Guild Wars 2!
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 09:05    Post subject:
Vikerness wrote:
I own this game hard !

So proud =D

GJ Vik! Is that boss like Liadri, as in a hard solo challenge? Or is it a 5-man encounter? Haven't logged in for a while, but I was just curious. Smile

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Posts: 3589

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 09:14    Post subject:
The boss is from 5 man Arah dungeon.

Personally I've been to Arah just two times, and both times our party wiped few times on Lupicus and party disbanded Laughing Oh well, I never really liked Arah so no loss there.

GJ Vik
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 14:28    Post subject:
Meh, never been to Arah. Only farmed AC and TA so far.

I thought that was some new Living World event. Very Happy

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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 14:29    Post subject:
Vikerness wrote:
moosenoodles wrote:
lets all glitch the boss Very Happy
???? Confused
stupid troll is stupid

lol touchy git!, it looked like he was stuck on some model in the first instance.
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Posts: 748

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 16:43    Post subject:
moosenoodles wrote:
lol touchy git!, it looked like he was stuck on some model in the first instance.

Well the only "glitch" is that during the first phase (from 100% hp to 75% hp), the boss spawns locusts which you can cut down the number by pushing him next to a wall. This then makes it so that sometimes the locusts will either spawn on top or even behind the wall, meaning they can't get to you.

Other than that for the rest of the fight, there's nothing glitchy about it. Most people generally will pull the boss away from the wall after he reaches 75% health so it makes it easier to dodge behind him.
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 16:47    Post subject:
crackerbear wrote:
moosenoodles wrote:
lol touchy git!, it looked like he was stuck on some model in the first instance.

Well the only "glitch" is that during the first phase (from 100% hp to 75% hp), the boss spawns locusts which you can cut down the number by pushing him next to a wall. This then makes it so that sometimes the locusts will either spawn behind or on top of the wall, meaning they can't get to you.

Other than that for the rest of the fight, there's nothing glitchy about it. Most people generally will pull the boss away from the wall after he reaches 75% health so it makes it easier to dodge behind him.

Never even knew if it was a glitch, i just took a quick look at the vid saw the boss standing inside dome model of a tree was it? dunno.. anyhow and thought meh hes jesting about how uber he was due to the glitch ( like he was kidding as well ) so mentioned it as a glitch and he gets all waa waaaaaaa waaa waaaaa waaaaaa..... Very Happy

touchy.... never have a joke with a serious case it seems to get the blood boiling, should calm down or you can pop a few serious vessels Very Happy
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 17:07    Post subject:
crackerbear wrote:
What server do you play on?
On gandara atm because of nfohump which i left a long time ago because nobody was playing -.-
moosenoodles wrote:
touchy.... never have a joke with a serious case it seems to get the blood boiling, should calm down or you can pop a few serious vessels Very Happy
Smile was thinking 1 hour later wtf is up with my reply
But in my defense:D i've entered the instance at 4pm and finished it at 4am, took me 10+ hours (with another 10 hours failed attempt on the previous day) to learn how to kill him by myself so you can imagine the raaaaageeeeeeeee at your commmmeeeeeennntttt Very Happy sry bro

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Dec 2013 17:13    Post subject:
Vikerness wrote:
crackerbear wrote:
What server do you play on?
On gandara atm because of nfohump which i left a long time ago because nobody was playing -.-
moosenoodles wrote:
touchy.... never have a joke with a serious case it seems to get the blood boiling, should calm down or you can pop a few serious vessels Very Happy
Smile was thinking 1 hour later wtf is up with my reply
But in my defense:D i've entered the instance at 4pm and finished it at 4am, took me 10+ hours (with another 10 hours failed attempt on the previous day) to learn how to kill him by myself so you can imagine the raaaaageeeeeeeee at your commmmeeeeeennntttt Very Happy sry bro

no need to be sorry Vik, I get it all the time Neutral must have knack at picking wrong moments Very Happy

I like gw2 though, but I cant play for more than an hour tops at each time, still cant put finger on it why it dont draw me in like other mmo's can.. shame.. Thinking seriously now of giving up the account, I play less and less.
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Posts: 3589

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Dec 2013 23:38    Post subject:
nightfox wrote:
where is the cheapest place to get the game ? i missed the promotion from the official site which was 23euro now is 40 again :S

There's that promo again - 24EUR (40% off) on
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Dec 2013 00:57    Post subject:
tolanri wrote:
nightfox wrote:
where is the cheapest place to get the game ? i missed the promotion from the official site which was 23euro now is 40 again :S

