EDIT: Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, deleted now.
I wonder if the game was originally meant to be more open, I've been using the developer exe - http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=565225 - and flying around the the map and what's interesting is that the actual map is pretty big and nearly all locations are connected and even have paths between them, you can fly form the farm where the game starts and then to the town, mines, bridge and logging camp to name some areas.
(There's still a few different levels but many of them seem to only have minor changes to them such as the time of day settings though some differ such as most forest maps having a separate map though all their locations are connected as well.)
(Those are all on the same level.)
Unless it has some other explanation, game engine must be pretty capable since it streams all this pretty quickly though in turn the LOD distance is pretty poor.
(Shadows for example kinda pop-up as you walk around.)
For me main menu doesn't display correctly. I only see the background (inside of a western bar) and no other visual style like menu buttons or so. When I manage to start the game mouse doesn't work and I can't move crosshair. I had exactly the same problem with Dead Island Riptide (same dev). Even developer dont have any idea why this is happening. Anyone know maybe solution for this ?
If it's happening to both this and Dead Island it must be something with Chrome Engine 5
Tried running the game with admin privileges?
(And making sure nothing is accessing or blocking the game, anti-virus programs for example.)
Graphics card, GPU drivers and did you override any settings for it?
(Forcing some AA mode that's not fully compatible with these games for instance.)
Do you have all the prerequisites installed?
(The game shouldn't start otherwise but DirectX June 2010, VC++ runtimes, .Net 3.5/4.5 and so on.)
Have you tried running the game in windowed mode?
(If you can get the game to use that, maybe manually editing the config file if it's available.)
No overlay or other program like that?
(Windows Explorer customization, OSD function from Afterburner or such, maybe Fraps even if it's not been updated recently.)
Well, I just finished it! I found it a very good game actually. And it is a proper CoJ game as well, just a bit different than the first two. It's obviously a game of a much smaller caliber, but that doesn't mean that it's beneath the previous games at all. It's pretty much CoJ combined with Bastion. The storytelling in this is absolutely awesome! Cool characters as well! I'm glad they made this game, I really am. It's also a better shooter than the previous games. Also, this game may not be some technical masterpiece (the draw distance is quite bad actually), but oh my, does it look gorgeous most of the time! The visual style makes it look really cool.
I could have sworn Silas' voice actor is the same guy that voiced Ray, but apparently he isn't. He did voice other characters in Bound in Blood and The Cartel though.
I could have sworn Silas' voice actor is the same guy that voiced Ray, but apparently he isn't.
Yeah, he was very close to Ray and more than once I caught myself listening to his inflections and thinking... "Hmmm, IS that Marc Alaimo?" I had to go to IMDb just to finally see for myself.
Just finished it too, really a pleasant surprise. It has its flaws (a tad short, not exactly hard and with some uninspired moments) but overall I found it thoroughly enjoyable both gameplay and story-wise (including the ending(s)).
It's a linear arcade shooter done right, with neat style and satisfying shooting, made it more interesting by the interactive narrative that dynamically "plays" with you. The good voice acting (btw, I too thought it was the same guy who voiced Ray) and characters contribute to make it a worthy entry to the franchise. A 7,5/10 for me. Now would be great if we could have a 100% proper CoJ game, too.
tho the song only reminded me of "compass" song from red dead redemption
3080, ps5, lg oled
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
finished it too
yea, that blues song was something great
the game was nice loved the graphics,i loved it more after 2 hours+ and one thing i didn't like was the barrels expltions..so 2D...so superficial,but overall,the series came back to the right path i guess:)
EDIT: Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, deleted now.
Unless it has some other explanation, game engine must be pretty capable since it streams all this pretty quickly though in turn the LOD distance is pretty poor.
(Shadows for example kinda pop-up as you walk around.)
That is the first level of the game right?
I tried to turn left, the game puts me on the right path.
Im sure, this was meant to be like previous COJ games but they decided to go a different way.
Id love to see a COJ next-gen game, open like the first
Yeah I started on the first level and toggled the free-camera option and just looked around the area, the only thing missing is the forest themed levels which are also all tied together like that.
(But with many variations to change weather, lighting and various tweaks, plus of course scripting and the like so it's not quite like you are warped from one end of the map to another though the loading times are still only a few seconds long at most.)
Thus why I wondered if it wasn't originally planned to be more open, surely mapping each level separately would have been less costly on the system performance which instead is alleviated by very aggressive LOD scaling.
(But the streaming is really effective, Chrome Engine 5 is pretty efficient by now, that bodes well for that new game they are working on.)
Just finished it. Fantastic game. It's the first, true FPS since SW: Republic Commando (well, it's more tactical, but still FPS) that I actually finished so that says it all One thing is bad about it: it gives as a sneak peak of what we could have had if RDR was ported to PC, ehhhhhh. Such a fucking shame.
Just finished it. Fantastic game. It's the first, true FPS since SW: Republic Commando (well, it's more tactical, but still FPS) that I actually finished so that says it all One thing is bad about it: it gives as a sneak peak of what we could have had if RDR was ported to PC, ehhhhhh. Such a fucking shame.
360's are dirt cheap, just buy it and play RDR, it's worth it (and you will find out that there are other great games you probably didn't even know about). Or are your silly anti-console principles so strong that you would rather not experience a great game to uphold them?
you know these people who act here like they are biggest PC elitists actually have consoles, they just don't talk much about it
Finally got around to completing this and it was an absolute blast, really enjoyable game from start to finish -- it was even fun hunting down those damned collectables, if only for the fun little facts and bios
Finally got around to completing this and it was an absolute blast, really enjoyable game from start to finish -- it was even fun hunting down those damned collectables, if only for the fun little facts and bios
(Nice to be able to toggle off the golden skin effect, at least until there's one for the sawn-off rifle so it doesn't look so out of place.)
!RenderViewportProportion(i, i) //Change aspect ratio and add/remove letterbox.
//RenderViewportProportion(-1, -1) - force full screen
//RenderViewportProportion(x, y) - maintain aspect ratio of x:y (default: 1280, 672)
//RenderViewportProportion(0, 0) - set defaults, same as RenderViewportProportion(1280, 672)
//Partial support only. Use at your own risk.
That was added to the config file.
RenderViewportProportion(-1, -1)
(I'm sure there's a better value as the above examples kinda show but this works for me.)
- problem with main menu missing and gameplay issues observed on some regional settings
- overlapping texts in controller layout settings in Russian localization
- outro subtitles line breaking in English localization
you can get it for 12$ on gmg, dont think they will go below 33% on the sale, maybe at all
I agree, too soon for it to go below that. That's why I'll be patient cat and wait for the christmas sale and get it for half-price or even less (and then finally play it)
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