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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jun 2005 13:07    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
When a post makes me laugh, it's got do have done something right. Very Happy

2 pages of incoherent bullshit + spending 1.5 of them repeating dumb shit about me = something right. Interesting.

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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jun 2005 13:09    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
o and just so you know I'm 17 and i took a 'cheap shot' at your poetry because it was funny.

You can consider it funny. I might consider some of the things you've posted funny, that doesn't mean I'd take the opportunity and kick you when you were down. Then again. there's a reason the word "scapegoat" was invented.

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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jun 2005 13:12    Post subject:
Accelleron wrote:
Photoshopping and uploading this were the last 3 minutes, 12 seconds I spend with Injurious' bullshit.


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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jun 2005 16:17    Post subject:
What the fuck is wrong with you Injurious? Seriously. Are you bipolar or something?

Your rants would be easier to read if they had some sort of structure or punctuation and didn't obviously appear to be some stupid attention-seeking rant from a 13 year old trying to be CRAZY AND ZANY ZOMG LOL on an internet forum.

Also, why the fuck are you including me in your stupid rants? I don't care what you think of me.

Another little observation is that you seem preoccupied with homosexuality and telling people they are "queer" or "gay". This is often a sign of a repressed homosexual. Please come to terms with your sexuality before posting again. TIA.

PS: Every sentence doesn't need a new paragraph.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jun 2005 16:22    Post subject:

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