There's that promo again - 24EUR (40% off) on

Might as well grab mine it will be even cheaper than that lol Very Happy
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Jan 2014 22:32    Post subject:
crackerbear wrote:
I tried soloing Lupi with my mesmer and got my ass handed to me.
You're not pro enough! Look here how pro gamers do it

Cool Face

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posts: 748

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2014 01:54    Post subject:
Vikerness wrote:
You're not pro enough! Look here how pro gamers do it

2 l33t 4 me Sad
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jan 2014 10:59    Post subject:
~2500+ hours and still 0 precursor drop. Kinda frustrating and boring. In order to make legendary you have to be super lucky or spend $$$. Cash-shop -> gems -> trade for gold -> buy stuff from market. Mad Sad
(So many users asked/posted on forum to add proper recipe for precursor. But Anet simply ignores and continues to advertise in-game cash shop).

World bosses are boring and so easy including those 3 dragons. Monthly events are joke. Dungeons are boring (they need to add 2-3 new dungeons, challenging ones)..High level fractals mobs just have higher health pool and more AR damage. Level 40 and I feel like I'm grinding for nothing.

Grenth (temple), Dwayna (Arah p4) and Lupi are somewhat challenging and fun. Rest all events are meh.

WvW - Laughing my server (Gandara) sucks so bad.

Any other MMO which is actually hard and fun?

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jan 2014 11:29    Post subject:
Tera? i dunno they all suck ass
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Posts: 2136

PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jan 2014 12:11    Post subject:
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Posts: 900

PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jan 2014 12:29    Post subject:
IamAWESOME wrote:
~2500+ hours and still 0 precursor drop. Kinda frustrating and boring. In order to make legendary you have to be super lucky or spend $$$. Cash-shop -> gems -> trade for gold -> buy stuff from market. Mad Sad
(So many users asked/posted on forum to add proper recipe for precursor. But Anet simply ignores and continues to advertise in-game cash shop).

World bosses are boring and so easy including those 3 dragons. Monthly events are joke. Dungeons are boring (they need to add 2-3 new dungeons, challenging ones)..High level fractals mobs just have higher health pool and more AR damage. Level 40 and I feel like I'm grinding for nothing.

Grenth (temple), Dwayna (Arah p4) and Lupi are somewhat challenging and fun. Rest all events are meh.

WvW - Laughing my server (Gandara) sucks so bad.

Any other MMO which is actually hard and fun?

This would not be a problem if they really made some feel of progress or anything at all to do once you hit the cap and run all the dungs that are exploitable and skippable (lawl).

They are trying and throwing all kinds of community stuff in the pot, but mostly its just fun, nothing competetive or serious, the random world bosses for guild challenges are good but they are bland and zerg like.

Problem of GW2 it is rathe made for casual/easy type of players, and the good ones only can grind at top level to get "better looks" which is fine, but it is useless, its like reward for spending time ingame but the reward is awarded after huge gap and it is not that good, yeah skins are cool and special effects are yay, but meh for me.

They wanted to fix all the problems of all mmos, so they created this hybrid that does not appeal to a lot of people.

Im still playing and in future i will play a lot, but not because it is any better than other games, rather a chillout MMO that you can play, no high expectations, no emotions, just meh :/
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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jan 2014 13:18    Post subject:
im 26 and already bored...

boar spider behe wurm blablalbal BOOOOORING.....

i honestly cant see the appeal in this game, no real PVP no dueling no proper trading(wtf?) etc

i love the way they handled questing tho.. Sucks that they made it so casualish Mad
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Posts: 12378
Location: Reino de Suecia
PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jan 2014 14:09    Post subject:
JahLux wrote:
im 26 and already bored...

boar spider behe wurm blablalbal BOOOOORING.....

i honestly cant see the appeal in this game, no real PVP no dueling no proper trading(wtf?) etc

i love the way they handled questing tho.. Sucks that they made it so casualish Mad

I felt the same way, I mustered up to level 30-something then I couldn't do it anymore. Sad

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Posts: 600

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Jan 2014 16:18    Post subject:
well i bought the game to try it hit lvl 80 and cant see the point of the endgame? whats the point of acquiring ascended gear when there isnt any real pve content, u still run the same shitty dungeons and fractals u did before?
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Tue, 21st Jan 2014 16:34    Post subject:
nightfox wrote:
well i bought the game to try it hit lvl 80 and cant see the point of the endgame? whats the point of acquiring ascended gear when there isnt any real pve content, u still run the same shitty dungeons and fractals u did before?

Sadly yes. Sad

No point in getting Ascended gear as the buff is less than 2% in-game and costs ~600-800g. Waste of gold,time and materials.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 600

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Jan 2014 16:50    Post subject:
IamAWESOME wrote:
nightfox wrote:
well i bought the game to try it hit lvl 80 and cant see the point of the endgame? whats the point of acquiring ascended gear when there isnt any real pve content, u still run the same shitty dungeons and fractals u did before?

