Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
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Posts: 27318

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 08:09    Post subject: Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
Yoshihisa Hashimoto, Square Enix’s Chief Technology Officer, has lead the charge into the next-generation for the company with the Luminous Engine that will host games such as Final Fantasy XV. A PC version is currently undecided, but “collaborations” with Luminous Studio are planned for the future. The game, as per the team, will require a top of the line (expensive) machine to run. It’s because of this, that they want to see what the “demand” will be from the PC audience (which is your cue to let them know that you want it).

Previously, Final Fantasy games were developed on a “lead console” and ported to other systems such as Final Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy XI was originally designed to fit within the capabilities of the PlayStation 2 and its hard disk drive, though support outside Japan was dropped when the console’s production eventually ceased. Such is the case with a Final Fantasy XV Xbox One version.

While Sony has touted PlayStation Vita will support Cross-Platform Play with PlayStation 4, Square Enix is considering the handheld for use with Final Fantasy XV. In addition to Vita, tablets and smartphones are on the table for various features.

Combat in Final Fantasy XV is taking a turn for more action as the above gameplay video illustrates. The team has taken a directional shift away from turn-based or time-based (ATB) combat for an entirely new direction. The team commented that one feature being added to the game is the ability to climb onto monsters in battle. A concept similar to this could be seen in the Final Fantasy Versus XIII 2011 trailer when Noctis was able to use combat vehicles (tanks, magitek). Noctis uses a behemoth’s horns to launch himself in the air in the newest gameplay trailer above.

You’ll also be able to switch between the three characters in your party at any time. Noctis, Gladiolus, and Prompto have been featured in footage thusfar, but we have yet to see the return of Ignis in combat or the newly-revealed Cor.

Final Fantasy executive producer Shinji Hashimoto hopes that traditional Final Fantasy fans won’t be disappointed and will embrace the shift away from Active Time Battle (a 22-year old convention) and Square Enix is looking forward to hearing feedback about the action-oriented combat. He also assures us that we will be hearing more about the game soon, and that the “dishonest” days of withholding information about games in development for months is at an end.

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
" nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 08:12    Post subject:
- FFXV's main development platform will be PC, not like XIII which used the PS3 as their main development platform.
- SE is still undecided on a PC platform release depending on the demand, so people should voice out.

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
" nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"

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Location: Lockerbie, Scotland
PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 08:54    Post subject:
Not sure I'll appreciate the 'action oriented combat' - I like FF games for the turn based aspect. This sounds yet again like lol wut ing down games for the mindless.
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Posts: 2685

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 09:38    Post subject:
I absolutely love the FF series. Is there any petition or anything of sorts going on yet (like in the case of "the division")?
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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 10:37    Post subject:
"After a year or two of PS4 release"

Mark my words. Expect in 2017. Soon (tm)
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 11:10    Post subject:
I love Japanese games but ultimately, the more games on PC the better. So I really don't care about the action approach over ATB. The trailer looks great too.
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 11:12    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 11:14    Post subject:
Unlike The Division, Destiny, etc. I legitimately believe them that they are unsure whether they would like to release a PC version, and I wouldn't be surprised if they never do.

Japanese devs you see..

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
" nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"

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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 12:09    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
"Please help promote the game we're going to give you anyway"

When it comes to Square and FF - doubtful.

dannofdawn wrote:
I love Japanese games but ultimately, the more games on PC the better. So I really don't care about the action approach over ATB. The trailer looks great too.

We already had Dirge of Cerberus with similar gameplay.
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 12:12    Post subject:

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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 12:33    Post subject:
Now there's a petition I would gladly sign Very Happy

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 13:01    Post subject:
Give me a petition and I'll sign it happily, it's about time Japanese developers stopped ignoring the PC. FFXV looks immensely fun, even if I am a bit iffy about the devolution from classic FF to "action based"
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 13:07    Post subject:
Here is the actual quote:

Interestingly the game currently seems to run on a PC that could be even faster than the consoles. Their strategy is a) make super high end PC version -> b) downscale for consoles/PC etc. They are porting down, instead of up.

But what of the decision to make the former-PlayStation 3 exclusive available on Xbox One in addition to the PlayStation 4? "Previously we proceeded with development based on the capabilities of consoles like the PS3," he revealed. "Now, though, we're developing on DirectX 11, not based on the PS4 or the Xbox One. This lets us develop full-spec without worrying about individual platforms, then port it to each console in the most appropriate way. As a result, the original Final Fantasy XV runs on a pretty high-spec PC, and how close a console gets to this original depends on its specs.

"The idea is to keep our options open; if a console comes out in the future that can recreate the original, we can handle that. It's the opposite approach from your typical 'multiplatform' project which bases itself on the specs of a single console. Currently [a PC port would] require a pretty expensive PC, but if we get a lot of people in the future who want to play it with full specs, I think we can discuss supporting that."

