Darksiders II
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PostPosted: Tue, 5th Feb 2013 18:23    Post subject:
everything in one place, nice.
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PostPosted: Tue, 5th Feb 2013 19:40    Post subject:

dear cevat, go fuck yourself!

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PostPosted: Tue, 5th Feb 2013 19:42    Post subject:
Now there's the problem with Crytek acquiring the team. Otherwise I wouldn't have minded it. Darksiders on CryEngine would have been great actually.
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2013 00:58    Post subject:
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Posts: 64

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Mar 2013 22:43    Post subject:
David Adams from Crytek USA wants to bid for Darksiders:


If they are successful we can prepare for Darksiders F2P (a Cevat Yerli Game™)

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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 12:51    Post subject:
The ex-devs of DS recommend to Nordic Games to make the next DS games built with four player co-op in mind. Also they will happily buy back the franchise if Nordic wants to sell it and Nordic can keep the IP rights of DS1&2 if they want.


"As one of the co-founders of Vigil and the lead level designer/principal designer on both games, all I can say is... make it adventurous," said Ryan Stefanelli.

"And do what we would've done: let people know what happens when those other three comets land on Earth! Four player co-op or bust! Good luck to you guys. You've adopted our baby."

"If you actually ever go forward with the Darksiders franchise, be sure to focus on the things that made DS and DS2 cool," added Ben Cureton, who was lead combat designer at Vigil.

"Things like... that feeling of adventure (that Ryan mentioned), the fast-paced combat, the sense of scale, quality voice acting, and don't forget that Strife and Fury need to be BADASS... whatever you do, don't forget to crank the BADASS meter up to 11. If you are ever in doubt of what to do... just add more skulls! Oh yeah... it has to be 4 player. It's a must!

"That being said, if you decide you don't want to continue making games for the series, let me know. We'd be more than happy to take the IP off your hands. In fact, you can even have all of the money that DS1 and DS2 continue to generate!"

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 13:38    Post subject:
They sound like a bunch of derps, to be honest...

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 13:40    Post subject:
What does that say about those that like their games Smile

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 13:51    Post subject:
No relation, IMO.
Well, they might sound like derps but be great at their jobs... one does not imply the other. Very Happy

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 13:52    Post subject:
If coop i would rather have 2player coop with remaining riders than 4player one for all of them - 4 player one would be fine in 4th game after all riders were introduced, but thats just mine opinion
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 20:07    Post subject:
Nordic thinking of outsourcing development of Darksiders 3 to Crytek USA: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-23-new-owner-of-darksiders-ip-keen-to-speak-with-original-creators-about-darksiders-3

"We are not a developer," he said. "We should not create a sequel. We need to find the best creative team to look into a sequel. We will look into various options to make sequels.

"In the last 24 hours we have been approached by people who seem to know that product very well. However, if those discussions lead anywhere, I don't know."

"Without saying we have been in contact with Crytek USA, I'd love to do something with them if we can find the right set-up," Wingefors said. "If they can prove they can make a worthwhile sequel, why shouldn't we talk?

"I have a great respect for those guys. They made very good games. But I'm sure they have a full agenda. Making games takes time."

When asked whether Crytek USA was top of his list of potential Darksiders 3 developers, Wingefors replied: "They are the best-suited people in the world to make a sequel, that I'm aware of. But if someone else has a better set-up, they should step forward."

He continued: "We take one day at a time. I'm sure we'll get the chance to speak."

4 player bro op incoming

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 20:11    Post subject:
Cry-Engine DarkSiders 3 wouldn't be too bad.
(Having all four riders isn't bad either but yeah there's the co-op part and "bro" thing Consolitis mentioned.)
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Posts: 22985

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 20:12    Post subject:
Hope Everything Went Better Than Expected
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Apr 2013 20:12    Post subject:
Also, it's going to be lower budget, probably, and release for sure on Steam.

"Even if I had my own cash to buy these assets and we're financially a very solid company, I do not have $100 million, or whatever THQ spent making Darksiders 2," Wingefors admitted.

"We have to find creative solutions to make a game of that size. I'm not worried. If you have a great product and an idea, I'm normally good at finding a solution to it."

