[OTHER] Decisions, decisions....
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Wat do?
 20%  [ 9 ]
 15%  [ 7 ]
Wait... save money, don't be a tard.
 15%  [ 7 ]
Play your PS4, nub. You just got it!
 48%  [ 22 ]
Total Votes : 45


Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:21    Post subject: [OTHER] Decisions, decisions....
I have a Nintendo itch, I need my mario, my zelda, donkey kong...etc games.

The Super Mario 3D World looks fucking awesome, Wind Waker HD? Yes Please! I want these games, but I don't want the expensive Wii u that everyone says is a huge fail with no gaemz:(

Then I see the 3DS and it's awesome library of games, it's cheaper, portable, and looks fun.

Wat do, hump..... Wat do?!

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:21    Post subject:
If you have the money for both get both the Wii U and 3DS XL.

If you have the money for only one get the 3DS XL.

Congrats on wasting your money on a PS4.
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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:25    Post subject:
Honestly, I'm leaning towards the 3DS a bit at the moment, and possibly just need to be patient for the Wii U. Maybe in another year or two, the Wii U could possibly drop to $200 with a stronger library and proper third party support? I don't know... who does?

I guess you're not a fan of the PS4, eh Mchart?


reading through the 3ds thread earlier, there seems to be a way to play backups with some sort of special memory card. Could potentially save even more money?

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:28    Post subject:
Both are good consoles, but I think 3DS XL is more for you since it has a huge backlog now and can play roms.

Last edited by cyclonefr on Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:54; edited 1 time in total
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:32    Post subject:
What they said Smile 3DS-XL absolutely, larger catalogue (not to mention DS support too) and hacked, making it more economically viable Very Happy

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:37    Post subject:
Next week Target stores have the 3DS XL on sale for $150, I'll be picking it up in that case, since it's the cheapest I've heard about.

I think some stores now have a buy one get one 50% off deal, I'll have to look into that as well.

Thanks for the input guys Smile

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:53    Post subject:
3DS-XL is only hacked if you get a much older model right? Can't go to the shops, buy and hack!

That said, 3DS XL > Wii U. I am in exactly the same position, just got the PS4 and want a 3DS. The only problem is that I also just got a Vita and have only turned it on once even though I've been in a hotel for a week and done two transatlantic flights! I'm now selling it- whilst I want to play the games in reality even on my daily 30 min train commute, I can't be arsed to play with hand helds!

I didn't finish the new Wii zelda. It was too ugly. I would probably buy the Wii U right now If there was an original Zelda game, in HD, on the Wii U...

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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:55    Post subject:
3DS XL are safe in shops as long as it says Copyright 2012 Nintendo (aka <4.5.0 FW). If it doesn't, you are screwed Very Happy

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 20:58    Post subject:
While I enjoy my 3DS very much for Zelda, Pokemon, and a few others, I voted for the Wii-U because the new Mario simply cannot be missed. It is an amazing game.

And the Wii-U library will pick up.. someday. ;p

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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 21:10    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
3DS XL are safe in shops as long as it says Copyright 2012 Nintendo (aka <4.5.0 FW). If it doesn't, you are screwed Very Happy

cyclonefr wrote:
3DS XL are safe in shops as long as it says Copyright 2012 Nintendo (aka <4.5.0 FW). If it doesn't, you are screwed Very Happy

Prob have to wipe off the dust and get a loan before you buy. Smile

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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 21:29    Post subject:
oculus rift ?

and jesus... You have ps4... even that is a waste of money

but as far as handhelds go, 3ds is the best. Fantastic games. Not sure which 3ds to get tho

3080, ps5, lg oled

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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 21:42    Post subject:
Super Mario 3D World is an amazing game and a must play. The best Wii U game so far to me. Sadly in his case, I think he can get his mario fix with NSMB2 and Super Mario 3D Land on 3DS Very Happy

sTo0z wrote:
While I enjoy my 3DS very much for Zelda, Pokemon, and a few others, I voted for the Wii-U because the new Mario simply cannot be missed. It is an amazing game.

And the Wii-U library will pick up.. someday. ;p
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 21:58    Post subject:

.... okay, that really does look incredible Very Happy
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:04    Post subject:
Pretty much.

Like I said before in another thread - It's insane to buy the PS4/XboxOne when you can get the Wii U for cheaper that has games that are worth playing NOW.

But really, the 3DS rules them all if you want the best entertainment for the $.
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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:06    Post subject:
I know Sad It's one of the few games I would really like to play on the Wii U, but I must be strong and wait!

Like cyclone said, I think I might be able to get my mario fix from the 3ds, the wii u will just have to wait for my money.

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:10    Post subject:
Wait... save money, don't be a tard. -voted, only 7% rotfl Very Happy

as for mario fix - use wii emulator, works good, finished mario, donkey kong, played x other games. costs 0$, great for quick fix,
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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:16    Post subject:
remyleblau wrote:
Wait... save money, don't be a tard. -voted, only 7% rotfl Very Happy

as for mario fix - use wii emulator, works good, finished mario, donkey kong, played x other games. costs 0$, great for quick fix,

Ya, but don't I need a wii mote and adapter for it to work. Can I use my KB+M or perhaps even my 360 controller. I know some wii games need the wiimote.

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:19    Post subject:
Or get a Wii U and play Wii games on it.

