Damn fucking people who hurt animals
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Posts: 1167
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jul 2005 19:37    Post subject:
LOL..have you been in a packing house? Ive been in many. (Mostly beef).
Did you know the animals are stunned before there killed. A bolt gets blown through there brain, so its kinda like an instant death. Very little pain except for the initial.


Beating a cat with a baseball bat to kill it.. hmmmmm. can you see the difference?

I have a cat, and if any sick person harmed or totured my cat. I would beat the living shit out them

what about them being packed into areas so small its like a sardine can, how about drinking milk, when cows are often milked so much that they bleed etc. works in the same way yet you like meat dont you, you still have eggs for breckfast and milk in your cup.

anyways back on topic i personally could not hurt a cat MUCH LESS A LITTLE KID DAMMIT. anyways something interesting has occured to me, some off the ppl disgusted at the mistaken shooting of a possible terrorist man in Britain are in favour of neecapping little kids and their parents for beating up a cat, wierd agenda's huh.
Rolling Eyes

same ere, hate when people hurt animals or kill them... once i had a science lesson, we were supposed to watch a film about volcanos and the teacher put the wrong tape and went sumwhere, and that tape was about some ppl who investigated a secret experiments with animals (somewhere in scotland) one guy had a hidden camera and went there and omg, they did some awful things with animals like they showed one monkey with a metal things (nails?) in its skull and that was awful (they were testing new pain releavers(not sure about the spelling)) also they showed some other animals and it was awful...

if you are so against them testing on animals in the sake of medical science to provide cures or medicines for man ( cancerous brain tumours, alzheimers, other neurological disordars, many medical advances) either do one of two things 1: ask to be atest subject yourself to prevent the animals from their anguish...2:blow up some of their facilities.

but ultimatly you would feel very differently if one of your relatives were to unfortunatly get one of the many could have been treated diseases that would have spawned through the research. lol my dad's a doc and he looks at disgust at the ppl in traphalgar square demonstrating such things... it has save hundreds of thousands of lives and helped millions.
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jul 2005 20:37    Post subject:
drakgon there are different ways of experiments on animals too. There are those when you test different things on small white mice that were made for testing only and nothing else (they have no change in real nature anyway). This testing has a purpose, preventing cancer and other diseases.

Then we have the other "testing". When I was in Ninth grade one girl talked about experiments on animals, she showed us all some very disgusting pictures. On one there was a dog with 2 heads. Why did it have 2 heads? Because they had chopped the head of one dog and put it on another to simply see if the second head (and the dog) would survive. Can that kind of tests save human lives? I don't think so.

Experiments that can save lives and are properly done (on white mice for example) is good and should be allowed. Sick experiments that involves sick stuff to simply see "if it works or not" is fucking retarded and all participants should be shot.
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Posts: 1167
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jul 2005 20:54    Post subject:
hehe kosmiq.... those type of things are not even legal in most places and the type protesters always complain about are the real medical ones.

also btw lab rats are used due to their ease in reproducing and shelter, but for far more usefull info cats ,dogs and most importantly monkeys have to be used for such research.
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Posts: 9145
Location: Von Oben
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jul 2005 21:07    Post subject:
you live in Varberga?, i think i went there last year for a few days, im not sure is that a same place, it is by the sea, and there are a big castle/fort, a nudist beach and a place called bongos (you can play bowling and watch "tv" there) and the guy who works there duz muy-thai... is taht the same place??


Yes, yes I'm back.
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jul 2005 23:24    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
fisk wrote:
Orebro, Sweden (in this "hood" called Varberga)

Hey! Do you know Millencolin? Razz

(just kidding dude)

nah i heard he is into more heavier stuff, like:

and yes im a vegitarian. Razz
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2005 06:12    Post subject:
Did you know the animals are stunned before there killed. A bolt gets blown through there brain, so its kinda like an instant death. Very little pain except for the initial.

lol, that's only done in big companies, where they are watched by animal activists. In asian countries like china, there's no animal activist group, so no company would bother do lethal injection on animals.
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Posts: 1908
Location: Alberta,Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2005 18:15    Post subject:
SceneLeader wrote:
Did you know the animals are stunned before there killed. A bolt gets blown through there brain, so its kinda like an instant death. Very little pain except for the initial.

lol, that's only done in big companies, where they are watched by animal activists. In asian countries like china, there's no animal activist group, so no company would bother do lethal injection on animals.

