Does anyone know if there's a patch in the work for this game?
Or do the devs think it's awesome as is?
They might think something like this :
"Holly cow ! XCOM Enemy unknown is a success it sells by millions !"
- "Yeah, lets leave it alone and start the sequel right now, what do you think about XCOM Enemy Known ?"
"This !"
Serious Rig: CPU : Ryzen7 9800X3D | GC : NVIDIA RTX 5080 FE | Mobo : MSI MPG Carbon X870E | RAM : 64GB DDR5 TridentZ5 Neo 6000 | Case : Fractal Define 7 XL | Cooler : Fractal Celcius S28 Prisma | PSU : Corsair RX1000 Shift | Monitor : LG Oled C2 42" 4K/G-Sync
Mobile Rig : Asus ROG751 JT | i7-4720HQ | GTX 970m | 16GB DDR3 \ G-Sync
Just for the LUL: PS4 Pro / Nintendo Switch / Wii U
$team, Orishit, Upay, PSN : Athlonic
AFAIK a gunslinger sniper with a foundry upgraded pistol does one damage less than an equivalent rifle. They're almost equal with a plasma pistol to support or assault wielding a plasma rifle.
Not to mention with six snipers you have an abundance of probes to throw around. Most of the time you never need to reach the aliens' visible range and the rest of the time just one of the six needs to be close, and even that one treats light cover as heavy.
There's just little reason to bring anything except snipers. There's no real downsides and each sniper being able to instagib two of almost anything in one turn, the firepower is off the hook. You could take out two or three sectopods in one turn with them never reaching visible range to fire back.
There's a reason the nr.1 cheese tactic in MP is full sniper squad.
For SP I think all assault class can be even stronger. They are somewhat powerful in early stages but once they get ghost armour they become unstoppable. Shotguns, run-n-gun, rapid fire and invisibility.
First you spring AI mob, run away, wait a turn. Turn on invisibility for whole crew, run into the middle of the bunch. AI can't do a thing next turn, then get close and personal with run-n-gun and shotguns. Six chances of 2x 90-100% on hit and 60-100% on criticals. It ends in a massacre.
Does anyone know if there's a patch in the work for this game?
Or do the devs think it's awesome as is?
They've already released one patch, I'm sure more will come.
On the 2k forum, there was a dev thanking for bug reporting couple of days back - cant remember the wording but ya ofcourse another patch is in the works. (one of the fixes is the camera fyi).
People complaining about mp sniper hell - just fucking add me already, I mostly play with people that agree to shit like max one of each race/class.
Sometimes a certain number of troops also etc.
It brings out ALOT more versatile tactics and is thankfully not a game where just you stock up on a certain type of units like snipers or discs.
So to hell with the leet kids in ranked - have fun while winning (or losing if against me )
One bad thing about mp and overwatch - the game is very much in favor of the defender, I wish that overwatch dealt out half the damage it does. And really its too powerfull against the ai as well.
Terrible video, but here's a guy going up against 3 at once (and getting raped):
Another example where the heavy would shine, with heat ammo - thats an very easy skill choice, he deals double damage to Discs and Sectopods, thats 2 of the best opponents to you.
I think the balance is very good between the troops. But out of 6 lategame troops on classic or impossible I would choose 2 snipers, 2 heavys, 1 assault and 1 support.
I would never build an support, for anything other than medic and hence only need one. I also always move my assault first and LAST (if the need for run and gun), because he is the guy, that cleans up the mistakes my squad makes -
so if my sniper miss that 95% shoot, he goes up close to kill that bug before it can dish out.
Heavies are always rocketmen, thats there role and I normally "move" them second last, they can clean the area of "mistakes" or I rocket with them first if in a hot zone - suppression takes so much ammo and that ability is null, compared to the snipers disabling shot.
Snipers? They just kill everything I point them to.
He's got a heavy in the group. The problem with the video is that it's some modded mess.
He doesn't really have the squad set up for handling that kind of thing and he plays it poorly. Like leaving the guys in positions to get grenaded.
Terrible video, but here's a guy going up against 3 at once (and getting raped):
Another example where the heavy would shine, with heat ammo - thats an very easy skill choice, he deals double damage to Discs and Sectopods, thats 2 of the best opponents to you.
