Space Engineers
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Posts: 3607
Location: Poland / USA
PostPosted: Mon, 9th Sep 2013 22:18    Post subject: Space Engineers
Space Engineers

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Developer: Keen Software House
  • Genre: Sandbox
  • Release date: Steam Early Access on October 23, 2013
  • Story/Description:
    Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction and maintenance of space works. Players build space ships and space stations of various sizes and utilization (civil and military), pilot ships and perform asteroid mining.

    Space Engineers utilizes a realistic volumetric-based physics engine: all objects can be assembled, disassembled, damaged and destroyed.

  • Multiplayer: YES
  • Screenshots:

  • Videos:

Last edited by nerrd on Tue, 1st Oct 2013 17:45; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 3607
Location: Poland / USA
PostPosted: Mon, 9th Sep 2013 22:30    Post subject:
Reminds me of StarMade minus Minecraft visuals.
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Posts: 7402
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Mon, 9th Sep 2013 22:45    Post subject:
Can't wait to see actual size star destroyers and maybe even a death star Very Happy
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Posts: 2118
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 9th Sep 2013 22:50    Post subject:
omg those ships crashing into each other... I WANT THIS

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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 07:14    Post subject:
Holy crap !
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Posts: 7463
Location: France
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 09:08    Post subject:

And when the hell am I supposed to have sex with my wife ?

Stop making space games for the fucking sake ! Mad

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Posts: 14708

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 09:10    Post subject:
Wow looking awesome there. Can you really build a ship yourself? The trailer only shows decorating a structure. Do want death star.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 478
Location: Coromodir
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 09:16    Post subject:
Now this looks interesting Smile
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Posts: 3168
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 10:40    Post subject:
This kinda reminds me about Moonbase Alpha, but with more than just the moon.

I hate you.
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Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 10:59    Post subject:
Hope it will be better optimized than Miner Wars at launch. Btw: almost got job there as a tester but applied too late
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 2686
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 16:29    Post subject:
Looks amazing!

Kinda looks like a better version of Starmade!
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Posts: 2007
Location: getMoreMoney
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 17:50    Post subject:
so you build your ship for hours just to see some jerk ramming his ship into yours, im all in !
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Posts: 691
Location: not where I'm supposed to be
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 17:56    Post subject:
This excites me more than star citizen. If it offers decent free roaming, and if they start adding freelancer-esque elements, I won't even bother with star citizen anymore.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 17:56    Post subject:
Hellifant wrote:
so you build your ship for hours just to see some jerk ramming his ship into yours, im all in !

or rather you build a huge vagina-shaped space station while your buddy tries to penetrate it/fly through with his phallic spaceship.
now i gotta play it.
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Posts: 2221
Location: Bunga-Bun... err Italy.
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 19:05    Post subject:
can't wait to get my hands on this! Very Happy

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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Sep 2013 02:56    Post subject:
Guyver wrote:
can't wait to get my hands on this! Very Happy

Looks like it has the potential to be awesome =)
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Posts: 3607
Location: Poland / USA
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Oct 2013 17:40    Post subject:
We would like to inform you that Space Engineers will be available through Steam Early Access on October 23, 2013 for the starting price $14.99.

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Posts: 7402
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Oct 2013 17:51    Post subject:
I've been avoiding all these minecraft-like games like the plague, but this does look special!
Gotta love those collisions.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 17777
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Oct 2013 18:09    Post subject:
This is like Minecraft Confused
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Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Fri, 11th Oct 2013 15:31    Post subject:
FEATURES in Early Acces Build
Space Engineers is in alpha stage of development - this means that the game is still under development and will be improved on a regular basis through updates that add and polish features and content, optimizations and bug fixes.

Finished features
    Building in creative mode – unlimited resources and instant construction
    Deformable and destructible objects - real proportions, mass, storage capacity, integrity
    Small and large ships – build them, pilot them and crush them
    Space stations
    Building blocks - light armor (cube, slope, corner), interior wall, small ship cockpit, large ship cockpit, gatling turret, missile turret, cargo container(s), gravity generator, nuclear reactor, thruster, gyroscope, refinery, assembler, drill, reflector light, interior light, catwalk, cover wall, door, stairs, ramp, ladder, small ship gatling, small ship missile launcher, landing gear, window(s), explosive cube, pillar, medical room
    First-person & Third-person
    Character animations - run, sprint, jump, climb ladder, crouch, fall, jetpack
    World management
    - Create new world
    - Save as - branch to multiple copies
    - Auto-save – saves the state of your world every 5 minutes and on exit; can beturned on/off
    - Edit Settings
    - Empty World
    - Easy Start - recommended for newcomers – a world is generated with randomly selected green station or basic platform and a few template small and large ships
    Electricity - all blocks in a grid are wired in an electrical and computer network
    Gravity – produced by gravity generators
    Modding - world files, shaders and textures

