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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 03:48    Post subject:
Removed the updates and reinstalled 1.13 , then 1.14 and the fix I made for 1.14 and its all fine now. Dont know what happened really Razz
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 03:50    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
right. Feel free to remove 3D movies too

Thanks bud. Its been so long since I touched the PS3 I need to get with the program again. Razz
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Posts: 2752
Location: Bombay, India
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 04:50    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
sabin1981 wrote:
Yeah, it's pretty bad on the PS3 -- and it's no picnic on the 360 either but at least it's better. God how I wish for a PC version.

.... with HD resolution and 60 fps >_>

fixed Cool Face

Fix'd. This is the MT Framework engine we're talking about. Capcom has never made a shoddy port using this engine. Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet, Lost Planet 2 and Street Fighter IV. All of these games were ported with every effort to utilize the latest PC platform's technical enhancement. It's like this engine was made for producing PC versions right from start. Razz

So yeah, if it's from Capcom, nothing is capped. Wink
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 09:03    Post subject:
i know, i was just being a tit in lieu of the recent dark souls pc fiasco Wink
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 10:47    Post subject:
ps3 is getting raped left and right. probably not long before it's completely owened. good times for those who had patience and waited out the "shitty" year Laughing
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 11:02    Post subject:
A correction: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations is working only on JPN release.

So, Dragon's Dogma for me even though frame rate is not so good on ps3.Game is playable though.
I'm expecting Yakuza Dead Souls, The Show 12 and Tales Of Graces F and that's it for all the ps3 releases that I want to play.

Q6600 OC 3.0ghz, MSI R9 280x Gaming Edition, 7gb ram, Asus P5KC
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Posts: 81

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 12:03    Post subject:
fearwhatnow wrote:

I'm expecting Yakuza Dead Souls

I totally agree, hopefully umbrella chronicles HD is do-able aswell.
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14109
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 17:41    Post subject:
seems peace walker is fixed now,I hope it's mean Jak HD soon

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Aug 2012 21:58    Post subject:
JackQ wrote:
seems peace walker is fixed now,I hope it's mean Jak HD soon

tales of graces f too
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Posts: 468

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Aug 2012 04:29    Post subject:
FWIW there is a way to play a mostly English version of tales of graces right now. Some guy over at ps3news managed to patch together the US and JP releases and 95% of the game is in English now. You can even leave in the Japanese voices if you'd prefer to play it that way.

It isn't perfect, but it works pretty well.

i7 5820k @ 4.4 || MSI X99S XPOWER AC || Samsung XP941 256GB M.2 SSD || G.SKILL Ripjaws 4x4GB 2666 DDR4 || Gigabyte GTX 970 GAMING-4GD || Dell 2407 || Razer Blakcwidow Ultimate || Logitech G502
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Aug 2012 08:35    Post subject:
tskiller wrote:
FWIW there is a way to play a mostly English version of tales of graces right now. Some guy over at ps3news managed to patch together the US and JP releases and 95% of the game is in English now. You can even leave in the Japanese voices if you'd prefer to play it that way.

It isn't perfect, but it works pretty well.

thanks but no thanks, i waited this long i can wait some more to play 100% English proper version of the game. i don't have time any more to fuck around with home made stitched together games.
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Aug 2012 11:35    Post subject:
Tales Of Xillia JPN is now fixed for CFW 3.55.

Q6600 OC 3.0ghz, MSI R9 280x Gaming Edition, 7gb ram, Asus P5KC
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Aug 2012 22:23    Post subject:
For those that might be interested in it, I can confirm that all Uncharted 3 DLC are on disc with the GOTY edition, no voucher at all. The asian edition is multilanguage too. And as I stated before, it has an update, that only needs 3.60.

Google goty-dlc.psarc if you wanna "transform" your vanilla U3 to GOTY edition Wink

They downsampled a few BTS movies though since the game would have been over 50 gigs with the DLC Very Happy

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Posts: 2752
Location: Bombay, India
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 01:18    Post subject:
Does the DLC contribute anything new to the SP side or is it purely for MP aspect?
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Posts: 1230

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 03:28    Post subject:
According to Sony, the following content is included:
Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2
Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories
Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2
Drake's Deception Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis
The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters)
Doughnut Skin Pack: Five "fat" skins
Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 05:05    Post subject:
In other words it's purely for multiplayer, but dont forget you can play it in coop in split screen (coop missions) or in LAN (with xlink kai).

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Posts: 522
Location: Absurdia
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 09:57    Post subject:
I tried playing split screen some time ago in UC 3 but i got this funky screen proportion. One screen was in the top left corner, and the second one in the bottom right, with huge black bits in the left bottom and top right corner that were only used for displaying player info. I was really disappointed by the split screen mode Sad I was running it on a regular 16:9 display as well so no reason for any black bars or anything i would suspect.