"What's commercially reasonable?" Wingefors replied when asked how much money would be given to development of the next Darksiders. "We could make things more cost-effective just by the fact we are not THQ. But most important for me is that we find the right set-up and people. There is no market for a Metacritic 60 game. You need to be 80 plus or even better, 90, to make it commercially viable."

Given the ink on the contract has yet to dry, Darksiders fans shouldn't hold their breath on a new game in the series arriving any time soon.

But it's a safe bet it'll launch on PC, given Wingefors' fondness for that platform and Steam. There, "It's so much easier to make a commercially viable product," he said.

But what about the next Xbox and PlayStation 4?

"Potentially yes," Wingefors said.

"If Sony and Microsoft stand up and say, hey, we love Darksiders and our platforms are suited to making this happen..."

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"


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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64936
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 02:19    Post subject:
If they really intend to go full co-op, then count me out. These games are all about platforming, exploring, solving puzzles and fighting enemies..alone. With co-op at least two of these will be toned down and changed accordingly to allow brofistness and insta-rewarding experience.
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Posts: 22985

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 06:37    Post subject:
I don't know, if properly done, like let's say, the co-op campaign of Portal 2, you could have every party member have an essential task in order to solve a puzzle and progress to the next area. I know that the horrible and awful likes of Dead Space 3 and company don't leave much room for optimism, but really, I want to believe! Very Happy
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 07:10    Post subject:
4treyu wrote:
I don't know, if properly done, like let's say, the co-op campaign of Portal 2, you could have every party member have an essential task in order to solve a puzzle and progress to the next area. I know that the horrible and awful likes of Dead Space 3 and company don't leave much room for optimism, but really, I want to believe! Very Happy

I think it is too much mechanics for any dev team to handle. Darksiders 2 already had too many different flavour from different genres mesh together. I really did like a lot of it, but when I really think about it, there are games just do it better because they are more focused.

Personally I would like to see they get rid of puzzles, and platforming. Keep the combat, the loot system, the horses, the skill tree and the large open world design. An arena of sorts would be a nice bonus.

What seems to define the series that Vigil had decided were platforming, puzzles, and action combat. If Vigil with the backing of THQ can't do it, then Nordic can forget about it. They simply don't have the money.

Stay focused, and maybe they can actually make the 80s-90s metacritc game they need for this to be successful.

Last edited by dannofdawn on Wed, 24th Apr 2013 08:37; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 22985

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 07:36    Post subject:
dannofdawn wrote:

Personally I would like to see they get rid of puzzles, and platforming. Keep the combat, the loot system, the horses, the skill tree and the large open world design. An arena of sorts would be a nice bonus.

Laughing no comments.

Also, I didn't understand the second to last paragraph you wrote, the one about Volition? Confused
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 08:37    Post subject:
4treyu wrote:
dannofdawn wrote:

Personally I would like to see they get rid of puzzles, and platforming. Keep the combat, the loot system, the horses, the skill tree and the large open world design. An arena of sorts would be a nice bonus.

Laughing no comments.

Also, I didn't understand the second to last paragraph you wrote, the one about Volition? Confused

Oops I got Vigil and Volition mixed up xD
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Posts: 14718

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 10:45    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
If they really intend to go full co-op, then count me out. These games are all about platforming, exploring, solving puzzles and fighting enemies..alone. With co-op at least two of these will be toned down and changed accordingly to allow brofistness and insta-rewarding experience.

I'd say, count me in then. These kinds of games could be perfect for co-op and it doesn't take THAT much time to implement it.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 13:17    Post subject:
Why does co-op come as such a suprise to people? I could totally see this coming from Vigil after the second game, be it in the next one or another game after that. It just made sense, considering the story of the series and the 4 riders. And it could work really well. Now that they could just slap it on like so many other developers can also be a possibility, I don't disagree. To be honest, I always saw the Darksiders franchise as something that could have a lot of genres in the same series, because of the different main characters.
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 13:20    Post subject:
i would go for full fledged 4player coop after all riders were introduced and there are still 2 of them remaining. So 2-player coop in DS3 and 4-player in DS4 Cool
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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Apr 2013 13:26    Post subject:
Yeah, that could work. Strife and Fury would make a good co-op game if done right, like say Portal 2. Otherwise, they could introduce them one by one, but I don't really see what they can do with that... a TPS with Strife and a Tomb Raider (older ones, not the new crap) like game (with a bit more stealth maybe?) with Fury. That could work, yeah, but there's not much else left they can do with where Vigil left the series.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64936
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Thu, 25th Apr 2013 00:12    Post subject:
What I meant when I said that is, I'm scared that they're going to completely revolutionize the formula/gameplay by adding co-op (like it happened with other franchises). I know that it would definitely make sense if done right, but that's a big if in my opinion..Portal SP campaign and co-op were basically two separate games, a very rare case these days, sadly.

