unable to crack win7 on win8 laptop
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Posts: 6877

PostPosted: Sun, 12th May 2013 12:46    Post subject: unable to crack win7 on win8 laptop
so my dad bought my mom a laptop, came with win 8 which has metro so first thing i do is format and install win7 on it, when i run daz loader it gives me an error that it cant crack win7 cause the harddrive is formatted for win8 and its security features.

I already disabled some win8 stuff in the BIOS, now i need something that i can burn to a CD that i can boot and format the HD completely to be compatible with win7 ( and its cracking ).
Im sure google would help out but i rather not go through hoops and loops to find something that works and get some expertise from the nfohumpers.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sun, 12th May 2013 13:53    Post subject:
Win 7 on my new machine also wont let me crack it (anymore). I.e. i installed a activated version, that used to work fin for year, but i guess some update recently undid that and now its not crackable with DAZ. I think its because of the new mobo being EFI and the hard drive boot stuff is in UEFI now instead of MBR. Something like that.
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Posts: 173

PostPosted: Sun, 12th May 2013 15:14    Post subject:
You need to disable UEFI in the bios and boot via "Legacy" mode as they call it. Also disable all the WIN 8 boot secure features.

As long as you disable UEFI via bios you can install Win7 with loader on any Windows 8 Laptop/Desktop.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sun, 12th May 2013 19:22    Post subject:
just install windows 8!!!
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Posts: 3423

PostPosted: Sun, 12th May 2013 19:34    Post subject:
Get Gparted Live ISO, make a bootable USB stick and boot the computer with it. Then erase all existing partitions (not format, erase) and make a new partition table within the program. Then install Windows 7.
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