Mac Minis real purpose
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jun 2005 21:09    Post subject: Mac Minis real purpose

What Mac Mini does best Smile

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jun 2005 21:19    Post subject:
lol, nice 1 Smile

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Posts: 1167
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jun 2005 21:23    Post subject:
hahaha lol ....... good to see as i recently chose microsoft laptop (sony) over apple
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 00:24    Post subject:
nice Very Happy

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 08:37    Post subject:
toilet > mac
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 17:45    Post subject:
Apple > Linux > Shit > Dirt > Microsoft.

The world would be a better place if M$ didn't exist.
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 17:47    Post subject:
Very Happy

Got a time machine?

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 18:13    Post subject:
and take away Bill's glasses?

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 18:22    Post subject:
maybe Wink

I was thinking of going along the lines of taking credit for it Very Happy

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 19:02    Post subject:
Excellent Excellent

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 1501

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 22:39    Post subject:
i like macs...i don't get why you people hate em. well they are shit for gaming. übershit for gaming. but besides that they are pretty nice.

jesus christ was a gangsta rapper. they killed him. he came back and made a platinum album.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 23:10    Post subject:
toeffy wrote:
i like macs...i don't get why you people hate em. well they are shit for gaming. übershit for gaming. but besides that they are pretty nice.

I don't know if you're expecting the serious answer or the snide answer, so I'll try my hand at both:


As Microsoft became the standard and Mac became the underdog, people that liked Macs started getting pretty vehement about their computers being better than PCs, and became a sort of Jehovah's Witness within the computer industry. Like the JW, they managed to piss off the majority of computer users and get themselves hated. Like the JW, they still don't understand what the fuck they did wrong.


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Posts: 1501

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 23:16    Post subject:
yeah i know mac lovers are idiots....i just think we should not fight fire with fire but just ignore them, be smart and linger in both worlds....macs are still kicking ass for video production and nearly everything relating to designing something Very Happy

jesus christ was a gangsta rapper. they killed him. he came back and made a platinum album.
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Jun 2005 00:16    Post subject:
toeffy wrote:
macs are still kicking ass for video production


We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Jun 2005 05:24    Post subject:
toeffy wrote:
yeah i know mac lovers are idiots....i just think we should not fight fire with fire but just ignore them, be smart and linger in both worlds....macs are still kicking ass for video production and nearly everything relating to designing something Very Happy

I can't say anything about that, I've never used a mac for anything other than casual web browsing and a few simple tasks... but other than the UI and the slightly more stable/better designed OS, I see nothing in the mac. TBH, I'd bash it for being so damn expensive and so damn slow.

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PostPosted: Tue, 5th Jul 2005 12:27    Post subject:
I've had PC for 15 years and I loved it! 2 years ago I switched to Mac for working with pro audio. And I will never go back ever again. OSX is just a much more elite OS than windows. When Longhorn is released, it will, besides having copied important features from OSX, be at the level where OSX was 2 years ago. Mac machines are expensive for many people, especially because of the unbelievable design and genius features, but considering what you get for the money. it's not expensive. The last 5 versiond (!) of OSX have been done secretly for both PowerPC and Intel, so it's all gonna rock bigtime in the future. All in all, the Mac suits my needs perfectly, and I believe eveybody should have one, next to their noisy PC towers. Then they could use the PC for games, and the Mac for everything else...
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