Renegade.Ops.DLC corrupt saves
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Sat, 14th Jan 2012 19:29    Post subject: Renegade.Ops.DLC corrupt saves
This is strange, I played the whole game, uninstalled, reinstalled later along with the skidrow version of the DLC. Fortunately, my saved games were still present so I played two levels and quit. Since then every time I launch it it comes to a black screen and then ava_main stopped error. I searched a bit and it seems to be a problem with this crack since I found out that the exact same thing happened to others after installing the DLC and playing once, but nobody have a solution.

I then found out that I'm able to launch the game by removing my savegame file (\AppData\Local\SKIDROW\99300), but that's no fun because I only had one level left, I don't want to restart a new character from level 0.

Seems like the DLC crack corrupt savegames, and I'm wondering if anyone have any idea how I could restore it to a valid state.
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Posts: 931

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Feb 2012 06:24    Post subject:
Same problem happened to me with Skidrow's DLC release.

I used Theta's DLC release (it also includes the necessary update) and everything worked. My saves are back and I can play the DLC again.

In summary, I just did this:

Installed Skidrow's full game release and used the included crack
Installed Theta's "Renegade Ops v1.13d9 update"

And that's it.
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