Cargo Commander Black Screen upon Start-Up
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 19:51    Post subject: Cargo Commander Black Screen upon Start-Up
I've downloaded Cargo_Commander-FANiSO. The game starts, loads up some initial logo and then goes into a black screen. Forever. It's not Win8, because there are other people on the Steam forums having this issue on 7 and Vista too.

All prerequisites are installed - DirectX, VC++ Redists and XNA. Tried running it as Admin and setting different compatibility options, but no luck.

One of the suggestions on the Steam forums was to uninstall all other existing Redists and then install just the 2005 ones. No luck again.
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 21:40    Post subject:
works fine , the thing is when the LOGO is posted it connects to STEAM ... when you have ESET or other Firewall it will lock this program to black screen posting in the background a pop out that this program will connect to internet ...

well i just pressed windows + L to get to the LOG IN screen , LOG back and picked the option to block this program

TAB + ALT will not work , or you can simply block the program before running

Learn your PC like Brad from GB said ... the magic of it is even Windows Firewall will do the same shit

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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Nov 2012 21:48    Post subject:
Yeah I just noticed that, it tries to go online but it failed immediately here and went into offline mode, maybe as you said that's were the problem is.
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2012 18:26    Post subject:
Seriously I'm getting really frustrated here. Nothing seems to work. Reinstalled the game in different locations, reinstalled all of the redists, tried running it as an admin, even tried compatibility options, tried both the FANISO and BACKLASH versions (but they're the same, but it didn't hurt to give each one of them a shot), even reinstalled Steam.

Damn it! I'm getting all raged up when a game behaves like a little bitch.

The first patch of the game seems to be a solver of the problem and I held a certain amount of hope that THETA might crack it alongside the update, but nada... Of all the tiny, indie games they always crack this one won't be among them. Bah...
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2012 20:04    Post subject:
BITCH, PLEASE! Finally managed to crack that fucker down! Ran Windows 7 x64 in a virtual machine and it fired up without a second thought.

Seriously, I had never before witnessed such a stubborn game in my recent history of using computers. I Am Disappoint
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Posts: 34480
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2012 20:14    Post subject:
That's weird, albeit it does mean you should be able to right click on the game exe and select Windows 7 compatibility for it via the properties window and it should start. Smile
(Though the game works just fine for me, weird.)
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2012 20:22    Post subject:
Trust me. All of the compatibility options ranging from Win95 to Win7 had already been tried out. None of them worked. Blocking in firewall didn't work as well.
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