Here's an example:

Who thought that was a good idea ? Sad
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 10:36    Post subject:
there is a reason, ps3 can't handle 2 threads of uncharted3 running at the same time in same quality so devs had to compromise. and it's not just uncharted3, most games with split screen coop have some kind of compromise, lower gfx detail, lower fps, lower res and such.

don't tell me you didn't know this? Laughing
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 10:40    Post subject:
aevis wrote:
I tried playing split screen some time ago in UC 3 but i got this funky screen proportion. One screen was in the top left corner, and the second one in the bottom right, with huge black bits in the left bottom and top right corner that were only used for displaying player info. I was really disappointed by the split screen mode Sad I was running it on a regular 16:9 display as well so no reason for any black bars or anything i would suspect.

Here's an example:

Who thought that was a good idea ? Sad

My guess is that they tried to implement full screen co-op split screen and the PS3 machine exploded..
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Posts: 522
Location: Absurdia
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Aug 2012 10:43    Post subject:
I'm not sure whether they chose to do it like this because of technical limitations or not, but i wouldn't have minded lower graphical detail as much as having to actually move closer to my display just to see anything :\
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 06:49    Post subject:
Is there any way playing bd-mirror titles from internal hdd? i'm trying to play dmc collection but it only works from external hdd. i have kmeaw 3.55 and multiman 2.07. any solution? thanks.
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 06:52    Post subject:
Adebisi wrote:
Is there any way playing bd-mirror titles from internal hdd? i'm trying to play dmc collection but it only works from external hdd. i have kmeaw 3.55 and multiman 2.07. any solution? thanks.

sometimes multiman shadow copy works in place of bd mirror, but other times the only way to play is external with bd mirror option.
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 06:58    Post subject:
Intel_NVIDIA wrote:

sometimes multiman shadow copy works in place of bd mirror, but other times the only way to play is external with bd mirror option.

Yes i tried it and it didn't work, thanks for the quick reply Smile i saw that the new mmCM v04.04.00 can play this games from internal! YAY going to try it Smile
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 07:05    Post subject:
Wait i didn't try shadow copy, i tried direct boot and didn't work. how do you do shadow copy? thanks.
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 10:46    Post subject:
it's a somewhat lengthy process but many games that would only work from external will work from internal with shadow copy.

to create shadow copy you need multiMAN_[EBOOT_FIX]
drag and drop game dir on ebootFIX.exe it will automatically generate pkg inside [NPDRM] folder and .txt with instructions how to install shadow copy for each game.

you need to carefully follow steps inside said .txt file or it won't work.
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 12:06    Post subject:
Intel_NVIDIA wrote:
it's a somewhat lengthy process but many games that would only work from external will work from internal with shadow copy.

to create shadow copy you need multiMAN_[EBOOT_FIX]
drag and drop game dir on ebootFIX.exe it will automatically generate pkg inside [NPDRM] folder and .txt with instructions how to install shadow copy for each game.

you need to carefully follow steps inside said .txt file or it won't work.

Thank you very much Intel_NVIDIA, this goes to my bookmarked stuff. BTW i installed mmCM 04.05 and bd-mirror now works also from internal Smile works great with dmc collection Smile so i guess all games can run from internal now. thx again Smile
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 13:56    Post subject:
Adebisi wrote:
BTW i installed mmCM 04.05 and bd-mirror now works also from internal Smile works great with dmc collection Smile so i guess all games can run from internal now. thx again Smile

nice, but i don't see anything about this mentioned in the change log, hope it's true.
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 14:13    Post subject:
From mmCM 04.04.00 changelog:

Game Compatibility / CFW Related (KMEAW/REBUG/ROGERO 3.55CFWs):

- Improved compatibility for the so-called "Black-Screen-Games" (BSG) which *until now* required
the "BD-Mirror" option and worked ONLY from external usb HDD (otherwise game would lock/loop/error during load).

- Now users of the listed firmwares can use the "BD-Mirror" option for game backups stored in the INTERNAL HDD.
It may improve the compatibility of over 100 games (some older titles, some newer),
for example AC1 / Colin Dirt 1 / Prince Of Persia / CoD / MW / Tomb Raider, incl. titles which had sound issues.

- It is now possible to set "BD-Mirror" option for games in Internal HDD and it enables the new functionality.
The option works both with PS3 Game Disc in the tray and in discless mode from /app_home.
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Aug 2012 14:15    Post subject:
silly me i read 04.05 log but missed 04.04, thanks Wink
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Aug 2012 16:43    Post subject:
For our TB owner friends that wanna decrypt their EBOOTs :

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