There's going to be a pretty big "balance update" on Oct 15th and I think some are speculating (or it may have been confirmed, I'm not sure) that the Tequatl boss fight will actually be made a little easier. I really hope so because currently I see absolutely no way for a "casual" group to even hope to beat him.
The vast majority of players in that screenshot were from just 2 or 3 guilds, so they clearly had a plan and people with set roles and yet we still failed miserably.
They went from super easy events/world bosses to super hard. I hate that.. why u no balance everything properly ?!
It's not super hard...It's challenging, but the thing is you rely on ton of strangers, especially those in turrets must do their jobs properly, else it fails. I like challenging content in smaller, organized teams of 5 to 10 people, not 100 totally random people. So...I ignore Tequatl, I'll probably never kill him again
Does someone want to trade his/her guild wars 2 acc with my diablo3 acc?
I'm very interessted in giving this one a try. I already gave my diablo3 guest invite after launch to someone in this forum, if you think i'm dont legit. I'm more the reader type than a writer and around here since a few years.
My diablo3 acc comes with a lvl 60 Monk and wasnt played since a few month after launch. None other blizzard game is registred, so no problem in giving the whole acc in trade.
Come on guys; make it happen! I have some spare time to kill in the next weeks during college!
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
Yep. One of my wish was granted. New and improved fractals, cant wait
My other wish, new pvp gamemods coming as well ! ...sometime this year hopefully.
Love them devs improving the game so much so often
I'm struggling to get back into this game for some reason, but I can't put my finger on it
I loved it when it first came out, but since then I just find myself tiring of it... I' don't do PvP mind, is that worth it?
Playing Valheim every weekday at 10pm GMT -
Follow me on Twitter if you feel like it... @kaltern
Not in my eyes. Pvp'ed in gw1 for thousands of hours but here.. i'm not having much fun with what they have. I really dont like that conquest mode anymore and in wvw i usually spend 20 minutes running around like an idiot and 2 minutes fighting so.. no.. waiting for team deathmatch or whatever mode they're gonna introduce.
Casus wrote:
Game is a nice shiny toybox with the depth of a dry puddle.
Sadly yes. Hard to find a game that does it both. Whenever i want depth and complex combat i start C9 but that game aint shiny at all
Pvp 5vs5? yes. 8vs8? even more. Leveling up to 80? Tears inducing. Making dungeons and fractals with a bunch of friends on ts while fooling around and making jokes? Fun
I'm struggling to get back into this game for some reason, but I can't put my finger on it
I loved it when it first came out, but since then I just find myself tiring of it... I' don't do PvP mind, is that worth it?
I have the same feelings toward this. I haven't played since the summer with all the events only lasting 2 weeks, it really put me off wanting to play. The earlier events would last longer so you had some time to do them but the new schedule is just too much of a chore. Maybe if they add a new class or race I might get some renewed interest as I had just warrior and necro left to level up with all the other classes at 80.
But it's pretty and the combat system is fast and furious. If you like shallow and repetitive PvE wandering with no-challenge zerg "non-quest" quests, it's fun for a while.
But if you're looking for a quality themepark, WoW still reigns supreme.
I just wish SOMEONE would develop a game that was as pretty as GW2, with the combat of a decent FPS - (GW2 is just a psuedo turn-based combat that is dress up as twitch).
Is it really THAT hard to do?
Playing Valheim every weekday at 10pm GMT -
Follow me on Twitter if you feel like it... @kaltern
When you need to have hundreds of people in close proximity, yes, it's extremely hard to do.
Pretty certain I've never seen 100 people on my screen ever, not even during raids... And if you can get 64 people on a BF4 game (assuming the netcode works....), then I can't imagine it being much of a stretch to do that on an MMO.
When you need to have hundreds of people in close proximity, yes, it's extremely hard to do.
Pretty certain I've never seen 100 people on my screen ever, not even during raids... And if you can get 64 people on a BF4 game (assuming the netcode works....), then I can't imagine it being much of a stretch to do that on an MMO.
There is a ton more going on in a mmo world than in a closed map situation. this is why its possible in games like bf4 with good netcode, due to the isolated play areas and no other computations etc being done across long distances/background data and positioning checks/ fps games are limited small closed mmo's with nothing but stat overlays and damage models.