Im speaking from experience in Alberta. Ive been into Suntera Slaughter house, XL Meats,XL beef, Lucerene meats, Trophy foods,Cargil foods etc. All use this same practice not becasue its less painful to the animal. Its safer, and the cheapest way possible to kill the animal, yeilding the most product. I would like you to show me one example of a Cattle house that uses another meathod.

1. The bolt is reusable
2. If you kill catle anyother way to can damage the meat by
a. Brusing in making it tougher
b. If any of the animals insides rupture all the meat will be contaminated. Ie Why its not advised to eat road kill, and when hunting if you hit the animal in the belly, it must be cleaned on the spot to avoid contamination.
3. The weight of the animal can be a very dangerous weapon to the workers on the kill floor.
4. you would lose blood using another meathod, hence losing profits becasue everything is used. mmmmmm blood meal..lol

Dont get me wrong, the companies dont care about the animals well being, they really dont. But the process that is most effient is also the most humaine. The bolt isnt a leathal injection. Its a steal rod that is shot into there brain.

Asia is an entirely different system, they eat dogs and such lol .

Save a Cow, eat a vegitarian. Smile
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 21306
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2005 18:23    Post subject:
SoSBigperm wrote:
Save a Cow, eat a vegitarian. Smile

Not enough meat on the bones Very Happy

(sorry Nailbiter Razz )

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Jul 2005 02:46    Post subject:
im fat! Razz
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 21306
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Jul 2005 04:02    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:
im fat! Razz

Me too! Very Happy Well ... almost fat Wink

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Jul 2005 17:55    Post subject:
animal hurters should share the fate of that russian spammer, it's just sick, on the level of beating your wife.

I dislike kids too, and happen to like cats. So I'm with Fisk on this one.

piracy isn't a hobby, it's a way of life
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Jul 2005 02:12    Post subject:
Asia is an entirely different system, they eat dogs and such lol .

LOL, what's wrong with eating dog. Is is better to eat cow, pig, fish, chicken than eat dog?
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Jul 2005 10:30    Post subject:
Would you eat a dog? I wouldn't... But what think he meant is the difference in cultures, we see dogs in a totally different way. Mostly as pets that we walk around with and stuff... Not that we eat. Especially not dog penis. They do that shit... Razz

A cow, pig and similar is on the other hand something that we are grown up with eating (I am talking generally now, not all people). Or muslims they don't eat pigs right? Same thing there, culture and religion.
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Jul 2005 11:44    Post subject:
so you people should be more tolerant of other cultures Twisted Evil
Some white people think dog eaters are evil, but don't realize some people in other culture may think cow eaters are evil.
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Jul 2005 15:02    Post subject:
Never said that they were evil, more that I don't see how they can do it. But that is because of my cultural beliefs. With that not said that I dislike or disrespect them.

Anyone from India probably would hate me because I eat cow, but seriously I would die for that last burger.. Laughing
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Posts: 426

PostPosted: Mon, 1st Aug 2005 19:58    Post subject:
if you are so against them testing on animals in the sake of medical science to provide cures or medicines for man ( cancerous brain tumours, alzheimers, other neurological disordars, many medical advances) either do one of two things 1: ask to be atest subject yourself to prevent the animals from their anguish...2:blow up some of their facilities.

3: The prisons are full of GUILTY people who killed, raped etc... so why using INNOCENT animals to test those 'medicins'?
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Mon, 1st Aug 2005 23:57    Post subject:
here in mexico I've seen "perro taco"... and of course, there's always the old joke about "man.. I was sweating like a dog in a chinese restaurant."

But that's sure to offend someone, so... yea.

piracy isn't a hobby, it's a way of life
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2005 05:35    Post subject:
3: The prisons are full of GUILTY people who killed, raped etc... so why using INNOCENT animals to test those 'medicins'?

They don't use innocent ones, they use guilty animals that have killed other animals.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2005 06:10    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
animal hurters should share the fate of that russian spammer, it's just sick, on the level of beating your wife.

I dislike kids too, and happen to like cats. So I'm with Fisk on this one.