If you never owned a Wii or don't have a Wii it makes the WiiU even more valuable.
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:35    Post subject:
tw1st wrote:
remyleblau wrote:
Wait... save money, don't be a tard. -voted, only 7% rotfl Very Happy

as for mario fix - use wii emulator, works good, finished mario, donkey kong, played x other games. costs 0$, great for quick fix,

Ya, but don't I need a wii mote and adapter for it to work. Can I use my KB+M or perhaps even my 360 controller. I know some wii games need the wiimote.

nope, its actually better played with k/b or pad. at their core they are still simple platformers, in the whole mario game are maybe few moments that require to tilt controler left/right, which can be easily emulated and assigned to a button. the same goes for all those kirby games, and 3/4 wii games in general, if you wanna try some of those games its not really worth the money imo
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:44    Post subject:
I'm not really a fan of playing Wii games outside of the couch.

That being said, the Wii is only in 480p and thus games really look like shit... Even Super Mario Galaxy 2 is really pixelated, that really kills the mood.

It's really lame Wii games still look as shitty on vWii but whatever...

I guess that's what the Wii U is here for, to play Nintendo games in "HD" (although most games are in 720p).

Although, I was surprised to hear that Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros Wii U (both are not out yet) will be in native 1080p @ 60fps. I still have a hard time to believe this considering that even PS4/XBONE has issues rendering games in 1080p@60 but who knows ?

Even New Super Mario Bros U and New Super Luigi U are in 720p, and these games are really basic graphically speaking (Wii U could easily render them at 1080p IMO).

Let's wait and see...

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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Dec 2013 22:47    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 02:42; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 00:05    Post subject:
Same as you Interinactive, but I play the Wii U more these days, because......... of Super Mario 3D World. I literally stopped playing the PS4 the day I got Mario. I'm having my brother coming over here so we can coop the whole game, and it's hella fun. Trying to get every stamps and stars, so it's quite challenging and we still didn't do all the worlds because of this.

If you are trying to get every stamps/stars (which I strongly advise you to do, since it also unlocks a special world doing so), then the game length is really good. The game isn't boring either, and every level is fun. The new power ups are fun too and if you are a Mario fan, you will notice every wink at older mario games, specially Super Mario 2 on NES.

Also the soundtrack is one of the best ever in a Mario game... The music is simply that amazing.

As I said in another topic, Nintendo really nailed it this time, and there is hardly anything bad to say about this Mario. It feels fresh yet it's a Mario and thus rehashed... But that's Nintendo's magic I guess.

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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 00:21    Post subject:


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Posts: 468

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 01:02    Post subject:
The 3DS actually has a pretty kickass game library now. WiiU might get there eventually....but for playable games that you can enjoy right now, 3DS.

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Posts: 877
Location: Nuked
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 01:09    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:

Although, I was surprised to hear that Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros Wii U (both are not out yet) will be in native 1080p @ 60fps. I still have a hard time to believe this considering that even PS4/XBONE has issues rendering games in 1080p@60 but who knows.

Erm...why? Nintendo has a history of making rather simplistic games from a technical standpoint, but the art direction is top notch. To do any kind of comparison to the PS4 feels far fetched with that game library.
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 01:57    Post subject:
I'm not really comparing to PS4 only, but to older Wii U games too. Really few games are in 1080p on Wii U (only 2D games mostly).
Mario Kart 8 looks gorgeous and to imagine it's running in 1080p would be even better...

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 14:39    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
I have a Wii U, PS4 and 3DSXL

I play the 3DSXL more than the other two

Wii U has maybe 3 good games, one of them's a remake

PS4 obviously doesn't have much yet but will down the track.

So if it were a 'I need this right now' sorta thing, definitely the 3DSXL

sabin1981 wrote:

.... okay, that really does look incredible Very Happy

I know what I'm buying next Surprised

This is pretty much where I want to be with consoles/handhelds for the next few years. PS4, Wii U & a 3DS. I do not want an xbox one unless it's given to me for free or I can buy it sub $200, which we all know will never happen.

Either way, thanks for all the feedback guys, I will be picking up a 3ds next week with a few games that I can get deals on, just to satisfy my Mario craving. Wii U can wait a bit Smile

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
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Posts: 877
Location: Nuked
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 14:41    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
I'm not really comparing to PS4 only, but to older Wii U games too. Really few games are in 1080p on Wii U (only 2D games mostly).
Mario Kart 8 looks gorgeous and to imagine it's running in 1080p would be even better...

Been looking at some game play of it now and it does look nice - but still stand by my initial assessment - the graphics are nothing spectacular from a pure technical standpoint (in fact quite a few places where you have a really low poly count and anomalies) so not being able to run it at 60 FPS would be a disgrace to the WiU. The level design and art direction however really makes this game shine. End result looks good though and that is what matters. Smile
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Posts: 1212
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Dec 2013 15:19    Post subject:
Buy a deck of cards and play solitaire.

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Mon, 16th Dec 2013 16:22    Post subject:
Bought the 3ds xl from target for $150 Smile

Having a 32GB memory card (only $18 ) and screen protector shipped to me tomorrow, tis the season to be jolly Very Happy

Ended up getting zelda link between worlds, super mario 3d land, and luigis mansion. I feel like a kid again lol

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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