FLT Mafia
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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 01:31    Post subject: FLT Mafia
When I start the game, the screen goes black and the game is about to start, but then I'm thrown back to the desktop and the game window is minimized. Then I'll just press the minimized window and the game continues.

And in the game I choose to watch the intro, same thing there. Window minimized and I'm back at the desktop.

One thing I noticed was that trying to run it for the first time was that nothing happened, I got the black screen, but nothing else.

And last but bot least, at some point I got a message saying "Need an Indeo Video Codec" or something, and I just check in the box "Don't show this message again".

Anyone got any clue ?

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PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 01:33    Post subject:
Well, I've never experienced this before but I suppose the video codec mentioned is the culprit - though I only recall the intro in actually using FMV, beyond that it seems to be done in the games engine for cutscenes.

So maybe disable the intro and see if it works okay?

or do a google search for Indeo Video Codec which I think is IBM stuff, and download and up to date version.

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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 02:15    Post subject:
Hmm.. When I come to think of it, the game could maybe launch just fine if I could see the intro(s), maybe it just fails to load the intros and jumps to the desktops and when I try to watch the .avi-files in the game folder, I get a message saying I don't have the proper codec.

What do you think the codec might be ? I re-installed the game, but not at any point did it complain about an Indeo-codec this time.

There was also a button on the message window that said "Look the net for codecs" or something, but of course, nothing happened Sad
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Posts: 536
Location: "Mexico of Europe"
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 09:59    Post subject:
Indeo is a Intel's video codec.
I googled out this download:
try to install it, and give us info if it helped

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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 15:09    Post subject:
Doh. Yes Intel not IBM, my memory is not perfect but it knew it was a big company Sad

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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 17:58    Post subject:
Installing the codec linked to solved my problem.

Big up to you guys !
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