And yet in the other thread similar to this one you disagree with him, blatently showing your disregard for the lives of dogs.

Are you full of shit or what.
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2005 06:33    Post subject:
i think the reason i wouldn't think of eating dogs and such is the fact that they have some intelligence and form a bond to you.. i highly doubt pigs or cows can show the same amount of intelligence and loyalty... plus they taste better...
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2005 20:10    Post subject:
haha mad max. they do taste better ;-D.

Animal, dogs aren't animals. another well known fact that your last statement incriminates you of of being ignorant of, and makes other unhealthy implications about you...

piracy isn't a hobby, it's a way of life
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Posts: 9145
Location: Von Oben
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2005 20:38    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
hdogs aren't animals

So that's what they teach you in Texas.

I bet they taught that to all the "worlds most powerful men" too, that's probably why they all were so darned retarded.

Yes, yes I'm back.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2005 21:27    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
haha mad max. they do taste better ;-D.

Animal, dogs aren't animals. another well known fact that your last statement incriminates you of of being ignorant of, and makes other unhealthy implications about you...

Do you know what 'Kingdom Animalia' is with regards to biological classification?

I guess not, but then again I suppose they only teach you how jebus created all life over there in texas.
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Posts: 1908
Location: Alberta,Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 21:38    Post subject:
SceneLeader wrote:
so you people should be more tolerant of other cultures Twisted Evil
Some white people think dog eaters are evil, but don't realize some people in other culture may think cow eaters are evil.

I am very tollerant of other cultures, thats not what this thread is about.

Yes many cultures warship cows, many cultures donot eat pork.blah blah This has nothing to do with this Animal Crulity thread. It was brought up by me becasue i was talking about my personal experiences with Animal Slaughter practices in Canada, and the statement i made about eating dog was to state (If it wasnt obvious) that i have no idea about foreign slaughter practices. I speak from experience not hearsay.

I never said eating dog was wrong, i think you have miss read or interpreted my statement. I said asia is a different system, becasue we dont eat dogs here. Many countries also dont think of dogs and cats as pets, and find it strange we actully let them in our houses. Its easy to pick one point a screw it for argument sake, when the real issue remains. You say we use the practices i mentioned becasue of activists, and i said BS. Becasue i agree slaughter houses big and small donot care about the well being of the animal, but they do care about profits. And the best profits are made using these humane processes.

Or maybe all these slughter houses are just out to hurt animals

Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 681

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 22:13    Post subject:
Well, we in Sweden are really tolerant to other culturers.
Cause now its legal to use Halal butchery.
For those who not know what Halal butchery is,
it's a muslim way to butcher animals.
You simple cut their throat without to "sedate" them.
So the animals can feel all the pain when they got their throat cut.
And under the whole butching "sermony" there will be like an muslim "priest" yelling something about god and bla bla.
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 23:08    Post subject:
i would recomend some of the halal treatmeant to some of the swedish politicians though.

or wait...was that what anna lind got?

hmmm anyhow, do you you have a link to this haschbiff? it seems highly unlikely they would get this across as it has nothing to do with relgious tolerance, more about animal cruelty which there is plenty of rules about (even though neglected and too mild in the firstplace).
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Posts: 681

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 23:50    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:
i would recomend some of the halal treatmeant to some of the swedish politicians though.

or wait...was that what anna lind got?

hmmm anyhow, do you you have a link to this haschbiff? it seems highly unlikely they would get this across as it has nothing to do with relgious tolerance, more about animal cruelty which there is plenty of rules about (even though neglected and too mild in the firstplace).

Heres a link(in Swedish) http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/kristianstad/nyheter/artikel.asp?artikel=665429

And heres another: http://www.kristianstadsbladet.se/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050621/KRISTIANSTAD/106210727&SearchID=73211962113304
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 23:54    Post subject:

Kronfågel is the bastard!

"– Den enda större skillnaden är att den maskin med knivar som skär halsen av kycklingarna flyttats några meter, för att vara vänd mot Mecka, säger platschefen Bengt Wiking."

not much of a change though... Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Nailbiter on Mon, 8th Aug 2005 23:55; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 681

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 23:55    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:

Kronfågel is the bastard!

Yep, all they think about is money.
Sick scums..
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