adding "in my humble opinion" doesn't makes it less condescending ...
The only condescension going on here is coming from you acting like an adolescent child. I was almost flabbergasted when I read your reply. It didn't hurt me (although that was the point of your reply), I was simply surprised to see even you suddenly drop such a turd of a post aimed at my person when I hadn't written a single word about you or had you in mind in any way.
So please, tell me in what way that post I made called for your "condescending prick" post....
Guild Wars 2 gem sales are “consistent and strong”
During NCSoft’s first quarterly earnings call, managing director Nah Seong Chan discussed the money made in digital transactions, saying “It is difficult for us to talk about the specifics in this area because it is a business issue... but when compared to our initial expectation in terms of the box sales and the item sales, we have seen very consistent and strong performance in this area, and we do believe that we will be consistent going forward.”
It was vital for the company’s in-game transaction model to be successful for the continued development of Guild Wars 2 because, despite initial sales being extremely strong - strong enough for ArenaNet to pull the game from shelves, they needed continued revenue to fund development teams producing new content for the game post-launch.
This earnings call suggests that they’ve managed to do just that.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
PVE is .. uninteresting.. but im starting to like spvp. Didnt like it at first, just because its way way different than gw1 but the more i play the more it grows on me. Atm i dont miss skill variety at all, im too busy learning the mechanics.. when to dodge, when to burst, what bufs the enemy has, what skills is he using and how do i counter them.. its deep enough i think.
I've made 2 builds
and atm i'm switching between them to avoid getting bored. Only rank 10 atm but like i said.. im gonna start playing this more often, its fun.
Post your builds? share your success stories? fail stories?
That is.. if anyone's still playing this.
Join Kiel for a mission to capture the deadly, desperate Canach! In this all-new story dungeon, you’ll enter Canach’s Lair on a subterranean solo mission under the island. If you defeat the elusive sylvari you’ll unlock a challenging all-new group adventure!
A Monstrous Threat
Even if you manage to capture Canach, can you also foil his master plan? Defend the new settlers on Southsun Cove from a massive final onslaught of rampaging wildlife or die trying! And beginning June 5, a hulking monstrosity joins the fray—without your help, it will destroy the settlers and everything they’ve built!
New Improved World XP
We’re improving the way we award World XP to World vs. World players! Now you’ll gain rewards for a much wider range of activities in the Mists – everything from destroying siege weapons, repairing walls, escort missions, and more.
Greater Variety and More Rewards in WvW
We’re adding new WvW daily achievements to the list you can choose from so you can earn World XP for playing the way you want. And every time you gain a new World rank, you’ll earn a bonus chest packed with useful WvW loot!
Dangerous New WvW Abilities
Become even deadlier in The Mists with new World vs. World abilities like Burning Oil Mastery or new ranks in Defense Against Guards!
Introducing Infusions and Ascended Gear in WvW
Now you can purchase Ascended rings and amulets and upgrade your WvW abilities with six new Infusions that give your character special WvW bonuses! Just speak to the new Laurel and Badge Merchants on each map.
WvW Matchup Changes!
World vs. World matches are about to get an injection of variety! With these changes you can look forward to facing new opponents in new matchups and testing your world’s skill against more foes!
Update: Custom PvP Arenas and Spectator Mode Beta
We’ve had some great feedback from beta players that have enabled us to fix bugs and further improve these new features. We’re adding Custom Arena Time Tokens to the Gem Store so beta players can extend the time of their favorite custom arenas!
New Southsun Cove Rewards
Find your very own limited-edition Mini Reef Rider – a loyal floating friend available only until June 11! Dedicated defenders of the Southsun settlers can also earn the Settler’s Amulet, Keepsake, and Ring! Earn these rare new rewards from creatures and chests in Southsun Cove, and by playing Crab Toss!
Exclusive Southsun Items: Fervid Censer and Sclerite Karka Shell
The risks are great on Southsun Cove, but so are the rewards! Players who help keep the peace during the Secret of Southsun can earn two exclusive new back items, the floral Fervid Censer and the writhing Sclerite Karka Shell! Learn how you can earn these back items at the Fervid Censer and Sclerite Karka Shell pages on the Official Guild Wars 2 Wiki.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
Just me Not so much lately though, maybe 1-2 hours every day.. after 500 hours on my warrior its getting a bit boring.. also got a lvl 80 guardian and that's also boring. Planning to lvl up my engineer but leveling up is also extremely boring:D Endgame stuff like dungeons/fractals/pvp is fun though
Edit: to top that, i think the fractals in gw2 are the best pve content i ever saw in a mmorpg; everyone should give them a try before dissing out the game
I did update it just now to keep it ontop of it all and took a look, seems even more optimized again, runs well but I see they still have that sound issue,, one min its all ok I then go do something off screen come back I can hear music interface sounds and so forth but any attacking sounds of my rifle or skills or mob attacks its all muted
Edit: to top that, i think the fractals in gw2 are the best pve content i ever saw in a mmorpg; everyone should give them a try before dissing out the game
It is really good, but gets boring after you reach level 40-50+ in fractals.
