Dark Souls
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Sep 2012 23:41    Post subject: Dark Souls
Everything technical regarding Dark Souls (Crack, DS Fix, 60Hz fix, UI Fix, ..) should go here.

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Posts: 3160
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Sep 2012 23:50    Post subject:
PumpAction wrote:
Guys can you keep the technical stuff to the technical section please?

OK Cute Pom Pom's

Holy crap! Shocked Even the HUD mod works without issues:

That was unexpected! Cool

"Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck watching you."

Fuck Polish government for oppressing women!

"People are such awful conversationalists that they’ll interrupt you when you’re answering a question they asked."
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Posts: 1042

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Sep 2012 00:13    Post subject:
wow really? i didnt try it because the guy who made the 60fps mod said it would only work with 1.2 and below because of the hud mod and/or texture replacement features. im going to wait on the hud mod anyway. the boos health bars and other little glitches are enough to put me off until its working perfect.

on that note, has anyone seen any good textures yet? i had a look through the reddit page they set up and its all typical 5 min photoshops and meme shit at this point.
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Posts: 3160
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Oct 2012 02:09    Post subject:
As many of you may already know, latest version of DSfix comes with the "Unlock FPS" feature.

Q: What it does?

A: Well, as the name says - it unlocks FPS and makes it fully variable.

Q: Erm? Scratch Head

A: Thus far Dark Souls has been allowed to achieve just a mere 30FPS and that was the limit. Now you can set it to whatever you wish; exceeding 60FPS, however, is not recommended due to possible issues with physics calculation and collision detection.

Q: PhysX? Reaction

A: Not PhysX, but physics. Laughing

Q: Could you please elaborate the meaning of "variable"?

A: By default, to preserve maximum V-Sync compatibility and avoid frame-tearing as much as possible, only the following rendering speeds were available: 30fps --> 15fps --> 7.5fps. So when your system was able to achieve, let's say, steady 25fps in Blighttown, you were forced to play at 15 fps. Not to mention the constant, extremely annoying switching between 15 and 30. Now with DSfix 1.6 and above this inconvenience can be completely abolished, thanks to its authors' hard work.

Q: Clear and concise?

A: At least framerate now behaves like in a proper PC port.

Q: Cool story bro, but is there anything I should know about first? What are the disadvantages of enabling this tweak?

A: V-Sync doesn't work in fullscreen (can be easily bypassed). There are also some issues exclusive to 60 fps mode (which don't occur in 30 fps), when physics engine doesn't always work as intended.
  • ragdoll calculations - everything seems lighter (more "energetic"); pieces of broken wooden elements very rarely don't fall to the ground <-- doesn't affect gameplay at all
  • jumping over large gaps in most cases is either broken or much more difficult to perform; characters tend to lose their momentum quicker, so beware... <-- kinda problematic

    Some examples from Sen's Fortress, Firelink Shrine and Undead Burg:

  • there are some very minor collision detection glitches when trying to walk over some obstacles

    Has happened only two times for me thus far. Once in Firelink Shrine - when trying to walk up to the bird's nest:

    and second time in The Great Hollow, but unfortunately I haven't captured any screenshots.

Sliding down ladders works just fine!

Q: Pros?

A: No more annoying 60<--> 30 <--> 15 hiccups (especially in Blighttown). Besides that, in 60 fps:
  • game feels incredibly smooth (no surprise here)
  • input latency is greatly decreased
  • combat riposte and backstabbing are significantly easier to perform (due to above advantages)

Q: Is it worth it?

A: Yes. Even if you're afraid of any negative outcomes of 60fps, just set a cap of 30 and enjoy variability.

Q: Can I get banned from GfWL for using this?

A: FPS Unlocker alters certain game data content running in RAM, so as such it's against Games for Windows Live ToS. However, as far as I know, GfWL doesn't give a single eff neither about cheaters nor about DSfix, and no one has ever heard anything reliable about people getting banned. Use it at your own risk though.

Q: But some guy on GameFAQs... blah blah blah... his friend... blah blah blah...

A: My opinion on this particular case:

Q: I'm in some serious need of having my ass raped by Smough & Ornstein in 60FPS. What do I do?

A: Providing you are already using the latest version of DSFix, you just need:
  • very powerful machine, especially CPU (Core2 Quad @ 3.2GHz may not be enough; I would recommend at least Intel Core i5 2500K or 3570K)
  • open 'DSfix.ini' and set these two lines to look like that:
    unlockFPS 1
    FPSlimit 60
That's it!

Q: Raccoon, mah niggah, I wanna play fullscreen with no frame-tearing.

A: Get yourself some D3DOverrider if you haven't already. Extract it, run it.

Add a profile to DATA.exe (not DarkSouls.exe) by clicking on the large plus icon at the bottom.

Maek teh profile look like this:

Start teh gaem!

Note: D3DOverrider needs to be running in the background in order to function properly!

Q: And what if I want to play with unlocked framerate, but still capped to 30 FPS? Are there any special settings I should use?

A: Yes. Lower the threshold of enabling/disabling SMAA to something along the lines of 22, otherwise it will always be off. (e.g. FPSthreshold 22)

"Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck watching you."

Fuck Polish government for oppressing women!

"People are such awful conversationalists that they’ll interrupt you when you’re answering a question they asked."

Last edited by Raccoon on Mon, 8th Oct 2012 04:01; edited 2 times in total
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Oct 2012 02:18    Post subject:
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Posts: 3160
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Oct 2012 02:20    Post subject:
Thanks! Smile

"Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck watching you."

Fuck Polish government for oppressing women!

"People are such awful conversationalists that they’ll interrupt you when you’re answering a question they asked."
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Oct 2012 02:26    Post subject:
Now that's a great post, well played Raccoon! Very Happy
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