I guess the fact that I'm a 100% lone wolf who only plays competitive stuff in MP and doesn't like to co-operate and interact with people (at least when it comes to my video games xD) deeply influences my view on the matter. Razz
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Apr 2013 00:19    Post subject:
DarkRohirrim wrote:
Yeah, that could work. Strife and Fury would make a good co-op game if done right, like say Portal 2. Otherwise, they could introduce them one by one, but I don't really see what they can do with that... a TPS with Strife and a Tomb Raider (older ones, not the new crap) like game (with a bit more stealth maybe?) with Fury. That could work, yeah, but there's not much else left they can do with where Vigil left the series.

Portal 2 was done by Valve. No dev can do what Valve can. And I don't mean because of talents, but the marketing, the budget, the fandom, etc. Nordic can't afford the risk, even if they want to. There is a reason why Darksiders and Red Fraction (2 of the biggest IP of the left overs) are not picked up by anyone.
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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Sun, 10th Nov 2013 13:39    Post subject:
What the hell is wrong with this game?! Is the performance based on an RNG system too?! Seriously, the performance in this is so fucking random. Granted, I play at 1080p now, but the game ran better on release (before all the patches) on my old graphics card. On top of that, the game runs differently every bloody time I fire it up. It ran perfectly fine (well, as fine as it gets in this one...) last night, but now the framerate is so low that it's unplayable. I don't even...
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PostPosted: Sun, 10th Nov 2013 14:19    Post subject:
A patch or two more would have been helpful, unfortunately they get around to do much before the publisher (THQ) went under and all that followed, from what I remember at least.
(Some DLC items were released and two smaller side quests but it was a while since I played the game now.)
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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Dec 2013 14:01    Post subject:
Right, so I finally managed to get through NG+, had the game sitting there for months. Some parts of the game become really boring when you play the second time. Like the Soul Arbiter's Maze, which was boring even the first time, but now... what a fucking boredom nightmare! So yeah, still a cool game though. So after that I thought: Yeah! Let's do the DLC campaigns now! Argul was pretty cool. The Abyssal Forge is even better, but then I reached a point where my game started to crash. Why? Because my savegame was too big, so I had to dump some gear. Yay! Managed to get through that one somehow, but the one with Belial crashed as soon as I made 1 step from the starting point.

I really don't think the DLC campaigns are that bad. They may be short, but if they were longer they would have become boring I think. However, I don't think it's really worth buying, nor play them for that matter. Just watch them on YT I guess, unless you're not like me and sell most gear, even the legendary stuff, so you have a really free inventory. I'm gonna watch the third one on YT and just call it enough with this game for... forever I think.
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th May 2014 11:32    Post subject:
Darksiders isn’t dead, and new IP owner Nordic Games is committed to the franchise, according to series designer Joe Madureira.

Over on Facebook, Madureira responded to questions regarding the status of Darksiders, stating, “[b]Darksiders– DS is not dead!!! The new owner, Nordic seems very committed to continuing the series. As far as my involvement, I can’t say at this point. Hopefully we will all have exciting news about the franchise soon!!!!!![/b]

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Posts: 1273

PostPosted: Mon, 12th May 2014 15:35    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
Darksiders isn’t dead, and new IP owner Nordic Games is committed to the franchise, according to series designer Joe Madureira.

Over on Facebook, Madureira responded to questions regarding the status of Darksiders, stating, “[b]Darksiders– DS is not dead!!! The new owner, Nordic seems very committed to continuing the series. As far as my involvement, I can’t say at this point. Hopefully we will all have exciting news about the franchise soon!!!!!![/b]


Very cool. I still need to finish Darksiders 2. That game had a lot of cool things about it. Honestly, some of the puzzles got a bit annoying with all the back and forth. The combat was fun and the weapons and skins and stuff looked very cool IMO. Glad to see the series may yet have life.
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