How to fix stuttering in Most Wanted 2012
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Posts: 3160
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 04:42    Post subject: How to fix stuttering in Most Wanted 2012
The severe stuttering in Most Wanted 2012 is caused by double-buffered V-Sync that's being forced by default.

Why is it happening?

There is still a problem with double buffering, and that is when VSync is enabled, the graphics card can often fill both buffers and then have to stop working on any new frames until the monitor indicates it is ready for a new frame for its next refresh. Only then can the graphics card clear the primary buffer, switch buffers and begin rendering the next frame in the secondary buffer. This waiting is what causes a drop in FPS when VSync is enabled on many systems, and is covered in more detail in the Vertical Synchronization section of this guide.


The possible solutions are either to disable V-Sync completely via graphics card's Control Panel, or to force Triple Buffering with D3DOverrider (recommended).

How to use it, I explained here. Just add NFS13.exe instead.

I've just tested it and it works!

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Posts: 2405
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 12:15    Post subject:
wel it stills stutters for me.
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King's Bounty

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PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 12:48    Post subject:
Interesting since Double Buffering is usually used to avoid stutter/tearing.

I think the game is just an especially bad port.

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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 14:09    Post subject:
Double buffer again?
"Either have 60 or 30 fps - nothing in between."
So of course, everyone who does not have a super-high spec pc will get regular slowdown.

But the game is shit optimized as well, with SSAO and Motion Blur disabled and shadows on Medium I now get between 27 and 42 fps. Not really comfortable for such a fast racer.

When will developers finally learn!!?
Narrow FOV, double buffering, framelock, no AA support, black borders on 16:10..its always the same problems that keep repeating themselves. 8 of 10 games have at least one of those impairments.

Widescreen Fixer, D3dOverrider, Injector and Nvidia inspector are nowadays must have tools for every pc gamer and I guess it will stay that way, since nobody seems to learn from mistakes.
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Posts: 3160
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 15:40    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:
wel it stills stutters for me.

Try setting frame latency to

in "config.NFS13Save" file (Documents\Criterion Games\Need For Speed(TM) Most Wanted). This also seems to have some effect, but unfortunately I don't have time to test it right now.

Frant wrote:
Interesting since Double Buffering is usually used to avoid stutter/tearing.

From what I know, Double Buffering is used when:
  • V-Sync is disabled - there's completely no point in enabling Triple Buffering then
  • V-Sync is enabled - this decreases input latency as much as possible, but you might occasionally run out of buffers and GPU will stall doing nothing - hence sudden FPS drops

Sedolf wrote:
But the game is shit optimized as well, with SSAO and Motion Blur disabled and shadows on Medium I now get between 27 and 42 fps. Not really comfortable for such a fast racer.

What are your system specs?

On my i5 3570K, 8GB RAM (yes, I have bought more Very Happy), and an old GTX460 1GB I easily get 40-60 FPS in 1600x900 with only Ambient Occlusion lowered to Medium.

"Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck watching you."

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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 15:57    Post subject:
mine is slightly weaker - i7 860, 4gb ram and gtx 275 amp (a gtx 285 minus 128mb vram)
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Posts: 3160
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 16:44    Post subject:
Oh, for some reason I thought you also have GTX460. Guess my brain was tricking me.

Maybe you're playing in 1080p and that makes such difference. Or the game is severely CPU limited.

"Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck watching you."

Fuck Polish government for oppressing women!

"People are such awful conversationalists that they’ll interrupt you when you’re answering a question they asked."
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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 17:05    Post subject:
could also be the game is using dx11 render optimizations
outside of the city I get 40-60 as well, but as soon as there is more traffic and many buildings it goes down to 30-40.
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