Mono for Android
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Posts: 17725
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 14:45    Post subject: Mono for Android
Anyone made an app for Android using this? I'm interested in using Visual Studio, not their tool Xamarin

Java is not my favorite and VS is better than ADT (plugin for eclipse), debugging there is a bitch.

Says here the performance is even better with mono because Dalvik is a piece of shit Laughing
not sure how can the performance be better but if true, damn, even better.

ps. and what about the ios version?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 17:46    Post subject:
Dalvik is not a piece of shit. It has greatly improved over the years. I doubt Mono's garbage collection implementation is any faster. GC has no place on mobile devices (or desktop, to be honest). Dalvik is as best as it could be given it has to have GC.

I used MonoTouch (the iOS variant of Mono) and it is good. They do good job to bind a lot of the frameworks to a Mono namespace for you to access. And it's C# which is always much much better than Java.

But each Xamarin version costs $999 for each OS version that supports Visual Studio integration. Laughing It's bullshit. They have a "free" version which is limited to no DLL loading - so why the fuck you downloading in C#? Basically not worth it. Get Android Studio and learn Java. Better yet, develop using the NDK. And install a OS X Mavericks VMWare machine and download Xcode there and develop native. Wink

Let me know if you need anything.
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Posts: 17725
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 18:17    Post subject:
Well the point is I still have student rights, for a short time, so maybe I could get the discount it only costs like a $100 for the business version, which lowers the price by $900, seems to me like it's well worth it, the time saved when you type something in C# compared to Java is not negligible.

For Xcode I agree and I tried it, I have both VmWare and Hackintosh, couldn't get the sound to work in the latter and the former is a bit slow, looks very developer friendly (although I don't know objective-c it looks learnable). Maybe the best solution would be to simply fold and buy a used Mac laptop Surprised the new ones are soo overrated and expensive, like they have solid gold conductors or something.
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Posts: 17725
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 18:20    Post subject:
wth is Android Studio, something new? Is it better than ADT?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 18:25    Post subject:
$100. Well what can I say, Apple wants $99 a year for you to submit an app to the appstore. Laughing

I'd recommend getting the free Xamarin Studio version and testing for yourself.
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 19:04    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
wth is Android Studio, something new? Is it better than ADT?

Yes on both accounts.

Made by JetBrains (guys who made ReSharper), built on top of their IDEA platform, which is fantastic.

And no, OS X in a VM is never as stable/workable as even a Hackintosh..unless your host OS is OS X to begin with Poker Face

I've had so many issues with every OS X VM I've ever used. Not worth the hassle; even a fucking Hackintosh is more stable; all you gotta do there once it's up and running is like, not update the OS Laughing
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 19:16    Post subject:
The VMWare emulation layer is the same on OS X, Lunix and Windows. If it's stable on one, it's exactly as stable on the other (on the same hardware). Also, I've been running OS X Lion, Mountain Lion and as of today Mavericks in VMWare, and it is stable enough to browse, run Xcode, connect to an iPhone, enable for development, attach to process and debug, run Instruments, etc. I've done this on several PCs, including my desktop, several desktops in work and my old laptop. Similar results across the board.
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 19:41    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
The VMWare emulation layer is the same on OS X, Lunix and Windows. If it's stable on one, it's exactly as stable on the other (on the same hardware). Also, I've been running OS X Lion, Mountain Lion and as of today Mavericks in VMWare, and it is stable enough to browse, run Xcode, connect to an iPhone, enable for development, attach to process and debug, run Instruments, etc. I've done this on several PCs, including my desktop, several desktops in work and my old laptop. Similar results across the board.

I've never managed to get it properly stable. It would work for a couple of months and then out of the blue, without applying any update or anything, I'd get into the grey screen boot loop. Only way to get it working was a fresh VM.

With Fusion, I haven't had such issues yet. Then again, I don't like VMWare to begin with, because somehow it performs worse than VirtualBox with Windows VMs, at least on yarrrr versions of VMWare (Workstation and Fusion). My OS X VM (SL) is perfectly fine on Fusion though.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 19:44    Post subject:
With the tools installed? In my experience, VMWare wipes the floor with Windows guests with tools installed. That's what they optimize for. Their display driver is very fast, they have hooks in the kernel to accelerate even more in some stuff.

Linux, on the other hand, I like VirtualBox for that.

BTW, all the VMWare products use the exact same virtualization layer engine. That's why there are "unlockers" for Linux and Windows for even the VMWare Player that enable OS X support. It's the same thing underneath, and what you pay (or get for free with Player) is the GUI basically. Even their vSphere ranges is using the same engine, so results are pretty consistent across their products.
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sat, 13th Jul 2013 20:01    Post subject:
Yep, with tools installed and everything. The seamless integration works really well and the fact that Fusion automatically binds your Mac's (sorry for the derail btw madmax Very Happy) home folder to your Windows user's home folder is nice, but booting the VM takes a stupid amount of resources; I actually notice a severe slowdown on my MBP while that's happening. Unless I make sure I'm in another application that is, in which case the booting is slow as hell. Then once it's booted up, randomly the VM will just lock up for a while because it's resource locked.

I really don't know what it is, I've got VT-x enabled, 16 gigs of RAM, an SSD and still I can't get Fusion to perform anywhere near as well as VBox. It's much lighter on resources overall and while 3D performance probably holds no candle to VMWare (not used it...yet, webGL here I come Poker Face), in 2D and general usage it is almost as snappy as my desktop is.
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