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
" nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 13:15    Post subject:
I guess it's time to discard PC gaming unless you're running eleventy 780s, since apparently a console's 7790/7850 is the rough equivalent to a Cray Micro.
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Posts: 4699
Location: CTU
PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 14:46    Post subject:
I am really sick of that to be honest. Making a PC port that requires 3 times faster hardware to run normally than the console counterpart? Fuck that. I'd rather buy a PS4 then, pay once and play whatever, than upgrade the PC every 6 months so I can keep up with their crappy port jobs.
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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 18:48    Post subject:
I guess problem is that they don't want to make good PC game/port, with different set of textures and options that allows you to configure game for you hardware. You know, the usual, normal must-be stuff for PC which consoles lack.
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Posts: 3388

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 19:14    Post subject:
Being a big FF fan, I say bring it on! I will admit that I did not care for XIII or XIII-2 (the former still being better, IMO).

Bring the game to PC's and let the master race deal with performance as we always have. PC gamers always "find a way" around poor development. Well, usually anyway.

couleur wrote:
Everything I don't understand is a mental disorder. Laughing

couleur wrote:
If the illegals are drowning its their fault for attempting to cross the river in the first place. Especially the children. /s

russ80 wrote:
Who cares about gameplay. It's one of the few next-gen looking titles out there so BRING IT ON.
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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 22:05    Post subject:
Mikey5449 wrote:
PC gamers always "find a way" around poor development. Well, usually anyway.

Come to think of it, PC game never was "done right" for PC, haha. There is always a "workaround" for every game people care enough to make these workarounds.
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 22:08    Post subject:
Kein wrote:
Mikey5449 wrote:
PC gamers always "find a way" around poor development. Well, usually anyway.

Come to think of it, PC game never was "done right" for PC, haha. There is always a "workaround" for every game people care enough to make these workarounds.

precisely, to be a proper PC game it must have a fish eye FOV setting Laughing
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Posts: 302

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 22:26    Post subject:
Looks boring. Final Fantasy died with FFX2. Unless FFXIII2 is better than FFXIII...
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 22:29    Post subject:
Lfctony wrote:
Looks boring. Final Fantasy died with FFX2. Unless FFXIII2 is better than FFXIII...

XIII-2 has a more Final Fantasy feel to it than XIII did, but it's still just... meh.. basically.
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Posts: 4699
Location: CTU
PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 23:15    Post subject:
I LOVED Final Fantasy XIII. Spent 60 hours on the playthrough. Tbh, next to FF XI, that is the one I enjoyed most.
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Posts: 459

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jun 2013 23:18    Post subject:
I see a Squeenix dude picking up the phone and dialing N-I-X-X-E-S for that extra push.

...and I kind of remember Squeenix saying Luminous Engine is going to be internal only, so it probabbly won't leave 1st Production Department, and maybe it doesn't even have to. Unless that new "collaboration" part in the first post is exactly for those purposes.

PC Soon™ I guess.
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Posts: 1937
Location: USA / Japan
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 00:39    Post subject:
I really disliked FF13. Quite a bit, not only was the combat quite boring, granted it had interesting aspects "later on in the game". The story had so many gaps, and was poorly written. I don't even understand how a game such as FF13 was given the "ok" to be released.

On the other hand "FF15", has always looked promising. The game was announced in 2006, and it seems to have a lot of exploration, which FF13 Lacked. I'm hoping that it is released on PC. Because after I purchased a PS3 I swore I would never buy another console.

Same goes with fighters as well, I hope with MK9 coming out on PC will bring more fighters to the PC.

PC Specs: A Maganavox' Odyssey
Tweaked to play Frogger, Lemmings & GTA4

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 00:41    Post subject:
For me, the only part of FFXIII that I *did* like was the story. It's the only reason I've played through it (.....twice... and one of those killed my goddamn PS3! Crying or Very sad) - I wanted to finish off the series, play through XIII-2 in "anticipation" of XIII-3 (or Lightning Returns, whatever they're calling it) It's just not a good Final Fantasy game, it really isn't Sad
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Posts: 3388

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 00:54    Post subject:
I didn't really care for the story behind XIII either, honestly. I really only kept myself playing because it was a) an FF games and b) it was a "nextgen" FF game and it really did look good. VERY linear until late in the game it seemed like which I really didn't like that much. A lot of it just felt TOO corridory.

I don't mind being lead to another area (like times in the beginning of the first FF, NES) where they cut you off from full exploration at the start, but open that up soon, please. And let me farm/grind my characters up if I choose to. Don't limit me from ever doing that. If I want to put forth the time/effort to make myself more powerful, let me! It's my time and that's how I want to choose to play it. Afterall, if the combat is fun, the grind isn't so bad and dare I say, enjoyable?

XIII-2 just outright runs like shit on the PS3. Maybe it's because I have the FAT PS3, I don't know, but it takes forever to load a level and even when it's "done", it still stutters like a mofo. Dragons Dogma does that to (I heard DD:DA resolves some/most of that, however) and I was really bummed about it. I could probably get into playing XIII-2 if it wasn't so slow.

couleur wrote:
Everything I don't understand is a mental disorder. Laughing

couleur wrote:
If the illegals are drowning its their fault for attempting to cross the river in the first place. Especially the children. /s

russ80 wrote:
Who cares about gameplay. It's one of the few next-gen looking titles out there so BRING IT ON.
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 00:57    Post subject:
Is XIII really that linear? Much worse than X?

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 01:02    Post subject:

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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 01:03    Post subject:
Then I'm not really missing anything Aww Yeah

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 1937

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2013 01:09    Post subject:
tonizito wrote:
Now there's a petition I would gladly sign Very Happy

amem! Cool
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