Sadly yes. Sad

No point in getting Ascended gear as the buff is less than 2% in-game and costs ~600-800g. Waste of gold,time and materials.

i knew it , while leveling through the soulless zones i was sure that this game will turn out to be a big joke Very Happy well at least there is no monthly subscription
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Feb 2014 17:04    Post subject:
finally finished the personal story Smile

Played until the end (before the zhaitan dungeon) when game was released and like a month later quit. Well, stopped playing. Gave it another try a couple days ago and finally got a group together (well, we started 4 and did the whole thing 3-man after first bosses lol).

Zhaitan is really a let down ( the fight .. or lack thereof).

But still, nice to have that done. Of course the whole dungeon itself was an entertaining fight, especially with only 3 people instead of 5, but then i guess we were probably a "bit" over geared for it anyways (i'm wearing rare/exotics).

Oh and Lion's Arch (mainhub) has been attacked and well, destroyed. now it's open world zerg hunt for phat lewt ^^.

Still, having fun (and since i payed already for the game, just as well profit rofl).

Oh and nfohump is still alive and i'm representing ! Alltho i'm the only one it seems ^^. So epsilon, if ever you feel like giving me the guild/leadership, go ahead Smile
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14110
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 12:48    Post subject:
is there some internet profile,like Diablo 3 when you can see your characters status without you connecting to the game?

"Fuck Denuvo"

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Posts: 23010
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 12:54    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
finally finished the personal story Smile

Played until the end (before the zhaitan dungeon) when game was released and like a month later quit. Well, stopped playing. Gave it another try a couple days ago and finally got a group together (well, we started 4 and did the whole thing 3-man after first bosses lol).

Zhaitan is really a let down ( the fight .. or lack thereof).

But still, nice to have that done. Of course the whole dungeon itself was an entertaining fight, especially with only 3 people instead of 5, but then i guess we were probably a "bit" over geared for it anyways (i'm wearing rare/exotics).

Oh and Lion's Arch (mainhub) has been attacked and well, destroyed. now it's open world zerg hunt for phat lewt ^^.

Still, having fun (and since i payed already for the game, just as well profit rofl).

Oh and nfohump is still alive and i'm representing ! Alltho i'm the only one it seems ^^. So epsilon, if ever you feel like giving me the guild/leadership, go ahead Smile

Is it destroyed for everyone or do you need to either start a quest or hit max level for the change? Assuming it's part of a end game event.
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 13:01    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
finally finished the personal story Smile

Played until the end (before the zhaitan dungeon) when game was released and like a month later quit. Well, stopped playing. Gave it another try a couple days ago and finally got a group together (well, we started 4 and did the whole thing 3-man after first bosses lol).

Zhaitan is really a let down ( the fight .. or lack thereof).

But still, nice to have that done. Of course the whole dungeon itself was an entertaining fight, especially with only 3 people instead of 5, but then i guess we were probably a "bit" over geared for it anyways (i'm wearing rare/exotics).

Oh and Lion's Arch (mainhub) has been attacked and well, destroyed. now it's open world zerg hunt for phat lewt ^^.

Still, having fun (and since i payed already for the game, just as well profit rofl).

Oh and nfohump is still alive and i'm representing ! Alltho i'm the only one it seems ^^. So epsilon, if ever you feel like giving me the guild/leadership, go ahead Smile

I log in every now and then (mostly then).

Got level 80 thief and hunter so far.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 13:03    Post subject:
@Stormwolf it's a world event. It already changed again (haven't logged in since lol).
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Posts: 23010
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 13:04    Post subject:
Pretty hefty world events then! Thats a good thing!
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Posts: 3566

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 13:39    Post subject:
The world events changed the game landscape a lot but they started making the storyline for them 2 week events and I just could not keep up a grind every 2 weeks. I did log on today to see all the big changes but it is still not enough for me to come back after running through most of the stuff with like 6 different classes to lvl 80. I never even finished the story as it was always tough to find people to run the last dungeon. Maybe I will get around to it one day but it is nice to be able to come back for free if I ever feel the need to again.

The world events also mean you missed out on a lot of the storyline if you are a new player and that may put some people off.
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Posts: 4699
Location: CTU
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 14:00    Post subject:
Why is there no free trial for this. Mad
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Apr 2014 14:14    Post subject:
2500 hours in so far and i'll probably double them... Rolling Eyes
i hate them both living story and world events.. but that action based combat and gameplay is too addictive Very Happy
good time to buy the game as it just got a hefty feature pack and its a bit more balanced and fun now

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