Same map over and over again.
[...]but I see they still have that sound issue,, one min its all ok I then go do something off screen come back I can hear music interface sounds and so forth but any attacking sounds of my rifle or skills or mob attacks its all muted
how long has this issue been around for now
I only have that issue the first couple of seconds after i load a map, then everything's ok
IamAWESOME wrote:
It is really good, but gets boring after you reach level 40-50+ in fractals.
Same map over and over again.
fractal level 29 here with 191 fractals completed:D and then i stopped. but still good replay value and hopefully they'll add more in the future
@moosenoodles, about that sound problem - check how much the gw2.dat file is fragmented, it can really hurt performance if the file is all over the hdd.
@moosenoodles, about that sound problem - check how much the gw2.dat file is fragmented, it can really hurt performance if the file is all over the hdd.
Hmm.. no not really.. there's no immortal classes unless maybe.. you play an ele. They cant kill anything thus everyone's immortal .. But yeah.. balance is pretty much fucked up for some classes
gonna bump this thread up. lately i've been thinking I should start playing it again. Anyone on humps still playing it?
I still play in spurts and currently playing it now. Despite have 4 level 80 characters and another at 45, I'm still a noob. I strictly play open world PvE - that's no dungeons/fractals or WvW
I have done the story mode of Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon with a few friends back when they still played and then tried the story mode of Caudecus's Manor but died so fast once we entered inside (although we were all around level 40).
The guild I'm in was basically just for the handful of friends I bought the game with, and since they've all stopped playing, I essentially play solo.
I wouldn't mind doing the dungeons or fractals, but every group seems to want experienced runners whereas I'd like to play and discover for myself what to do and how to handle enemies, which of course will take time and patience, none of which the groups online will have.
Twilight Assault - Coming October 1st to Guild Wars 2
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
died so fast once we entered inside (although we were all around level 40)
Thats because the dungeons are "mostly" made for lvl 80. Sure you can do some at lower levels but then you need the full group to know what its doing (proper build, gear and boss strategy). And since you almost never get a full experienced group you do them at 80 where the gear makes up for those 1-2 people that are new to the dungeon.
I personally hate being the group slacker so i always check youtube a bit for boss strategies before doing stuff for the first time. It takes away a bit of the "first time discovery" magic but at least im not wasting everyone else time - but like i said, doing them at lvl 80 allows for 1, maxim 2 people to be.. well.. new
died so fast once we entered inside (although we were all around level 40)
Thats because the dungeons are "mostly" made for lvl 80. Sure you can do some at lower levels but then you need the full group to know what its doing (proper build, gear and boss strategy). And since you almost never get a full experienced group you do them at 80 where the gear makes up for those 1-2 people that are new to the dungeon.
I personally hate being the group slacker so i always check youtube a bit for boss strategies before doing stuff for the first time. It takes away a bit of the "first time discovery" magic but at least im not wasting everyone else time - but like i said, doing them at lvl 80 allows for 1, maxim 2 people to be.. well.. new
you need to find a regular new group that likes to make mistakes but seeing it all first time around and not those elitist types..
Thats because the dungeons are "mostly" made for lvl 80. Sure you can do some at lower levels but then you need the full group to know what its doing (proper build, gear and boss strategy). And since you almost never get a full experienced group you do them at 80 where the gear makes up for those 1-2 people that are new to the dungeon.
Yeah we quickly realised that. Similar thing happened when a friend and I (just the 2 of us) went into the Fractals for the first time. We got the snow one and just died of frostbite, we didn't even see an enemy
We entered again and got the lava one with the grawl. We went as far as the first bit with the shaman doing some sort of ritual, but didn't really know what to do again and despite our best efforts, couldn't stop the sacrifices.
Although this time we went in knowing full well we were underlevelled and underprepared, but we just wanted to see what the Fractals were like
you need to find a regular new group that likes to make mistakes but seeing it all first time around and not those elitist types..
Or you could just type "hi guyez im new please explain teh strategy" when you join a group. I did that a couple of times and to my surprise, instead of being told to gtfo noob followed by a kick, someone usually started explaining what to do before a boss battle. Gw2 community not that bad tbh.. At least the pve community. PvP its always with invisible tag on, or else i get spamed with "love"
Looks like GW2 is getting another free weekend from Sept 27th to Oct 3rd.
I played a bit earlier and happened to wander into the "new" Living Story event, a revamped Tequatl boss fight. I haven't done the boss before so I stuck around and I've never seen so many people in one place, I guess the server I play on doesn't usually have this many people:
Mass death (see mini map) :
I tried 3 times and never even came close. A ridiculously and notoriously hard boss fight, even with that many people it still wasn't enough.
Oh and Vikerness, before the fight I said in chat that I'd never done the boss battle before and wondered what needed to be done - I got no response I guess it was too noob of a question to answer.
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