Work in progress or not implemented yet
    No multi-player yet
    No sound effects yet
    No death and no re-spawn
    Character animations - we are working on an enhanced version with more accurate first-person astronaut mode
    Many of the 3D models are “concept models” only, with no textures and no optimizations
    Door, conveyor, antenna/radar, ore detector, landing gear, explosive cube, medical room – not operational yet
    Help / tutorial – on-screen hints show rather more info. You can disable them in Game Options
    Deformations of non-armor blocks are still WIP
    Gravity affects astronauts only (we haven’t decided yet whether gravity should be enabled on all objects)
    Asteroids and space stations are immovable (we haven’t decided yet whether they should move and rotate)
    No joystick and Xbox controller support yet
    Scenario: Survival (start with the bare minimum resources, harvest and build to survive)
    Modding 3D models is not possible yet
    And many more

Temporary disabled
    Building in manual mode - use welder to assemble blocks from components; use grinder to disassemble and reuse components
    Drilling / harvesting
    Refinery - process harvested ore to ingots
    Assembler - manufacture components from ingots
    Inventory and object manipulation
    Weapons – automatic rifle, turrets, small ship weapons

Please bear in mind that this list may not be complete or perfect and everything is subject to change.
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Oct 2013 13:36    Post subject:
This is floating about in the usual places now for early release 483mb
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Posts: 478
Location: Coromodir
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Oct 2013 14:11    Post subject:
Looks really promising but is it playable in an entertaining way right now? Yet it seems to be pretty much work-in-progress.
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Posts: 34502
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 20:47    Post subject:

Now available via early-access.
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Posts: 2686
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 21:30    Post subject:
Sweet! Gonna try it ASAP!
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Posts: 2118
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 22:44    Post subject:
hirschq wrote:
Looks really promising but is it playable in an entertaining way right now? Yet it seems to be pretty much work-in-progress.

Wondering the same thing, going by the features list it seems barebone but playable.

minireview shamelessly ripped from reddit:

Missing many features right now that could really make a difference like the ability to use repair tools, mine, refine etc.. That's to be expected for early release Alpha though.

You essentially get a creativity mode where they give you access to many of the building materials and a few cookie cutter pieces. Pretty much the only thing to do at this time is build ships, stations, or w.e you decide. I like what I see from this so far though, if you like minecraft or similar you should enjoy this. You can get pretty creative with what you build and how you build it is important as well. Your ship utilizes "fuel" from nuclear reactors. Place to many thrusters and doing heavy maneuvering and you could burn up your fuel quick with a poor design.

Outside of building the normal ships, you can get creative with the gravity generators and have some fun. The physics seem fairly good, use your rocket pack to build momentum in a direction and cut it off and you will float aimlessly. It's easy to lose bearing of whats "up/down", if you hit something it will start to float off, the destruction is pretty nice already. Overall if you are the type that can spend hours just building stuff then it's likely already worth the $15 just to build ship designs to your hearts content, build a giant space station, maybe a capitol ship and small fighters to house in it.

TL;DR Early access has pretty limited features, you essentially just get a creativity mode allowing you to build stuff, no crafting, mining, refining, multiplayer, etc. yet. However what it allows so far is pretty promising if you are looking for minecraft in space.
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Posts: 2686
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 23:42    Post subject:
Yeah pretty limited right now.

Only creative mode with some pre made blocks.
Cant use weapons, no multiplayers, no mining, no tools, etc, no sounds, just music.

I dont regret that I bought it. For now it's kinda useless but it has a lot of great potential!
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 23:44    Post subject:
How does it run and what engine does it use? Don't tell me it's another Unity3D game Sad

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 2686
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 23:54    Post subject:
I dunno but I have a G73SW laptop, which is kinda old, and it runs at 1900 x (dont remember the other number) in high res, at around 35fps

No idea for the engine, there are no spalsh screen or engine logo when you start the game

Last edited by deadpoetic on Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 23:55; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 22230
Location: ★ ಠ_ಠ ★
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 23:55    Post subject:
sausje wrote:
How does it run and what engine does it use? Don't tell me it's another Unity3D game Sad

What's wrong with Unity ?
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Oct 2013 23:57    Post subject:
wtf.. i just tried running it on my laptop (i3-2310m, GT520m) and get ~17 fps on 720p with normal graphics.. (900p was unplayable Neutral)
Gonna try tomorrow on main rig, cba now Razz

VGAdeadcafe wrote:
sausje wrote:
How does it run and what engine does it use? Don't tell me it's another Unity3D game Sad

What's wrong with Unity ?

Everything is with that unoptimized PoS.. Only good game so far that has managed to run properly 60 fps on my rig is Hearthstone.. But that's prolly because Blizzard modified the shit out of it..

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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