Removing a spalsh screen
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Posts: 3339
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Jun 2012 03:38    Post subject: Removing a spalsh screen
I'm trying to use this guide here but it makes no sense.

:0040F5FF 6A67 push 00000067 ; hmm nice push here (does nothing good)
to this
:0040F5FF E9A5000000 JMP 0040F6A9 ; Nice jump, kills the timer and the splash

were did "E9A5000000" come from and why dose it remove the splash screen? it's no were else in the code.

And how do I edit stuff in w32dasm?
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PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Jun 2012 03:43    Post subject:
E9A5000000 is the bytes for a long jump in x86 assembler. It's located at 0040F5FF in the snippet you posted above. It probably forces the program to go along a path of execution that doesn't result in the splash screen being shown.

Also, w32dasm is an old tool, don't use it. Use Ollydbg instead.

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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Posts: 3339
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Jun 2012 12:34    Post subject:
That was a bit better.

But now, the thing i try to crack is an add-on/extension to word 2007. The program post a message every time you push any of it's buttons for the first time you use them of every word session. So the day the trial runs out I cant use it any more. So what I want to do is remove the nag/splash screen.

So I don't know how extensions/add-ons work in word but I look at the files and I assume it uses a dll file named "EasyProducer2007.dll" inside it I found "invalidSerial" so i assume it's the right file.

watching some youtube I learn that "offset" is something i should look for and I Find it:

1006B60C 68 50DA1210 PUSH OFFSET 1012DA50 ; ASCII "MsgInvalidSerial"

But now I can not find 1012DA50

but then again, is this were I should focus? As the only thing I need to getrid of really is the splash/nag screen. I tried to look for it by searching for welcome as that what it say in the splash/nag screen (in swedish) but I cant find it.

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Posts: 3339
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Jun 2012 13:55    Post subject:
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