All Blacks (New Zealand) overcome Australia in sydney.
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Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 03:15    Post subject: All Blacks (New Zealand) overcome Australia in sydney.

Infront of 90 thousand people in sydney the all blacks won the bledisloe cup.. w00000t!

(Bledisloe cup = the trophy that aus + nz play for each year)


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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 10:26    Post subject:
yea rocococo (spellin? Razz) he's a great player. Ya still got whooped by sa though Razz

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 11:46    Post subject:
whipped ?? i wouldnt call 2 penaltys whipped...

oh yeah sublime.. wanna say what happened in the lions ? Very Happy
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 11:50    Post subject:
hey, how do u guys follow all the different soccer leagues and shit?

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PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 12:02    Post subject:
This is the tri-nation rugby union. Its anual (i think) and consists of aussie, south africa and nz. It's not very big over here but I like rugby Very Happy

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 12:13    Post subject:
Man..too many soccer and rugby leagues to follow lol

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PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 12:16    Post subject:
Not really, there's only 1 footy league to follow and that's the premiership Very Happy there's no other contest really. the prem really is the place to be. With rugby union I mostly watch internationals and cups, same with rugby league Smile I dont watch aussie league games, just english clubs Very Happy

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 12:21    Post subject:
Well, i guess from a NA point of view...u have the german leagues, france leagues, english and italian leagues always on tv...and they never have any scheduals like hockey games IE If the Leafs play say Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday this week, next week they will play Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (Hockey Night in Canada = reason to drink in the winter lol)

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PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 12:27    Post subject:
No schedule? Laughing all games are played on a saturday at 3:00 kickoff. That applies for ALL english leagues (premiership, campionship, league 1 + league 2) Some games have an early kickoff (12:45) or a late 1 (5:30) but 90% of them are at 3. Most weeks there will also be matches played by the remaining teams on a sunday. This might be because they need time to recover from a mid-week cup competition. Everywhere they use the same system too its just they might be 4 hours behind because of time zones Smile

Football teams only play 1 match a week, and sometimes 2 but hardly ever 2 from the same competition in a 1 week period.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Aug 2005 14:04    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
hey, how do u guys follow all the different soccer leagues and shit?

Soccer ??

Dont watch it.. never will.. soccer has NO ground in new zealand.. its pure Rugby Union
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Tue, 16th Aug 2005 20:35    Post subject:
England england england! Razz

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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Sep 2005 17:54    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
Well, i guess from a NA point of view...u have the german leagues, france leagues, english and italian leagues always on tv...and they never have any scheduals like hockey games IE If the Leafs play say Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday this week, next week they will play Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (Hockey Night in Canada = reason to drink in the winter lol)

Well, seeing as you probably dont care much about soccer it seems alot to you. Before i cared about NHL and AHL it all seemed a bunch of nonsense to me with all the different conferences etc. But then i started paying attention and it's not at all hard.

Same thing with soccer really, the big exception is that there are alot more "talented" players so the leagues all have their stars. The big leagues; spainish primera, italian serie a, english premiere league all have their own attraction (as opposed to NHL that has ALL the stars, the only league that is interesting, if that is good or bad is up to each individual).

Each soccer-nation has a first division, second division etc. Then each country has a cup where all teams regardless of division face eachother. The winners of the cup and the winners of the first division gets to represent their country in the UEFA champions league. That's a big simplification though, some countries get more than one team into the champions league and some get none etc.

And btw, more leagues equals more games equals more fun Smile

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