There is a ton more going on in a mmo world than in a closed map situation. this is why its possible in games like bf4 with good netcode, due to the isolated play areas and no other computations etc being done across long distances/background data and positioning checks/ fps games are limited small closed mmo's with nothing but stat overlays and damage models.
Good Netcode.
In all seriousness, I understand kinda what you're saying, but I still think it's a possibility to handle it, after all, we live in an age of faster broadband and better CPU's, it's only deemed impossible cos it hasn't really been tried...
When you need to have hundreds of people in close proximity, yes, it's extremely hard to do.
Pretty certain I've never seen 100 people on my screen ever, not even during raids... And if you can get 64 people on a BF4 game (assuming the netcode works....), then I can't imagine it being much of a stretch to do that on an MMO.
I'm sure you havent, but several MMOs allow for that to happen, including WoW, GW2, DAoC and others.
Whether it's typical or not is irrelevant, as you have to make it possible - and those games mentioned all use global cooldowns and what not. With instant impact combat, the server would have to communicate to 100+ clients with basically no lag at all times - and that's just not feasible at this point in time.
??? Population cap is 125-150 per map in pve and about 3 times more in wvw. What are you guys talking about
Exactly that. 100+ people on the same screen means you have to introduce a combat system with cooldowns or some form of delay, which is true for ALL MMOs that allow so many people in the same areas and actually work.
BF4, for instance, could never work with hundreds of people. Not because of client performance - but because servers can't handle that amount of stress and deliver lag-free communication to everyone at all times.
There's a reason it's been crashing so much since they introduced destructible environments to a higher extent.
Stuff like bullet impact and cover destruction needs to be accurate and everyone needs to see the same thing at the same time. That's a very demanding thing for a server.
Still loving this game, but the newest gem store addition in this patch is a disgrace and causing quite a shitstorm in the forums.
In this game there are cultural armors, they are limited to their corresponding races, kinda expensive (~120g + gems to transmute it), and the highest tier 3 generally looks really cool.
So it's something not everyone has and you can work for.
Now they take the human cloth t3 armor add zomgfireparticles to it and sell it for in the fucking gem store for all races to wear.
And if you buy the gems with ingame gold you'll pay only ~68g instead of 120g for t3, further devalueing it.
I suppose that the problem is that these games DO require some sort of income to help keep it running. It just seem publishers/developers just can't help but see how far they can push it, not worrying that they are alienating their customers because as long as people still buy the stuff, the money will keep coming in.
Personally, I want some company to be brave enough to introduce a mixed payment model - either £9.99 for a monthly sub and you get everything ingame with no real need to spend any extra cash on RMT's, a hybrid model that allows you to pay say, £2.99 per month for reduced cost, or nothing at all, and pay normal RMT rates.
Assuming the base game is free of course.
I think this would be the best, and fairest way of ensuring a regular income, while giving people the choice of how to pay for it - Everquest 2 does something a bit like this, but with way too many restrictions for free players; I would be thinking NO restrictions, and everyone would be more or less on a level playing field.
Playing Valheim every weekday at 10pm GMT -
Follow me on Twitter if you feel like it... @kaltern
"Personally, I want some company to be brave enough to introduce a mixed payment model - either £9.99 for a monthly sub and you get everything ingame with no real need to spend any extra cash on RMT's, a hybrid model that allows you to pay say, £2.99 per month for reduced cost, or nothing at all, and pay normal RMT rates."
There are already NO restrictions and everyone is on a level playing field with NO monthly fee. Why would you add subscriptions? Arenanet doesnt care about its gem store at all. Like tjuma said, the skins they added now look like horse shit... dont think anyone would buy that.
Even if.. say .. maybe you want to support the company and buy stuff from them.. like in my case.. i see nothing worth spending money on. Already bought 3 characters slots, 1 armor skin (one of the few that looked decent) with ingame gold.. nothing else looks interesting..
Edit: just checked and so i bought 4400 gems with ingame gold just because i had nothing better to spend my gold on. Though gems currency is going up and i am expecting that by the time they'll finally introduce something worth buying it will be too expensive to spend gold on. But until then ....
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