softball. I tried a couple of times to come here and do some work but with all the pain killers I was taking I couldnt focus any thoughts at all. So you see, every visit to a dentist has ended with me losing time from work and a great deal of pain and discomfort.

So anyone who tells me they have had a good experience with their visits to the dreaded dentist I would envy them greatly.
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PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jun 2005 02:39    Post subject:
Laughing i dont see the fear of dentists, it's painless Smile if you can still feel pain then u should change the surgery and pick a better 1. sounds like pretty poor practicing to me Smile

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jun 2005 04:00    Post subject:
My dentist is really careful about his patients feeling pain. He gave me about 6 injections last time I went for a filling, the side of my face was numb for about 12 hours!

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

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Posts: 3168
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jun 2005 09:02    Post subject:
You should see the movie "The Dentist"..
You wont fear anymore if you have seen that movie.. Wink

I hate you.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jun 2005 09:27    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
My dentist is really careful about his patients feeling pain. He gave me about 6 injections last time I went for a filling, the side of my face was numb for about 12 hours!

Haha, that stuff is kinda' fun. I always try to drink water after my face is all numb. Hilarity ensues.

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