Steam and multiple region keys
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2011 01:23    Post subject: Steam and multiple region keys
Good afternoon
So I was one of the guys who bought a Skyrim RU version and as such, I cannot play it without a VPN
I already got my refund but the key is still associated with the account.

If I buy a European key can I register it with Steam? Will I finally have access to the game in my region? Or will steam reject the key/still block me the access to the game?
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Location: Vikingland
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2011 01:11    Post subject:
u need a vpn when u connect the key, im not sure how steam reacts when u are in a different region, some countries are very restricted or how it works..
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2011 11:57    Post subject:
Did you even read the post? :/
That was not my question at all

What I want to know is if it's possible to register a region free key on an account that is already associated with a region locked one.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2011 12:36    Post subject:
Hmmm, I was certain I replied to this. Odd. Oh well; sadly, no you can't register another region key on the same account. You'll have to contact Steam support and ask them to unregister/remove that game from your account - be warned though; they're pretty pissy about out-of-region titles, so they're going all out on demanding proof of ownership of a legitimate product.

Just a heads up there.
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2011 12:38    Post subject:
Thanks Sabin
Yeah I already contacted Steam Support but they keep giving me "pre-made" responses over and over again, they don't even bother to read my posts.
It's stupid, lot's of people have been able to remove the game. Yet they are being hissy with me

Thanks anyway!
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2011 12:49    Post subject:
Keep trying.. and good luck!
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2011 12:58    Post subject:
I willl
I had this small hope because on my account history the game shows as Skyrim: RU
I had hoped that by registering the region free version it would not clash since they have different entries
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