[Android] nVidia Handheld
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Posts: 29165

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 10:15    Post subject: [Android] nVidia Handheld

:: Named Shield (codename: Thor)
:: Runs on pure android (no bloat-ware or skins)
:: Games are download from: "NVIDIA TegraZone" and "Google's app store"
:: No retail games
:: No exclusive games were announced yet.

:: Tegra 4 (72 cores)
:: Has a bloody heatstink of some sort in a portable
:: Most powerful mobile console (atleast that what he said)
:: It can play 4k videos and "drive" 4k TV sets (that what he said)

:: Shaped like a controller
:: 5-inch, 720p Retinal multitouch display with 294ppi pixel density
:: The 5 inch touchscreen has a customizable plate
:: Custom bass reflex system with tuned ports for sound.
:: Controls are all the controls a gamer would expect (pressure sesitve triggers, clickable sticks etc.)
:: Micro SD support.
:: Audio out, Hdmi Out, USB support.

:: Battery lasts from 5-10 hours while gaming or 24 hours of HD video playback (according to verge)
:: Can stream from PC (like WiiuTab from Wiiu), and then can stream that same image to your TV (PC streaming requires a router)
:: Could also to cloud gaming (much like any other mobile/tablet)
:: Does local multiplayer wireless.

:: No price, storage announced
:: Coming out Q2

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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 10:33    Post subject:
What? What a shitty design!

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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VIP Member

Posts: 29165

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 10:47    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 03:41; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 2136

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 10:49    Post subject:

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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 11:07    Post subject:
72 cores?
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Posts: 5074
Location: Bucharest, Romania
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 11:14    Post subject:
The GPU has that many cores.

R7 2700x @4GHz / MSI B450 Tomahawk / beQuiet! Dark Rock 4 / 32GB @3000 MHz / MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z / Samsung 850 EVO 250GB / Western Digital 1TB / Fractal Design Meshify C Dark / SuperFlower Leadex Gold 650W / DELL whatever 27 inch IPS

I usually stream stuff: http://www.twitch.tv/claudeftw
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 11:19    Post subject:
Yeah, mentioning the number of SPs works quite well to attract the mobile derp crowd. It's not CPU cores. Tegra 4 is 4 x Cortex A15 + companion core Wink
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Posts: 2062

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jan 2013 11:21    Post subject:
Kadey from NeoGAF wrote:

Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Posts: 435

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jan 2013 07:35    Post subject:

"If it's a choice between eternal hell and good tunes and eternal heaven and new kids on the fucking block … I'm gonna be surfing on the lake of fire, rocking out, high-fiveing Satan every time I pass the motherfucking shore." – Bill Hicks
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jan 2013 07:39    Post subject:
Yeah, amazomg lag Laughing He can't even drive a straight line in NFS because there is 500ms+ delay. Laughing
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jan 2013 19:23    Post subject:
Hmmm wonder how much better it could be than the vita.... Vita didn't reallllyyyyy catch on cause of lack of dedicated games... And that's Sony... So why would this be different.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jan 2013 19:25    Post subject:
This would run Android games. You decide if these are better than Vita games. I say "No" because other than few, there are no mobile (iOS/Android) games that can be compared to proper games.
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Posts: 6877

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jan 2013 19:36    Post subject:
what we need is more and better games, not more handhelds and consoles to fragment the playerbase
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jan 2013 14:19    Post subject:
U can't have "better" games as long as they are designed purely for phones... Controls will be limited and graphics and size needs to be tamed to work on a bunch of phones to maximize profits. That's y vita and shield make sense but they need serious investment in game development.
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Posts: 239

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jan 2013 16:01    Post subject:
Seems a little pointless, I can do all this with an Ipad 4, Splashtop and a windows reciever and 360 pad, theres barely any lag already.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Mar 2013 22:40    Post subject:

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 00:27    Post subject:
db2431 wrote:
Seems a little pointless, I can do all this with an Ipad 4, Splashtop and a windows reciever and 360 pad, theres barely any lag already.


While i do it with a Galaxy Note 10.1, and a PS3 controller.
Playing Windows games from my home PC on my Android tablet during uni = nice Laughing
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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 10:25    Post subject:
Any idea why I have shitty framerate sitting near my 802n router? I'm on Ipad4 + Splashtop2

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 21:52    Post subject:

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 22:34    Post subject:
What happened @2m09s?? Smug
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 22:58    Post subject:
They are on an oversaturated wifi there, ofc it will lag now and then...

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Mon, 1st Apr 2013 16:35    Post subject:
Bob Barnsen wrote:
db2431 wrote:
Seems a little pointless, I can do all this with an Ipad 4, Splashtop and a windows reciever and 360 pad, theres barely any lag already.


While i do it with a Galaxy Note 10.1, and a PS3 controller.
Playing Windows games from my home PC on my Android tablet during uni = nice Laughing

Surprised I didn't know we could do that! Wtf! I might buy a note instead of a surface pro then
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Apr 2013 12:25    Post subject:

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 657

PostPosted: Thu, 4th Apr 2013 01:40    Post subject:
Looks OK, need better games to push the tegra4 i reckon though.

A hand held Ouya or whatever it's called could be good if priced right with all those free/cheap games available.. sick of paying silly prices on 3ds games for my son.
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Wed, 15th May 2013 14:37    Post subject:
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 15th May 2013 14:46    Post subject:
I *knew* we had a dedicated thread for this! Ah well.
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Wed, 15th May 2013 14:49    Post subject:
It will fail pretty hard, like the NGage back then.

WTF would one buy this shit, if there are only a handful of games where you would need gamepad-like controls?

And the price = LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

For around the same price you could get a Nexus 4, a PS3/X360 Controller and a holder. Which is much more useful, than a gimmick phone to play 4 games.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 15th May 2013 14:52    Post subject:
Actually, there are an enormous amount of Android titles that are better suited to physical controls - you can simply map them with any number of keyboard/controller mapping suites, such as KeyToTouch or Tincore Input, etcetera, not to mention a lot of developers now include "physical buttons" mapping as standard. Once you've played Real Racing 2, Galaxy on Fire or Dungeon Hunter on a controller - you'll never go back to touchscreen again. What will kill this handheld the quickest is the insane price and the fact that its key selling point - streaming PC titles - is only available to a fraction of the PC populace; those that own GTX650 and above GPUs. Take away the streaming capability and you're left with a grossly overpriced Android gaming console.
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VIP Member

Posts: 27318

PostPosted: Wed, 15th May 2013 15:19    Post subject:
Bob Barnsen wrote:
It will fail pretty hard, like the NGage back then.

WTF would one buy this shit, if there are only a handful of games where you would need gamepad-like controls?

And the price = LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

For around the same price you could get a Nexus 4, a PS3/X360 Controller and a holder. Which is much more useful, than a gimmick phone to play 4 games.

The point of it is to buy PC games from your bed.

Android games = Reaction

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PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Aug 2013 04:19    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 03:11; edited 1 time in total
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