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Posts: 1994

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 22:52    Post subject:
anyone got spare beta key ?
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:22    Post subject:
Teniak wrote:
hello humpers, happy new year ..

i got a key . pm me
Edit : done ! i gave it to Sausje


here aswell thanks again for this Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:24    Post subject:
Well I got one finally mailed to me, but already had one...but not sure if its usable,as its says:
Here is your product code (). This invitation is exclusive to YOU and is not transferable.

But if anyone wants one try the game, and see if it 4JKT-L4QQ-FTAX-KNMS-JM66.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

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Posts: 23231
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:29    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
Well I got one finally mailed to me, but already had one...but not sure if its usable,as its says:
Here is your product code (). This invitation is exclusive to YOU and is not transferable.

But if anyone wants one try the game, and see if it 4JKT-L4QQ-FTAX-KNMS-JM68.

I took this one, I hope thats ok. Ta!

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:30    Post subject:
Servers are having problems since the last 30min (30min after they got up again finally Razz)... zzzzzzzzzzz

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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:30    Post subject:
But I think I just realized I gave you the 'full dev beta' one Razz after reading the mail..its not the 1 hour locked thing...
well crap, now Im stuck with a 1 hour

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 23231
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:31    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
But I think I just realized I gave you the 'full dev beta' one Razz after reading the mail..its not the 1 hour locked thing...
well crap, now Im stuck with a 1 hour

Oh yeah..I did notice that...but I thought all versions was the same lol

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:35    Post subject:
Is there any solution for extending the time limit yet? Smile
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:35    Post subject:
Nah, that was the special one...I actually READ the mail and it says:

Maxis is inviting a very select group of people to participate in a beta program which will help us to shape our game for launch in March. We have been searching for our biggest fans, those people who are incredibly passionate about SimCity, and you have been identified as one of the few, the lucky few, that we are inviting inside our game.
During the month of January we will be giving you, as our special invited guest, unprecedented access to our game, allowing you to play the game from the comfort of your own home. We are entrusting you with our software, and asking you to give us constructive feedback on your play experience.

well crap....

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:36    Post subject:
Rofl, 1 hour beta keys.

Yep, once more using a "beta" for promotion and nothing more, shitty companies these days Laughing

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 23231
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:38    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
Nah, that was the special one...I actually READ the mail and it says:

Maxis is inviting a very select group of people to participate in a beta program which will help us to shape our game for launch in March. We have been searching for our biggest fans, those people who are incredibly passionate about SimCity, and you have been identified as one of the few, the lucky few, that we are inviting inside our game.
During the month of January we will be giving you, as our special invited guest, unprecedented access to our game, allowing you to play the game from the comfort of your own home. We are entrusting you with our software, and asking you to give us constructive feedback on your play experience.

well crap....

Unfortunatly it's already added to my origin - else I would have given it back Sad

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:39    Post subject:
No worries Smile
Dont say I never gave anyone anything special

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 23231
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:41    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
No worries Smile
Dont say I never gave anyone anything special

I once gave someone something special... much to my big suprise it wasnt very welcome. I guess genital herpes isnt a proper gift Sad

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:50    Post subject:
Going to poke them and see if I can get a new one..tell them it didn't work or something Razz

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:52    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
Going to poke them and see if I can get a new one..tell them it didn't work or something Razz

carefull with that tho, they might put a trace on your original key and find it on his account, maybe banning him in the process because they might think he stole or hacked it.
Knowing EA support, this is prolly what is going to happen Razz

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:54    Post subject:
Ah didnt think of that.
I wonder if he logs in with it to start with if it flags it..since it says it was for my account only.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jan 2013 23:57    Post subject:
No worries, Ill leave it be, dont want ankh getting screwed.
It comes out in a month. I can wait Razz

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 23231
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 00:03    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
No worries, Ill leave it be, dont want ankh getting screwed.
It comes out in a month. I can wait Razz

Cheers mate!

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 00:04    Post subject:
Np just let me know how it is when you can get past an hour of

I cant get far enough to test a full zone of med-high density and cant try to '2 zones' thing at once at all on the other demo.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 1601

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 00:34    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
Np just let me know how it is when you can get past an hour of

I cant get far enough to test a full zone of med-high density and cant try to '2 zones' thing at once at all on the other demo.

since 3/4 of the buildings are not avaible in the beta, you have nothing to worry Razz
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 00:35    Post subject:
They are open to the dev beta. Just not the 1 hour "trial" one.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 1601

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 00:36    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
They are open to the dev beta. Just not the 1 hour "trial" one.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :O
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Posts: 1750
Location: Warren, MN
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 02:23    Post subject:
Wow, for a limited, closed, time-limited beta, those no talent a$$ clowns really didn't think about the hammering on their servers. So now, I have to wait to get logged on.

Oh yeah, I forgot this was EA.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 02:38    Post subject:
If beta makes their servers cough blood, I wonder what would happen on release day. Reaction
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Posts: 4377
Location: 9th Circle of Hell
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 03:04    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
If beta makes their servers cough blood, I wonder what would happen on release day. Reaction

Don't worry. The game will still rock you. Actually, it will rock you so hard that you'll need an entire bottle of Valium/Prozac to calm yourself. Very Happy
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Posts: 1750
Location: Warren, MN
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 04:05    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
If beta makes their servers cough blood, I wonder what would happen on release day. Reaction

Diablo 3 release day all over again????
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 04:28    Post subject:
Sim £££$$$$$

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Posts: 295

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 07:08    Post subject:
Its the 1 hour BS but if anyone wants it feel free
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Posts: 468

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 07:17    Post subject:
Ass_Issues wrote:
Its the 1 hour BS but if anyone wants it feel free

thanks man! been huntin around for one all day! can't wait to give it a try.
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PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jan 2013 07:22    Post subject:

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