I think the balance is very good between the troops. But out of 6 lategame troops on classic or impossible I would choose 2 snipers, 2 heavys, 1 assault and 1 support.
I would never build an support, for anything other than medic and hence only need one. I also always move my assault first and LAST (if the need for run and gun), because he is the guy, that cleans up the mistakes my squad makes -
so if my sniper miss that 95% shoot, he goes up close to kill that bug before it can dish out.
Heavies are always rocketmen, thats there role and I normally "move" them second last, they can clean the area of "mistakes" or I rocket with them first if in a hot zone - suppression takes so much ammo and that ability is null, compared to the snipers disabling shot.
Snipers? They just kill everything I point them to.
He's got a heavy in the group. The problem with the video is that it's some modded mess.
He doesn't really have the squad set up for handling that kind of thing and he plays it poorly. Like leaving the guys in positions to get grenaded.
I was not talking about the video other than the heat ammo advice. And ya that guy is just playing the demo with the mod tool. So fair on him that he is noob.
I only linked to the video to show the Cyberdiscs changing form and performing different attacks, seeing as dannofdawn hadn't seen them do anything except "suicide bomb".
Psi armor bugged?
Just got it, it says +30 in description, equipped it on my 74 will assault guy, and it's only reading as +20. Fine if it doesnt' want to go over 100, but should be +26 then.
is there any way to bring back countries who withdrawn from xcom?or are these countries lost for rest of the game?
they're gone for good, but don't feel like you have to keep every country in. I'm playing classic ironman and lost like 4 or 5 countries and I'm still fine. you don't actually need all of them. concentrate on keeping the continents with the good bonuses that you want.
Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
And once again people I am ready for some Nforce multiplayer - Tottercampione on Steam.
Right now I mostly meet people with snipers on overwatch that never moves and that together with disconnects gets lame really quick.
I added you on steam, havent played mp yet. Should be easy to set some secondary rules (like use of all different classes/aliens etc)
Cool because MP is great fun - but already the players are annoying.
I mean I like to win also, but I also like to have fun while doing it and trying different tactics etc.
I should be online rest of the day - just give me a shout when your ready!
Heh, sorry, am trying t finish the game on classic before going on holiday next week, so might not be able to MP during the next week (not sure how internet connection is going to be)
You can play as Aliens in MP ? Woot !
Feel free to add me on steam guys please
What are the essential mods which do not alter gameplay?
That would be none - well except the intro video remover
I tried a graphical mod, but that fucked multiplayer camera.
You can get a mod which only opens up for "second wave" or you can use res hack on the exe and change what you would like to change yourself.
Pretty much all mods currently come down to some sort of gameplay alteration, making it easier/harder/fairer/etc. What else would there be to mod anyway? Can't think of much beyond graphics related stuff, which is probably not modabble anyway, beyond texture swaps.
hey I got a small problem. After 30 or so minutes sound starts to make "crackling" noises. Like lagging, cant really describe it more accurately. Does anyone know any solution? This seems to be the only game affected, quite annoying.
If civ 5 is any indication, patching is not gonna be great.
Civ 5 has a shitload of big patches
Still didn't fix a lot and it took a god awful long time to fix the game to being somewhat playable.Oh and the multiplayer was a joke, not sure if they have fixed it yet, I doubt it. That is two years and an expansion in.
So I'm just about ready to head off for the final mission on my Classic playthrough. I have to say that I can maybe see why the devs took out the ability to detect and shoot down abduction mission UFOs. Namely because with it enabled, mid- to late-game all you end up doing is UFO boarding missions. Considering that there are only a handful of maps for those, it becomes really monotonous. I think for my next playthrough I won't enable it.
There really should have been a UFO shot down urban tileset. Atleast all the missions for me that involved shooting down their crafts were in forest areas. DLC maybe? lol...
I wonder if you can mod the frequency with which Council special missions (escorts and such) pop up? That might help break things up late game.
And yeah, map diversity in general could really use a boost. This is exactly the sort of thing where official mod support would help make a game really shine. The ability for people to make and share their own maps would open up the door for all sorts of crazy shit.
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